All Chapters of Because I Want To: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
68 Chapters
Chapter 11
My stupid shoes wobbled, forcing me to stop just short of my car when one slipped twisting my ankle a bit. I cried out and would have hit the ground if someone hadn't caught me.When I raised my head, the blue eyes of my savior had turned to a dark midnight and were writhing with anger."Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" Trev growled."I-I have to go home. I can't stay here. I don't want to be here. I have to leave," I began to babble.Normally, I would never cry in front of anyone.Normally, I did not yell or scream or shout.Normally, I was the picture of tranquility and grace as my mother had brought me up as.Right now, however, that image broke. I needed to scream, cry and break something all at once. The radical emotions welled up in me until I began to fight against the bonds that held me. I did not realize those bonds were Trev's arms until he snapped."Stop! You are going to hurt yourself!"As if the bubble around me popped, I broke. Hot tears of helplessness burs
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Chapter 12
His blunt, dirty words slammed into me like a two-ton brick. My body flushed as the images his words provoked began running through my head. His hand wrapped around his shaft as he imagined tying me to his bed and teasing me, tormenting me, driving me crazy until I pleaded with him to finally take me. I could not figure out which had me hotter, the knowledge that he had pleasured himself or his desire to top me. Either way, I was on fire with the need to drop to my knees and beg him to take me.A firm hand grasped the back of my head and his scorching lips descended on mine. Lost in the fantasy world of his creation, I did not even think to deny him.At the first touch of his firm demanding lips, I opened to him and gave him everything he asked. Desire shot through me in time with his heated strokes and I moaned gently, unintelligibly begging for more.Yeah, you really did well resisting him, didn't ya? A catty voice mocked me in my head.Shut up! I snapped back at it.Needing to feel
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Chapter 13
I slid out angrily then had to adjust my dress since the bottom had rolled up a bit. Then the blasted top pulled down while I was trying to fix the bottom. By the time I finished messing with everything, Trev was around the car and standing next to me."Good?" he asked with a smirk.I blew my hair out of my eyes and gave him a withering look that I hoped would wipe that grin off his face. Unfortunately, it just made Trev's smile grow wider as if he was enjoying all the frustration that he was causing me."Yes," was all I answered back.He chuckled. "That's too bad, I was really enjoying the show."He gave a wink that had me blushing once again even as I attempted a face-melting glare. He threw his head back and let out a laugh designed to weaken a woman's knees and I was not immune to it. I was grateful when he wrapped an arm around my waist because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to walk to the house on my own.We stopped on the porch, and he waved a hand at the crooked, peele
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Chapter 14
I waited for a heartbeat to make sure Trev didn't come bursting back in, then set a speed record for washing myself off and jumping out of the shower. As I was drying off, I took a second to look over what Trev had brought me to wear tonight."That's it?" I whined as I held up the t-shirt.I glanced around, hoping there was something else to go with it, but the search was futile. Sighing in aggravation, I put the shirt on and pulled it as far down over my underwear as I could. It hit mid-thigh, but at least my bottom was covered. The one thing I was really pissed about was the fact that I had not put a bra on because the dress was too tight for me to wear one. Looking around, I began to plan out my bathroom sanctuary including a nice cozy place to sleep."Oh, come on Vie, you're being ridiculous," I chastised myself. "Considering the fact, he was just in here while you were showering, I'm pretty sure he got a good peak."I took a deep breath and braced myself for whatever was going to
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Chapter 15
I grumbled a bit but went and sat down."I'm sorry, what was that?" he said with an eyebrow raised and a cautionary tone."Nothing," I replied quietly before grabbing my pizza up once again."Oh, I see. So instead of crying, my beautiful lady is snapping at me.""I'm not beautiful," I did snap this time.The room got dead silent. Even the crickets outside refused to chirp for fear of what was to come."Excuse me, what was that again?" he said in a deceptively soft tone."I said, I'm not beautiful so please stop saying that. You don't have to give me false flattery," I repeated honestly."False flattery?" he parroted in the same tone that was making me nervous."Yes, false flattery. I know what I look like, I have a mirror. I'm not ugly but I'm not gorgeous either. I am what would be considered average. I have average brown hair, average brown eyes, and an average build. I am the normal boring… average. So as much as some women appreciate your flattery, I appreciate honesty."His hand c
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Chapter 16
Annoying music woke me from a very deep sleep, and I reached my hand over to shut off the alarm on my phone before I realize it wasn't there.I shot straight up in bed and became even more disoriented when nothing looked like my bedroom. The sharp stinging pain in my cheek brought last night's events back to me. Bethany being held by those guys, wanting her uncle's money back, the knife on my face. I hissed a painfilled breath and gently touched my cheek. I knew the cut was just a thin line, but it really felt as if he took a huge chunk out of my cheek. I scrambled to shut off the still jingling phone; spitting out curses when my feet kept stumbling across the floor to where my purse sat. Ugh, was it really already time to get up? I opened my phone to call Bethany and tell her there was no way I was going to be coming in today, only to find a message from her saying she was closing shop for a few days. I just knew that over the next few months, I would be looking over my shoulder an
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Chapter 17
Tentatively, I reached out with my own tongue dying to taste more of him. When ours met, he began rubbing and teasing it gently making my body ache to feel that tongue on other parts of it. My nipple stood at attention, and I felt moisture pooling between my legs. Trev rubbed his hard erection against me with a sensual groan. I pressed back desperate to get some relief from the tingling that had settled itself right on my clit and was demanding attention.The rising passion caused bells to go off in my head. That was until he pulled back with a dark curse spitting out of his mouth before reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone."What?!" Trev growled his voice still husky and breathless.I pressed my hand to my sore lips that still felt as if they were buzzing from the burning kiss. I had to concentrate hard to get my heart rate and my breathing under control. Once my mind cleared, I found myself hurrying on wobbly legs out of the room without a backward glance. I skid into the
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Chapter 18
'Much later' actually didn't happen that night. Trev left early that morning after informing me that I was not to leave the house, period. I would have argued with him, but he gave me one last kiss that wiped all thought of argument out of my brain. He didn't come back until well after I was asleep. The only reason why I had known he had come home that night was that I had fallen asleep on the couch and woke up in bed.I buried my head in his pillow, breathing in his scent. I tried and failed to ignore the tightening in my chest that had accompanied his absence all day yesterday and was still plaguing me. There was a gentle knock on the door, and my heart expanded then jumped as Trev's voice came through it."Vie? Sweetheart, you awake?""Yeah," I said breathlessly.Trev popped in with a cup of coffee made up just how I liked it and a bag thrown over his back."I knew you were an early riser. I brought you some coffee and here." Trev dropped the bag next to the bed. "I stopped by your
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Chapter 19
After the hundredth time, Trev's eyes were glued to my chest with that heated look in his eyes, I knew that my hopes for discretion went out the window. Unfortunately, this final time we were on our way over to the barbeque I let him talk me into going."For God's sake, Trev," I spat out angrily as I crossed my arms over my chest."I'm sorry, sweetheart," he apologized even though he didn't sound very sorry."Yeah, right. How am I supposed to 'relax and have a good time' if I'm worried every person there will be staring at my chest?" I groaned."It's not really that visible," he tried to reassure me."Then why do you keep staring?"He gave me a mischievous smile and a wink but never actually answered the question.The barbecue was a blast once I began to relax. It was loud, crazy, and chaotic. Far different from my normal, quiet, orderly world. There were so many people that just popped up and introduced themselves to us that I began to lose track of names. The men pulled Trev into a
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Chapter 20
What was happening to me? I normally had such great control. Yet right now I felt achy, needy. I wanted to throw myself at his feet and beg him to tease me, take me, and dominate me."I guess I better get going," he repeated and started heading towards the store.The panic I had felt earlier came back to me. If Trev left, would the dream come back? I found myself reaching for him. "No, please! Can you just… stay here with me? Maybe, sleep on the floor.""Honey, if I stay here with you. I am not sleeping on the floor," Trev warned with a heated look.Looking down, I saw that my nightgown had shoved up around my hips and the bedspread was tossed off to the side. I must have been struggling hard during my sleep. I should have been mortified, but I found his eyes on me heated my simmering blood almost to the boiling point. Swallowing hard, I made a split-second decision and threw caution to the wind. Whether or not I would regret it tomorrow was another story, but I'd deal with it tomorrow
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