All Chapters of BroKen: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
72 Chapters
Chapter 11
"We'll see." It took her a minute to remember what it was they were talking about and when she did she ducked her head and went back to eating. The look he gave her left no mistake as to his meaning but she'd been down that slippery slope once already and had no intention on going for another ride. Especially not with someone that looked like him; he was the poster boy for Player's R'Us. No way no how! Besides, they'd only just met a few hours ago. The man was crazy. "So tell me about yourself Kerryanne." "What do you want to know? There isn't much to tell I'm afraid." "How old are you?" "Hasn't anyone ever told you it's impolite to ask a lady her age?" "Bullshit." His answer startled her for a second. She wasn't accustomed to anyone speaking to her in such a blunt manner. She shouldn't be surprised though. After all, he wasn't like anyone she'd ever known before with his million tattoos and bad boy looks. Not to mention he rode a bike. He was probably some gang m
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Chapter 12
She was just putting her toothbrush back in its place in the rusty slot by the sink when there was a knock at the door. "Coming." She rinsed her mouth and dried her hands on the way to the door. She'd gone from no visitors to Grand Central Station overnight. She was feeling no pain this morning. Having jumped up from the table sometime after nodding off and dragging tail into the bedroom, she was sure she'd sleep until noon. But, as soon as she felt the sun across her face as it beat through the flimsy curtains at the window, she'd rolled out of bed feeling refreshed and ready to face the world. It was, to say the least, a welcomed change. She opened the door, not sure what she was gonna find, but of course, her first thought was of Paul. Only this time, there was a certain silver-eyed hottie playing around at the edges of her mind as well. Her heart knocked against her ribs at the sight of him. Her night had been filled with dreams of him, dreams that made her blush in the li
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Chapter 13
He sensed her stare and looked over his shoulder at her. She could imagine what she looked like standing there; stealing peeks at his ass while he wasn't looking. If she could use her limbs, she would've checked her chin for drool. He smirked and turned back to his unpacking, and she swallowed hard before looking hurriedly away again with her face on fire. He seemed awfully comfortable in his own skin, and she wished she had some of his confidence. Not that she ever had any. Even before the divorce, she'd been a reticent being. Choosing to stay in the background of life. Maybe that's why she'd been such a doormat for that asshole and his viper. She couldn't imagine anyone doing that to the seemingly all-powerful man in her kitchen. Even though she didn't know him that well, he had this way about him that just screamed, 'Not me, not here, not now.' She could sure use some of that chutzpah. She waited for the coffee to finish dripping and pretended she wasn't still checking out
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Chapter 14
Ms. Lucille had told him what was going on with her, about the ex-husband and the best friend. Knowing females, he figured she was still picking up the pieces and carrying a serious hate for anything with a dick. He didn't have the time or the patience for that shit. He liked the women he bedded to have a little more mileage and a lot less baggage. That usually meant they knew the score. Still, if he could bring her around to his way of thinking, he figured he could give sweet little Kerryanne the ride of her life. His dick went right along with his thoughts, and he had to adjust his package, which had already been getting jumpy since he got his first gander at her incredible tits under the flimsy top she wore. She seemed a bit gun-shy, so he figured he was going to have to treat her with kid gloves for now. He didn't intend to let that shit drag on forever, though - nothing he hated more than wasted time. The hard part was over; his interest had been engaged. So yeah, he was tak
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Chapter 15
Dammit, did the outline behind his zipper get bigger? Mercy! She all but whimpered in her throat. "Let's eat." She almost jumped out of her skin, thinking he'd caught her at it again. She'd be mortified if she were caught staring at his junk again twice in as many days. She swallowed and tried to get the sudden dryness from her mouth with not much luck. In one day, make it two; he'd turned her life upside down. Things she'd never even thought about before were now, front and center in her mind. It would be so much easier if she could really blame it on her writing, but she knew better. Her eyes landed on his zipper again when he turned to leave the room with plates in hand, and she became flushed. What the hell has gotten into you, Kerryanne? For crap sake, get a grip. She hadn't looked at anything male since high school, not even with innocent appreciation, always thinking it was somehow disrespectful to the boy she'd married. She'd been so stupidly comfortable in the life s
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Chapter 16
He exuded a kind of self-confidence that she wasn't used to. His very manner and the way he spoke, even the way he sat there at her broke down table like he was king of the roost, was something she had no experience with. They ate in silence as her mind imagined all sorts of things. For whatever reason, regardless of what he said, she found herself making constant comparisons between him and her ex. Like at the end of the meal when he took her cup and refilled it without being asked. Paul had never done that; in fact, because he was the one with the higher education and better future prospects, he'd always taken it for granted that he was the one who was to be waited on hand and foot. When she thought of it now, she could just kick her own ass. How could she have been so blind? How could she let herself be used like that by someone she trusted? And what in the hell did she expect to get from this total and complete stranger? She was even more surprised at his next offer after
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Chapter 17
He took them to a nice secluded spot near the lake that ran across the edge of town and stopped. There was no one else around this time of the morning, just them and the birds. It was still early enough that the sun wasn't at its full force as yet, but it was going to be a good one. Her legs were like jelly, and butterflies had taken flight in her tummy. And it wasn't all to do with the ride either. "If I knew we were coming here, maybe we could've brought a picnic." She said it more out of sudden panic than anything else, as it finally set in that they were out here all alone, and no one knew where she was. Not that she felt any real fear, not physically anyway. But the sudden racing of her heart coupled with the way he looked at her kind of put her on alert. "No need to be jumpy, Kerryanne; I'm not going to hurt you. I already told you that. I might steal a kiss...or two, not sure yet." He teased her as he walked away towards the water. In his mind, he was thinking that her ret
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Chapter 18
"When you're with me, you don't moon over that fuck." "Who said I was mooning?" Now her back was up. "It's all over you, sweetheart, and if you think I'm dealing with that shit, think again." Okay, so she hadn't mentioned the asshole, but still, he knew she had to still be healing from the divorce. He hated the fucking thought that the other man played any part in her life, no matter what that part might be. He'd lost his fucking mind. That was the only explanation. He hadn't brought her out here for anything more than a ride. But then she had to hold onto him like that as they rode and that damn kiss. Did she have to look so fucking sweet and desirable when he took his lips away from hers? Who the fuck looks like that after a little kiss in this day and age? Green as fuck! And she was tying him up in knots. He felt fear slither down his spine, and that only pissed him off farther. Why should he be afraid of her? He wasn't afraid of anyone, and he'd be fucked if he was gon
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Chapter 19
By the time she was done, she'd almost killed off her hero, her stomach was growling, and there was a knock at her door. She opened it expecting to find him there so she could give him a piece of her mind, but instead, she was faced with a complete stranger with a clipboard in his hand. "Kerry Lashley." He looked down at the paper in his hand. "That's me." "I've got your phone." "My what?" she started to question before she saw who else was coming to her door. "Get out of the way and let the man do his job." Kyle moved past her taking the man into the apartment with him, leaving her standing there at a loss. "What's going on?" She followed them inside. "You're getting a new phone." "I didn't...." "Didn't I tell you to shut up? I think I did. Why don't you go over there and finish doing what it was you were doing until we're done here?" He was obviously nuts, but true to form, she didn't want to make a scene, not with the technician there, so she went back to
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Chapter 20
Pat didn't have much to say after that. But from the way she was in a hurry to get back to her post, Kerry was sure there would be a few phone calls being made in the next few minutes. Her gut started to hurt a little. She wasn't sure she was ready for this...whatever this was, to make the rounds as yet. "I have no idea what you like to eat, sweetheart. I've only fed you Lasagna and breakfast." His head was down in the menu while he rubbed the fingers of one hand over her palm, which he had yet to let go of. "Soup and salad is good." "Is that what you usually eat, or is this another one of your deals?" "What deals?" "You know, where you think you can tell me what I can and cannot do for you." "That doesn't even make sense; what're you talking about?" For that, she got a look. He's good at giving out those. This one made her squirm around in her seat. "Soup and salad is the cheapest thing on the menu. Now I'm no good at this relationship shit, so work with me here.
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