All Chapters of Love and Harmony: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
158 Chapters
Chapter 141: A Pretty Woman Moment
Wil Harris is still in Chicago after the big benefit at his old high school. Later he showed up at the apartment of Rachel Davis. We aren't sure who she is or how she attracted his attention, but they're both on our radar now. "Thanks for keeping me posted." Wil hung up the phone, happy Rachel was safe but wishing he could do more."Everything okay?""Oh, hey, Mom.""Don't, 'hey, Mom' me. I know you, Wil, and something's going on with you. I don't like to pry in you kids' business, but it hurts when I see you guys going through something tough."His mom crossed the room and pulled him into a hug. He didn't realize until that moment how much he needed it. "I messed up," he admitted."Why don't you come over here and tell me about it. I'm sure we can figure out a way to fix it."He grimaced. "Not sure anything can at this point.""When have you ever been the kind of person to give up when things got hard? You and Nate left and showed up in LA with nothing to your name, and at that poi
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Chapter 142: Or What
Rachel Davis was spotted out with Wil Harris's bodyguard. We're not sure what that means, but we're happy to speculate. The pair hasn't been seen together in public since the night of the benefit, but we're wondering if the last member of Innominate is off the market. Guess only time will tell. Rachel looked through the job listings again. Nothing stood out to her. She loved her job at the bookstore and having to find something different didn't feel right. The last thing she wanted to do was take a job at a fast-food chain or be a hostess at a high-end restaurant. Would Joel even give her a good reference? He fired her after all.It didn't matter what he'd say about her. She didn't have the luxury to wait around for a job to fall in her lap. Rent was coming due, and while she saved every bit she could, it only stretched so far. "Hey, girl, how was your day?" Paige called as she came through the door."The same," she hollered back. "Contemplating joining a convent." "Not funny. I he
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Chapter 143: Anything You Want
The patrons of Pippin's were in for a shock when they all witnessed Wil Harris get down on one knee. "We thought he was going to ask her to marry him," one woman said. "The way he was looking at her, I hope someday my daughter finds a man who looks at her like that." In the end we confirmed he didn't pop the question, but it leaves us wondering if or when it might be coming. Wil watched as Rachel and her roommate came into Pippin's. He didn't take Rachel for the kind of woman who'd eat at a place like this, but other matters were much more pressing, like what the hell she was wearing.The gold mini dress made her legs look long and toned, and Wil wanted nothing more than to walk over there, pick her up and wrap them around his waist. He was losing his damn mind. Rachel wanted nothing to do with him, much less a relationship.Thankful for the out-of-the-way table, Wil could watch as the girls ate and drank. Every now and then, Rachel would throw her head back and laugh, and it made hi
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Chapter 144: Friends
Rules for Online Dating: Don't bite off more than you can chew. Rachel downed her drink, letting the smooth liquid slide down her throat. It wasn't enough, and she thanked her lucky stars the server arrived with another before she even asked. Maybe being a famous singer had its perks after all.Once the second arrived, she took a small sip, thankful for the warmth and courage it was giving her. It hadn't escaped her that Wil hadn't said a word the whole time since she'd asked him to wait. He was giving her the time she needed to collect herself. Damn the man for being so thoughtful. If he'd been an asshole or pushed her, she could at least hate him a little.That was a lie, too. She realized the day he showed up at her door she had a place deep inside that wanted to forgive him and see where things went. He was Wil Harris, though. No way he'd be interested in her. He might think he liked her, but eventually someone else would come along who was prettier and with less baggage. And tha
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Chapter 145: You Didn't Have To
Just days after Wil Harris is spotted at a restaurant in Chicago with a new woman, he boards a plane with none other than Kelly Mattis. Kelly and Austin worked together last year, leaving fans craving more, but looks like she's making music with Wil Harris. That has us wondering if they really do keep it all in the band. It'd been a week since Wil had sat with Rachel at an upscale restaurant in Chicago and they'd promised to try and be friends again. Seven days since he'd walked her to the door of her apartment, watched as she made a face like she wanted him to kiss her, but instead of going for it like he wanted to, left her with a kiss to the forehead. One hundred and sixty-eight hours had passed, and Rachel still hadn't told him if she wanted to give up her life in Chicago and move to LA with him.To be fair, it was a big decision, not one that should be made in such a short amount of time, but damnit, he was getting impatient. Sure, it made him sound like a creeper, and for that
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Chapter 146: I Like The Way You Think
Rules for Online Dating: Define the Relationship. Rachel looked down at her phone again, hating the feelings it gave her.Wil: Because you matter.She hadn't responded to his text because she wasn't sure what to say. She'd been so certain cutting Wil from her life was the right thing to do. Except ever since their conversation at Pippin's things weren't so clear anymore. She understood why he might do what he had. Being famous couldn't be easy. A simple trip caused an uproar on who he might or might not be dating. If reporters thought he and Kelly Mattis were dating, maybe they'd leave her alone.She put down the phone and walked over to the window, cracking the blinds. What she saw had her jaw dropping. The reporters had all but vanished before, but they were back. Randall stood in the middle of the street trying to keep them away, but it didn't seem to be working.All of a sudden, a car pulled up and stopped right in the thick of things, making everyone scatter. Rachel thought it
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Chapter 147: It's Not Your Life
The boys of Innominate are back together again after their tour. No news on whether or not they're in the studio or making plans for a new album, but the fans agree they need more from the boys. "Knock, knock," Wil called as he made his way into Austin and Shelby's house."You're good," his bandmate called out, letting Wil know it was safe to enter.He loved his friend's house. Austin had bought the property when a tornado swept through his hometown. He'd come back to help his family, and they'd wasted no time making it their own."Don't think I'm making you breakfast," Austin said as he ventured over to the coffee pot, looking like he'd just rolled out of bed. "And my wife is at work already, so you're out of luck on that front too.""I can get my own coffee, thank you very much.""Just wanted to lay it out there, so the expectations were clear. Everything okay out there?""Always.""Hope we didn't keep you up last night. I soundproofed the place, but I can tell you it doesn't alwa
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Chapter 148: Can I Help You?
@EllieChelle: @TheWilHarris say it isn't so! You were the Mr. to my Mrs. #SadDay #MyFutureMrNoMore #Crying Paige eyed Rachel as she came out of her room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. "We're going to one of the hottest nightclubs in the city, and you look like you're going for a walk in the park."Rachel looked down at herself. "I'm not going there to impress anyone. In fact, the less time I spend in the place, the better.""Correction, you're not going to pick up a guy, but you are going to talk to his family. That's a big deal."Rachel's stomach churned. She hadn't been nervous until Paige put it that way. However, this was who she was. "You ready?"Her roommate did a little dance, laughing and spinning around as she said, "I was born ready. Let's go get your man."As they left the building, Tito was there, still watching over the door. The reporters had all but vanished again, leaving them alone, but Rachel wasn't stupid enough to think they'd left for good. "I didn't realize we
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Chapter 149: You Snooze You Loose
We at Teen Scream polled our readers to find out which member of Innominate you'd like to take home to Mom and Dad. You have spoken. Sixty-two percent of you said Wil Harris is meeting your folks. There's something about the quietest member of the group that fans love. So, are you taking Wil home or is another boy meeting your fam? Home not so sweet home. Wil resented his place in LA more and more. With everyone gone, the longer he stayed, the worse it seemed. Unlike his bandmates, he didn't have another place to call home, though. So the condo would have to do.Wil was also antsy because Rachel hadn't contacted him in a couple of weeks. He'd caved the day before and sent her a message, but it sat still unread. He needed a new plan. Finding Rachel a job hadn't been Pretty Woman enough, apparently. Wil would have to up his game. The ringing phone brought him out of the daze he found himself in at the moment. He'd been doing that more since everything had gone down with Rachel.Nerves
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Chapter 150: Here I Was Going To Pretty Woman You
Rules for Online Dating: Know What You Want. Rachel wondered what was going through Wil's head. He hadn't said a word to her since he'd opened the door. Now his dog, who'd been a champ on the trip, was licking him all over, excited to see him."Who's there?" Wil asked. Rachel forgot she'd started the joke."Theodore."His brows knitted together. "Theodore who?""Theodore wasn't open so I knocked."Wil's mouth tipped up in a grin. "How'd you get here?""Figured that was pretty obvious. I mean, I guess unless you're asking if I drove or not, then the answer is no. I don't even own a car. After getting here from the airport, I see that might be an issue. But since I have no driver's license..." She was rambling, but with Wil staring at her, she wasn't sure what else to do."Hey, my man. Good to see you again. I didn't realize you were back in town. Oh, cute dog."The pair of them turned to look at the guy who'd joined them."Dereck," Wil said, holding out a fist for a bump. "What's up?
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