All Chapters of Iron Serpent Chronicles: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
221 Chapters
Chapter 81 - Xander
I moved around the island, kneeing Atlas' wolf form out of the way so I could stand by Kiema. Setting my hand on her shoulder, I tried to relax and will my tiger out.Nothing happened. Although I hadn't really expected it to, it was still a disappointment when it didn't work.Ten/Saint smiled at me. "Think of your tiger. He will be located somewhere in your body. Typically, I've been told, spirit animals feel either like a cozy cage or like a deep pit. You've always known this was in your body, you've just never had a way to access it. When your tiger pulled from your physical form the first time, it would have felt like a void of some kind. Made you itchy or uncomfortable even if you might not have recognized it as such at the time."I knew exactly what he was talking about. And he was right, I'd felt it my entire life. It felt like sticky gossamer threads that encased my whole being."Okay. I got it.""Close your eyes."I did so. I swear I could feel my tiger looking back
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Chapter 82 - Kiema
I could feel them, but I couldn't see anyone. It felt like, if I were a big room, someone was moving furniture around inside me. I felt furniture feet scraping over my belly. The nudge of something brushing against my chest, like a tall armoire just brushing the ceiling."Saint?"No answer."Xander?"No answer.I looked around the gray monotony of my landscape. It was as boring and comforting as an old blanket. I know Ten had wanted to check my magic, but I'd thought I'd get to be part of that exploration.I tried to find the fiery thread that marked me as a Spirit user. There was nothing here but the regular gray of the healing world I usually saw.I don't know how long I hung out in this place, but after a while I saw something shift, a subtle but definite movement. It was so far away I doubted my eyes for the briefest seconds. When it happened again, I knew I wasn't making things up in my boredom.The gray around me erupted into bright, startling color. I saw the for
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Chapter 83 - Saint
I ripped Ten through whatever magic continuum we were in and landed us back in Xander's room.Ransom had Kiema's limp body cradled in his arms. The look in his dark blue eyes slayed me. I was just glad he was carrying our Kiema. If his hands had been free, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead. Or at least badly damaged."Your floor. Now." He stepped past me, his face hard, closed off."Oooo, Saint's about to catch it," Asher said as if we were back in high school and I got called to the principal's office.I pushed him as I followed after my brother and mate. I couldn't help the drop in my belly. Maybe Asher wasn't so far off the mark, because I felt like I was on my way to the principal's office.I climbed the stairs, unwilling to wait for the elevator to drop Ransom and Kiema off before coming back down to get me. Pushing through the stairwell door to my fifth-floor home, I took a deep breath. I still don't know what happened in Kiema's spiritual landscape, but I was about to catch
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Chapter 84 - Taryk
I tipped back against the wall on the opposite side of the Hold. I remembered when we'd dubbed the cell as the Hold. Good times. My government had decided I was too wicked to play with anymore. Suited me down to the fucking ground. My current prisoner was held against the floor under a net of electromagnets. He wouldn't be going anywhere. Unless I wanted him to."Hello, Juan. Imagine my delighted surprise when I came back to my place to learn that you had been beaten unconscious by the woman you yourself had beaten." A muffled groan was my reply.I leaned forward, hand cupped around my ear. "What was that? I didn't quite catch it.""'m gon kill ‘at ‘itch."His lips were so swollen his words were mangled.I tipped my head back, belly laughing until my cheeks ached. "Oh, Juan. You jokester, you. You're going to tell me exactly what I want to know, then I'll heal you. You'll be allowed to go on your merry way."He looked at me through swollen lids. The barest slit of bloods
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Chapter 85 - Atlas
"Again, you pansy-assed healer. Kiema can dance rings around you," Lukas sneered as I attempted to shift from wolf to man and back again as quickly as possible.I snarled at him, the sound carrying from human to wolf form. I leapt at him. As soon as he touched his hand to my fur, I fell to the ground, a gasping, wheezing human once more."Fucker," I said, my face smashed into the mat of the workout area in our labs."Now my feelings are hurt, mate." He nudged me with his foot.Quick as a snake, I grabbed his foot and tugged him down, wrestled him under my body. Unprepared for the physical attack, he was slow to react. I had him in a headlock before he could gasp for his next breath."What was that, Lukas? Sorry, I can't hear you." I wrenched my arm closer against his throat.A garbled noise was his only reply. He scratched frantically at my arms.I pushed the pain away like they were small annoying bugs biting at my flesh. "Bitch, that doesn't even hurt."He gurgled.
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Chapter 86 - Asher
Oh no, don't worry. You just need to feed everyone brunch. It can be whatever you have on hand, Ash. We're not nearly as picky as you are.I snorted as I scavenged my fridge and pantry. "The heathens wouldn't know a good meal if it bit them on the asses."Looks like we're having omelets, bacon, toast, fruit, and bagels.I looked up from the skillet as the elevator door opened, admitting my first diners for the day."Ki-Ki, Ransom, grab an apron if you want. You're on kitchen duty.""Damn it," Ransom said softly.I smirked when I heard him say, "oof. What? He's a demon when it comes to cooking. Let's go back upstairs and I'll eat something much better than he can serve. I promise you'll like it more, too."The sound of flesh hitting flesh had my smirk widening into a full-blown smile. "That's right, Ki-Ki. Don't let him drag you off for more ravishing. You deserve nourishment and sustenance.""Oh please, if you were into my angel the way you wanted to be, she would have
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Chapter 87 - Ransom
"What the fuck?" I asked, my arm sliding around Kiema's shoulders."I'm not sure I heard you right. I'm going to join some gods and/or goddesses who want to destroy humanity?" She leaned forward, her body almost vibrating.Ten/Saint nodded. "That is what the book seems to be saying.""Is that what Anda could have meant in the spirit landscape? About Kiema being bigger and more powerful than we knew or understood?" Xander asked, his expression pinched."And what would make me decide to join these deities?" Kiema asked before Ten/Saint could answer Xander. "Were they there when I was being beaten or tortured? When my life was nothing but a shell for my parents' use? They can go fuck themselves. I'm not helping them do anything."She sat back, arms crossed over her heaving chest.We all sat there, silent in the aftermath of her rage."Ki-Ki's out, I'm out," Asher said as he echoed her posture."I agree with Kiema and Asher. However, we still need to know what the book says
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Chapter 88 - Kiema
I looked at Asher, he shook his head, shrugged.This is another beautiful example of wishing I had one of their stupid implants."Who's your mate?" I asked Aeron.He grimaced at me, didn't answer."Ah, nighty nighttime, yeah, camper? No worries, Doctor Atlas, if you would do the honors, please?" I turned to Atlas."Damn but you're no fun," Aeron said as he pouted."Not when you endanger my mates and family. You don't want to play hard ball with me, Aeron. I promise you that," I said. I had no idea what I would do if he did want to go the hard route, but I'm sure my guys would have some excellent ideas."Our Ki-Ki's got great big platinum balls, Aeron," Asher said. He was smiling, but there was only a touch of darkness in it. No humor whatsoever.Aeron opened his mouth."Make a comment about any of their balls, I'll cut yours off and feed it to my pets," I said.He shut his mouth with a snap. Glared at me again."So you hate women, is that it? Just don't like the d
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Chapter 89 - Xander
I felt it when she disappeared. Like a string that went from her heart to mine had been cut with a sharp pair of scissors. She was gone.Pushing through the guys, I rushed through the doors between the infirmary and the small conference room."Kiema!" I yelled, even knowing she wouldn't be there.The sound of running feet and other yells began before the last syllable of her name left my mouth."Where is she? What happened?" Ransom asked as he pushed by me."Where did she go? Did someone take her?" Saint asked.Ten pushed to the surface. He grabbed me by the shoulders. "What has happened to our Mate, guardian?"I shook him off. "I don't know. I wouldn't be standing around here with a thumb up my ass if I knew where she was, now would I? Back off, Ten."Saint's eyes reappeared. "How did you know she was gone?""I don't know, man. She just was." I explained the sensation.Everyone looked at each other."Tracker. Pull it up," Taryk said.I pulled my phone from my p
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Chapter 90 - Lukas
"Aw fuuuuck meeeee." My back arched as my dick almost burst from my pants. The fastest hard on in my entire life had me panting like I was trying to put out a bonfire with my breath."Luk? You okay, man?" Aeron asked, my hand still wrapped around his lower leg."You don't feel that?" I said as I panted. It felt like someone was pouring lust down my throat, dousing my body in it.He looked at me oddly. "No, but I can see what it's doing to you. Are you going to share?" He licked his lips."Your body can't handl - " My words cut off with a hiss. Magic lips and teeth nibbled at every inch of me, simultaneously. I have to get out of here. Have to find somewhere away from people.I shook my head. Stuffing my hands in my now too tight pants so I didn't climb the man's body like it was a tree, I was almost out the doors before my body stopped listening to my commands."I can handle anything you want to dish out, mate." I could hear the hunger in his voice.Against my will, I was
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