All Chapters of You Are Mine: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
69 Chapters
Chapter 31
The next day I called in sick to work, not wanting to face anybody or deal with anything. Especially if those things and people came in the form of a giant, know it all, two-timing Master.I went back to bed and woke up a little while later to find I had not turned my phone up after getting Lizzie's text message yesterday. I opened it up to find there were seven voice mails and twice as many text messages from her ranging from: "Mia where are you?" to: "Mia if you don't fucking call me right now then I'm coming over." There were messages from Reed as well which I just deleted not even bothering to listen to them.My heart still ached something fierce and my head felt as if someone was pounding it against the walls. I dragged myself off the couch and took a cool shower before shuffling back out into the living room. I figured this was the perfect day to dig out the ice cream I had hidden in the back of my freezer and was delighted to find I still had some wine in my fridge. I grabbed th
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Chapter 32
I stared at the message a moment confused before I realized he had just texted me how much time I had left. That jump-started me into action. Racing through my shower, I was in and out in record time and was sitting drinking my coffee waiting for the phone to ring. I sat in my towel on my vastly uncomfortable kitchen chairs all the while calling myself a million times the fool for even listening to him much less obeying him. I shifted slightly in a vain attempt to find a more comfortable spot and grimaced as my damp thighs stuck to the chair. What in the world was this game he was pulling here? Didn't he realize after my blow-off yesterday that I was done with him?I blew out a breath of frustration seeing how slow time was ticking by, I checked the phone again for the fourth time and found out it been 25 minutes since he had called. At 27 minutes, just when I had lost the fight with my patience and my chairs, a knock came at the door. I jumped and let out a startled scream, then sl
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Chapter 33
I managed to walk in the front doors with only moments to spare and just in time to see a car pull up. Surprise ran through me when I saw Reed dash out of it looking just as frazzled as I was. His dark, wet, hair was pulled back in a ponytail tied off at the base of his neck leaving a damp area on the back of the dark blue suit he had changed into, the color complimented him so well that my breath caught at the sight of him. The despondency that was etched into his face made my resolve weaken and caused me to hurry inside before my feet started walking in his direction on their own accord. I briskly sat down at my desk and attempted to pull out all the paperwork I could find in a petty effort to keep him from talking to me. My eyes stayed focused on the work in front of me as I tried to act like his presence wasn't affecting me at all even as my body began to tingle in awareness. I felt him make a beeline straight to my desk and the next thing I knew two giant hands were planted on th
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Chapter 34
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my stomach started rolling as I realized this had to be the woman that I had seen Reed with. "And can I ask who's calling?" I asked, my voice shaking as badly as my hand that was gripping the desk. "No, you may not. Just patch me through now," she remarked snidely. "Yes, Ma'am." I hung up the phone having put the woman on hold and pressed the intercom to get Reed's attention. Fear and anger rolled inside my stomach and my hand was trembling so hard I could barely hold down the speaker button. "What?" his voice came whipping across the speaker. "You have a phone call, Sir," I said.I winced when I heard the meekness in my own voice and how easily I slipped back into the habit of calling him "Sir"."Take a message. I don't want to be disturbed, girl," he growled back. I cleared my throat and gathered myself up for another round of the verbal boxing match we seemed to have started. "I don't think she'd like that very much, Mr. Callagha
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Chapter 35
He lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his dark blue eyes. I wanted to laugh at his words considering there were times in the past where I had honestly felt like he was reading my mind. Instead, I felt tears rise in my eyes at the earnestness in his face, and the last of my resolve melted under the sweetness of his tone. Here was this big strong Master begging me to help him, it was something I couldn't deny him and didn't really want to. "I saw you at your club. I saw you with another woman after I had just told you how I don't share, Reed. Even worse, you two looked pretty intimate." He pulled away and then walked over to the window to look out seemingly lost in his thoughts; he crossed one arm over his chest and reached his other to rub over his face. "I see. So, that was you I saw there." "Yes, it was and the man that I was talking to told me you guys were together. How am I supposed to feel about that, Reed?" I implored. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to hold back
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Chapter 36
"I can't say I'm not hurt by all of this. But I'm stronger than you think, Reed. I wish you would have told me all of this and let me make my own choice."He grasped my hands and squeezed them as if they were his lifeline and he was a drowning man. I understood if that was how he felt at this moment because I felt the same as I looked into his eyes. "I know you are, little one. One thing I have never doubted, even when I met you three years ago, was how strong and courageous you are. It's killing me to know that I have hurt you at all," he said.His eyes caressing every section of my face as if it would be the last time that he saw me and he wanted to remember every inch of it. The ache of loss that had just started to go away came back as I realized he was intending to say goodbye to me. I pulled my hands away from his and folded them in my lap. I was afraid that if they were free, I would grab him and beg him not to leave.I stood up suddenly feeling too agitated to sit still and be
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Chapter 37
I knew as a sub I was to wait patiently for my Masters next command. But it was incredibly hard to do when every cell in my body was screaming for me to shed my clothes so I could feel his flesh against mine again.He stood and pushed his pants down giving me a spectacular view of his ass before sat on the couch in front of me again. My eyes were caught on his hard cock that jutted up from between his firm thighs and seemed to wave at me, begging for my mouth. I licked my lips as I remembered the taste of him. I was forced to jerk my gaze away when he chuckled at me."I want that too, little sub. But right now, I want you to climb onto my lap."I hastily stood up and began kicking my shoes off almost tripping a few times. Despite my uncoordinated haste, I finally manage to get my pants off. I had just started to pull off my underwear when he stopped me with a disapproving look.Of course, he was disapproving, I had put on these clothes for that exact reason. I just hadn't expected us t
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Chapter 38
After a long while, I pulled away far enough to look at his handsome face. It looked so relaxed and content that I felt pride well up in me at having been the cause of it. He briefly opened his drowsy eyes to look at me before tightening his arms indicating he was not ready for me to leave just yet. I willingly laid my head on his chest and allowed him to hold me for a while longer just soaking up the warm feel of his body pressed against, and inside me. Before I knew it, it was time to get up since I was pretty sure lunch was over and I didn't want people to start wandering in to look for us. "Reed?" I whispered as I tapped his arm lightly. No response."Reed," I said louder trying a light smack on his arm. A light snore was my reply on that one making me panic a little. "REED!" I snapped louder and shoved at him. "Huh?" he muttered finally as he drowsily opened his eyes to look around. Confusion filled his gaze until it landed on me, then it melted away instantly into a sexual
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Chapter 39
My words were meant as a joke but apparently, he didn't take it like that. With no warning, he picked me up and laid my stomach down across his desk, and with a strong jerk, he pulled my pants down again. I realized with horror he was preparing to spank me again and I began to struggle against his hold. A sharp smack against my bottom stopped me and made me squeal. "Did you just question your Master's word?" he asked deadly soft as his hand gently caressed my backside that I was sure was already turning red. "No! Reed! I don't have time for this!" I shouted and began to struggle to get off his desk. Once again there came a sharp smack on my rear causing me to cry out. "Too bad. Make time. I'll ask again-"Smack! "Did you just question your Master's word?""Ow! No! Of course not! I questioned your eyesight!" I cried.My mushy slightly crazed brain thought I could use that as an explanation. In my stupidity, I thought it would help to calm him down and make him laugh. No such luck, a
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Chapter 40
I can't count how many times that day I cursed him. Every time someone looked down at my chest and I saw a light come on in a man's eyes, I mentally called Reed every name I could think of. Lizzie did not help when she stopped by to drop off some papers for Jordan. Her eyes bugged out at the obvious sight of my nipples through my shirt. When she opened her mouth to make some smart-ass comment, but I just gave her backside a pointed look. She bit her words back and awkwardly shuffled out the door. I stifled a giggle, finding the whole situation we both were in hilariously ironic. I was never so happy as to see the clock hit home time than I was that day. I rapidly cleared my desk and grabbed my purse, then went to knock on Reed's door to make sure he didn't need anything else before I went home. I entered and noticed he was on the phone so instead of disturbing him. I made a motion that indicated I was leaving, but he waved me in. He looked almost relieved to have me in the room, but
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