All Chapters of Aegis Group: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
490 Chapters
Chapter 341: Thursday. Nour Delivery Service, Damascus, Syria.
VARA GRIPPED THE WHEEL, grateful for these moments alone. She'd always known an end was coming. She wasn't going to live in Syria. This wasn't her home. But she hadn't been prepared to leave. There were people who depended on her routes for medicine and goods at a fair price.Where would they get what they needed from now on?What about the women Vara helped? The ones she got to safety? Who would help them?Wyatt's betrayal hurt, but not as bad as she'd expected it might. Deep down she'd always known she could never fully trust the men she employed. Today only proved that her gut was right."Fuck, fuck, fuck," she muttered under her breath.Her men.She needed to call her other team still in Lebanon.Vara pulled out the phone she'd slipped from their captive before Alec had booted him out the truck. She dialed the number by memory and pressed it to her ear.It rang several times."Hello?" a man answered."It's Vara." Her voice was cold. She had to be."Hey, boss lady." The m
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Chapter 342: Thursday. Regional Airport, northern Lebanon.
VARA HOBBLED OFF THE plane, the bag with Djinn's package clutched to her chest. Vara's limbs and muscles protested the movement after being tensed for so long as she held on for dear life. That flight would go down in history as one of the worst she could remember.Alec was already at the passenger seat, helping Jules stretch her legs. If Vara was in bad shape Jules had to be in agony.A hand grasped Vara's sleeve.She turned toward the woman she'd only known as Djinn.The woman was so petite she swam in her clothes. Her hijab framed her face in a way that she seemed to be all eyes and frowns. But that appearance hid a sharp intellect and when she opened her mouth Vara knew Djinn wasn't Syrian born even if that was her heritage. Djinn was American."Hey," Vara said. Was she finally speaking to her?"You got it out?" Djinn stared at the bag clutched to Vara's side."Yes. It's safe." Vara patted the bag."Good. Their reach is farther than I realized. If you have to, destroy it. D
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Chapter 343: Thursday. Regional Airport, northern Lebanon.
They continued their circuit of the grounds. Vara found herself drifting away from him then toward him as her insides warred.So what if he'd been her first love? That didn't mean he'd be the only man she cared for. She was still young and had never truly given a man besides him a chance at winning her heart."Vara? Hey, will you stop a second?" Alec paused on the north side of the hangar where the wind wasn't as harsh."Hm?""When this is over do you think we could talk?""There isn't anything to talk about." The surge of panic was completely uncalled for, but there it was."I think there is." Alec took a step closer to her. "You kissed me back.""Heat of the moment. Adrenaline. Don't make it out to be anything other than what it was." Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth and sweat broke out along her spine and brow. Yeah she could taste the lie."Is that what you want it to be?" Alec stopped so close she thought she could smell the spices from their food on him."If it'
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Chapter 344: Thursday. Nour Delivery Service, Damascus, Syria.
KOLYA SOKOLOV BELIEVED IN handling problems with a personal touch. He hadn't climbed his way to the top of the food chain by allowing others to carry out his commands while he sat behind a desk.The car came to a stop in the yard for Nour Delivery Service. Ivan, one of Kolya's more trusted enforcers, stepped forward and opened the car door for Kolya. He set his feet on the gravel and stood, breathing in the smell of dirt, grease and blood."How many do we have?" Kolya asked."Three dozen are inside, plus the team we told you about. We had to kill fifteen before they stopped fighting," Ivan said."Take me to them."Kolya's man nodded then gestured toward a distant door. Kolya followed, glancing over the trucks and facilities. Rafat Nour was a dinosaur. His way of business was dying out. Kolya had extended an offer to work together. With Rafat's infrastructure and Kolya's resources they could be the true power here, but Rafat wasn't a team player. Kolya understood. Neither was he.
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Chapter 345: Friday. Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon.
ALEC DIDN'T DRAW AN easy breath until they made it to the hotel in Beirut. Even then he was a little apprehensive about their presence. Aegis Group's policy was to avoided the country whenever possible ever since they'd lost a man here in one shitty situation. It had put them at odds with many government officials. The sooner Alec and Vara got Jules out of here, the better."Is this necessary?" Vara sighed."He knows what he's doing," Jules said.Alec continued his careful search of Jules' hotel room. He felt under the bed, opened every drawer, examined the fixtures and windows. Only when he was satisfied did he glance at the two women."Being careful saves lives. You're good, Jules. Want a hand with anything?" Alec pushed to his feet."Close those curtains? I want to lie down." The weariness was back in Jules' voice."Don't you want a shower first?" Vara asked."Yes, but these old bones need to lie flat and rest. I'll shower before we leave.""I'll leave you ladies to it." Ale
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Chapter 346: Friday. Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon.
Adult Vara was going to be a hell of a lot of fun. He watched her step into the tub and pull the curtain back. Only then did the ability to breathe return to him. He sucked down the humid air, more focused than ever on his goals. On Vara and what they could be if she'd give them a second chance.Alec shucked the rest of his clothes in record time. He pulled the curtain back just enough to step in. Vara stood facing him, her face tipped up to the shower head. Her dark hair was slicked to her shoulders and chest like some kind of silky cape. Her nipples poked through the tendrils, dusky brown discs against her olive skin.God damn she was beautiful.And he wasn't going to pounce on her. Not yet.He grabbed the tiny bottle of hotel soap and squirted most of it in his hands while she watched."Going to scrub my back?" she asked."Yup." And the rest of her.She pivoted, and he slicked the soap over her skin then down her arms. She leaned back against him and he stroked her stomach th
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Chapter 347: Saturday. Cairo International Airport, Egypt.
VARA CLOSED HER EYES as the pilot announced their preparations for landing.The last twenty-four hours were a dream. A sweet respite from reality.Deep down she knew that she should have never allowed Alec to tempt her. It wasn't as if she'd resisted him all that hard. She'd thought she had more pride than she did.Boy was she wrong.Alec's hand closed over hers and he squeezed.This was almost over.If things went remotely according to plan, they'd join his team in Cairo and fly back to the states tomorrow. She doubted things would be quite that clear cut, but in short order she would be back in the states with little clue as to what she should do after turning over the intel to the CIA."Relax," Alec muttered."I am relaxed." She sighed at the sound of her lie."Whatever you say."She turned her hand over and let him thread their fingers together.Jules was one seat in front of them sitting with a throne of pillows making the ride more comfortable. True to her word, she'd
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Chapter 348: Friday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.
ALEC STARED INTO THE camera, willing Joe Neilson to remain calm. Panicking in this situation would accomplish nothing."Your sister is safe and in CIA custody. That's all we know," Alec said."You told me she could be home by now." Joe's voice was clear, even, until the last word. His voice broke and ten years worth of anguish over his missing sister fractured it."Could be," Alec reminded him. "Our estimate was that it would take two to seven days to bring her home. She's in US custody. She's almost home. The CIA won't allow her to be taken again."The rest of Alec's team sat around the long table, not saying a word. Things had happened fast since the airport and were still racing out of control."Joe?" Ryan leaned forward and Joe's attention shifted off Alec. "What matters now is that Jules is safe in America custody."The two men stared at each other, some invisible communication passing between them. After the events that had gone down in Seattle, the Senator and Ryan had a s
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Chapter 349: Friday. Aegis Group Headquarters, Cairo, Egypt.
"Vara?" Alec calld out."In here." Vara's voice echoed off the tile coming from the bathroom.He circled the bed to the bathroom. When they didn't have guests, the guys fought over who got to use it. Between the shower that could host a party and the two person soaker tub, it was lavish living. Vara lay with only her head poking out of the bubble bath. Her hair was wet and draped over the side, dripping onto a towel. She continued to stare at the bubbles, not looking at him. Whatever had happened at the airport must have been bad. It wasn't his place to pry or ask questions. His security clearance probably wasn't high enough, but damn it. She was upset, and he wanted to fix it."What's wrong?" He eased himself to the floor with his back to the wall and faced her.She didn't answer much less acknowledge that he'd spoken. Her eyes were empty and wherever her mind was, it wasn't here."What happened at the airport?" He dipped his hand below the water and found her ankle, satisfying
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Chapter 350: Sunday. Miami, Florida.
VARA HAD FORGOTTEN HOW draining flights across the ocean could be. With layovers, it had taken them a full day and then some to reach Atlanta where they said goodbye to the rest of Alec's team. No one had commented on their plans to depart for Miami on their own. It was simply accepted."Did we ever hear about the rest of my team? If they got to the states?" Vara turned her head toward Alec."Uh, I don't think anyone mentioned them, so I assumed no news was good news. Want me to find out?""Yes, please?" It would allow her to relax some knowing those three were safe."Let's call my boss." Alec pulled out his phone and jabbed the screen.The line rang through the rental car's speakers. He'd splurged on a convertible and she couldn't pretend it didn't make her happy."Who is dying?" a dry male voice asked."Zain, you're on speaker with me and Vara." Alec chuckled."Sorry, Ms. Price." Zain's tone went all business. "Has something happened?""No, Vara was just curious if you knew
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