Semua Bab They Are Mine: Bab 61 - Bab 70
79 Bab
Chapter 61
It was an awkward stumble instead of a nice easy descent. Several people jumped to their feet to head me off, making me try to get to the bottom of the steps before they stopped me. Success plastered a wide grin on my face as I stared around at a half-circle of incredibly angry Dom's that suddenly surrounded me."What the hell do you think you are doing?" Trev demanded. I ignored his question to address Reed quickly. "You are looking in the wrong place. They aren't in town anymore." I insisted. My words drew the whole room to a pause. "What do you mean?" Reed asked. "Right before that asshole knocked me out his buddy said they had to get to the airfield before it got dark," I informed him. "Did they happen to say where they were going?" Reed questioned. My face fell slightly, and I shook my head. Trev put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me. "We'll find them," Trev swore. Reed echoed Trev's sentiment as he pulled his cell out of his pocket and dialing a number before he
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Chapter 62
Hiding behind a ridiculously large bush was not my idea of a good time. I whined silently to myself for the millionth time as I tried to readjust myself as stealthily as possible. When the branch broke under my heel, I was forced to still once again or draw unwanted attention to myself. I resigned myself to the fact the damn stick was going to become a permanent addition to my backside. It was sheer luck that I managed to shamble through the house without them knowing. Now I was waiting for someone to decide when they were leaving. I could still faintly hear their voices coming from inside the house, but I could not make out what they were saying exactly.I looked over at the rigs wondering if I could get lucky and pick the right one purely by chance. The decision was made for me when the voices grew closer and easier to discern. I knew that they were getting ready to leave now. In a split-second choice, I bolted from my spot to the other side of Reed's car. Then snuck into the backs
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Chapter 63
"Okay, Sir," Mia whispered, obviously still reeling from the kiss.Mia and I watched as Reed took the stairs, and opened the door then cautiously proceeded into the house. As soon as he was out of sight, it was like the wolves descended on me. Mia swung around in the seat and smacked me on the back of the head. "Ow!!" I cried. "Are you insane? What the hell are you doing here?" she cried smacking me again. "Ow! Damn it! Stop!" I cried. "Crazy! Crazy, girl!" Mia screeched, punctuating each word with a smack. "Stop! Do you want me to answer the question, or do you want to continue smacking me?" I yelled. It took me a moment to realize she had stopped hitting me. I cautiously dropped my arms from around my head and peeked up at her. She gave me a stern look designed to melt my resistance and probably send me back home. Her hand was poised to continue her assault on me if my answers did not meet her expectations. "Are you willing to hear what I have to say now?" I asked her.She nod
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Chapter 64
At some point on the ride to the airstrip, the lack of sleep finally caught up with me and along with the pain coming back in full force. I ended up passing out so hard that I did not even wake when they moved me inside the plane I awoke with a jarring thud, almost falling out of my hiding spot. I was just conscious enough to keep myself in my spot, but just barely. Gasping, I struggled to get my breathing under control before someone heard it.The plane had barely come to a stop before I heard everyone shuffling out. It only took me a moment to realize that the pilot had no intention of waiting around for them. It was now or never. I jumped up from my hiding spot and raced to the door of the plane and hopped out. I almost hit the ground as the pain shot up my foot, but I forced myself to breathe through it not wanting to be caught on the ground."Hey!" the pilot shouted as I stumbled forward. All the men turned in unison, and the look on their faces went from surprise to anger faster
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Chapter 65
"Why, whatever do you mean?" sneered Trev sarcastically."I mean, I can't understand why you are treating me like this. I feel like I have personally insulted you. I understand you are angry at me for not listening and sneaking around. But I can't understand why you are still holding a grudge against me. All the other men have forgiven me by this point, and they understand why I'm here. But why are you treating me like garbage?" I confronted him.Trev stared at me for a moment. A torrent of emotions crossed his face so fast that it was hard for me to distinguish between one and the other."I told you, you needed to stay home. You are still injured, and this is no place for you-""You mean this is no place for woman," I spat out."Don't make this a battle of the sexes," he chastised me."I am not the one making this a battle. You are the one who can't seem to see that I can handle myself." I pointed out."I said this is no place for you. Look at you, you are tiny. How can you possibly t
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Chapter 66
The guy gave me an appreciative whistle back as well as some very vulgar remarks about what his plans for me were. With what I hoped looked like an excited wave, I hastily walked through the courtyard and up to the front door, where another set of big bulking guys opened it for me. I threw them each a flirtatious glance but didn't wait around to see if they wanted to take me up on the offer. Instead, I focused on the scrawny geek-looking man standing in the hallway. It was Roy, and he licked his lips with anticipation as he stared me up and down."Well, you are much prettier than the ones they usually send me," Roy said in a giddy tone.I put my hands on my hips and flicked the clown red hair over my shoulder. "Well, after being such a nice customer they decided you needed a good boy reward."He put his arm around my waist and cupped my backside. "You can tell your boss that I just found my new favorite toy."I looked away from him to keep him from seeing the look of disgust made and
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Chapter 67
I underestimated his speed, or maybe it was his anger that I took for granted. Suddenly, I was smashed hard against his unforgiving chest and his mouth slammed down on mine fiercely. The impact took my breath away, and his arms wound around my body tightly pinning, my limbs against my side. A moment of fear was quickly replaced by the delicious sensation of his body against mine. It had only been a day since I had been close to him, but it had felt like an eternity. My heart began to pound ferociously in my chest. My nipples immediately tightened, begging silently for the same wild attention he was giving my lips. He pulled away, leaving my lips feeling bruised and branded by his. Then he pushed me into the waiting arms of Alyssa, who was gentler, but no less intense. I melted into her embrace like butter in the microwave, knowing there was no longer any way I could deny who I belonged to. My body was theirs; my soul was theirs, and my heart had long since belong to them. Alyssa pull
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Chapter 68
Who the hell were Ryan and Monica? I thought confused. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Ryan and Monica were Kevin and Alyssa. Or at least they used to be before they went into witness protection and changed their name. It was a surreal moment, almost as if this were all happening to someone else instead of me. "Leaving so soon?" he asked, breaking me out of my shocked reverie.I pinched the back of Kevin's arm and motioned for him to put me down since I had a bad feeling that he was going to need both his arms. Kevin let me go without a fight but struck up a position right in front of me and slightly in front of Alyssa. I fully expected Alyssa to argue about that, but she let it happen without a word of complaint and kept her eyes on the Dontego as he sauntered down the stairs.In the quiet stare down, it was hard not to scream, "get it over with." But it looked as if both parties were quite content to allow the strained silence to continue. From my position, I looked around th
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Chapter 69
"How the hell did you get here?" Roy demanded."Well, you took my friends. I wasn't going to let that stand," I said in a soft voice. Slowly, I stood up, hoping that he was too shocked to do anything but keep his eyes on me."Oh? And you think you're the person to 'save' them?" he asked with an evil high-pitched laugh that almost made his broken glasses slide off his nose."Don't forget, I owe you something," I purred seductively.Running one hand down my body, I ensured his gaze was on me instead of the person sneaking up behind him. "What's that?" he asked panting."This," I said with a smile just as Kevin slammed the barrel of his gun into the side of Roy's head.I watched with glee as Roy's eyes rolling up into his head and he flopped to the ground with a graceless thud. "Asshole," I sneered down at him. "What the fuck, Bethany?! Trev told you to stay in the car, and you disobeyed him! Do you have a problem taking orders? I thought you promised to listen to them?! I think we re
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Chapter 70
Kevin's guarded eyes met mine, and I was sure that I saw a fleeting bit of hurt pass through them."Yes, we are leaving for a while to tie up some loose ends," he said simply. His words did not give me much information. But that was probably how he intended for them to do."When will you both be back?" I asked, my head twisting back and forth between the two. Alyssa's eyes were just as guarded as Kevin's. I had hurt them both with my inability to vocalize my emotions, even though the words were right there. Despite how badly I wanted to, I just could not finish it. I have never said the words to anyone I was intimate with, much less any Master or Mistress I had ever been with. However, none of that matter since I was still obviously holding a piece of myself back. "We're not sure. Not for a few months at the very least," Alyssa answered as she walked out the door without another word. "Come downstairs when you are ready for some breakfast," Kevin told me before then followed his wi
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