All Chapters of The Love Barn: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
167 Chapters
Chapter 21: Cole
Cole GLARED AT Garth blocking his path. Scarlett had already darted out of view in the growing warren of vehicles lined up for the game."Stay away from my sister," Garth said."Or what?" Cole crossed his arms over his chest, unimpressed with the bully before him."Hey." Benji hooked his arm around his older brother's neck, catching the man by surprise. "What's going on over here?"Benji's smile was too sharp, his hold on his brother too tight. How much of the exchange had he seen?"Get off of me." Garth pushed his brother away. His face was twisted into a scowl."You sitting with us?" Benji's focus remained on Garth, the hostile vibe intensifying."No." Garth gave Cole another glance. His stay away message telegraphed without words. He turned and stalked away.For a moment both Benji and Cole watched him until the crowed swallowed Garth."Is he always an asshole?" Cole asked."No. I mean, he's overprotective and a stick in the mud, but this is all new. Something's
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Chapter 22: Cole
Cole's thoughts weren't focused on the food. Far from it."Thanks for helping me." Scarlett took a spoon."Are those the stadium lights?" He squinted at the brightness in town."It is." She scooped out a bite."The game's still going on? Do you want to go back? Maybe catch the end?""No." She shook her head. "There's always next year.""You sure?" He didn't like knowing she was missing out on something she enjoyed. Something that brought people together."I need to start thinking about tomorrow. It's going to be a long day and we'll be at capacity.""When will it all start?""Well, the chairs for the ceremony are scheduled to be here by eight. Garth will oversee that. The ceremony is happening over there. You can almost see the stone we laid down to make a center aisle and room for the attendants." She gestured further off in the darkness."They're having it outside?""Yeah, if the weather's nice it makes for a beautiful ceremony. It's just a lot to set up for and
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Chapter 23: Cole
Cole HAD TO get in the car. All he could think about was Scarlett in all the ways he wanted her. That wasn't being friends."Cole? Cole, wait.""No, Scarlett." He kept going, curling his hands into fists so he couldn't reach for her.Footsteps rustled the grass and fallen leaves. He could feel her coming closer.She grabbed his elbow and yanked. She wasn't strong enough to stop him, but he gave in anyway. Because he wasn't ready to walk away from her yet."What?" He turned toward her, his whole being vibrating with the need to touch her.For another long moment they stared at each other, her face lined with emotion he couldn't name. She felt too deeply. It was there in her eyes. She knew what she wanted, and he was barely figuring his shit out. He'd very likely hurt her if this kept going.He closed his eyes and inhaled the night air, catching the sweeter scent of the vanilla candles still clinging to her skin."Scarlett-"Her hand gripped his shoulder and then her mo
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Chapter 24: Cole
Cole eased back, breaking the kiss and dragged his hands down her body. The bra stayed on, for now, but the panties had to go. He hooked his fingers in them and dragged the down her hips and legs."Lie back," he said."Why?""I'm going to show you why being this sensitive can be fun." He dropped her panties to the floor and sat back on his heels.She stared at him with wide eyes.Yeah, he was going to show her how sexy she was and enjoy every minute of it.Cole bent and kissed her knee, his hand running up her other shin and knee. He urged her legs apart, and she relented. Her muscles remained tense, not quite ready to trust him. That was okay. He was going to enjoy coaxing Scarlett.He nibbled his way up her thighs, kissing the sensitive skin all while drawing closer to his goal. She eased back onto her hands, still watching him. The tension was easing, but not gone yet. He'd have to work for her trust and he was okay with that.When he finally reached the apex of her
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Chapter 25: Scarlett
Scarlett LEANED AGAINST the back wall of the barn and watched the bride spin around the dance floor. Benji's parody song of the B52's Love Shack played through the speakers.The day was almost over.She couldn't believe how many times they'd had a near disaster, starting with the surprise flower arch the bride had thrown at her first thing in the morning. Scarlett had realized too late this bride's methods, how she'd manipulated Scarlett into going above, beyond and farther than was reasonable.Her phone vibrated, and she snatched it out of her pocket. After two outfit changes due to mishaps she'd given up and put on jeans, not caring if she showed up in the background looking casual.She stared down at the text, her second of the day: Bad day. Hope yours was better. Want to do dinner?Cole included a picture of a wine bottle and a six pack of beer.Right now that was her kind of dinner.She'd wanted to hear from him all day. Last night had been intense, to say the least.
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Chapter 26: Scarlett
"What happened?" she asked. Had Allie shown up? Was there bad news about the search for his siblings?"We had to put down two dogs today," he whispered."Oh, no." Her heart ached, and she squeezed him tighter."Yeah, one darted out in the road and the other...""I'm sorry.""Me, too." Cole kissed her forehead and patted her back."Come on." She took a step away from him and reached for his hand."Let me grab the food."They gathered the bags and together carried the bounty inside. Cole took over laying out the ingredients and pouring her a glass of wine."We could just heat up a pizza," she said."Spaghetti is my comfort food." He glanced up at her and smiled. Sadness still tinged his eyes. "How was the wedding?""More work than I expected." She rolled her eyes. "It went off well, though we had several bridesmaids get sick.""Yuck.""You're telling me." She wrinkled her nose. "It was beautiful though. They did the ceremony over under the oaks with flower arche
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Chapter 27: Cole
Cole WAS SURPRISED by how quiet Monday was. It was as though the universe had used up all its ill will on Saturday and Sunday. He'd made three emergency after hours house calls, something Dr. Green vowed wasn't normal."Mrs. Billy?" He leaned around the corner and stopped when he saw the two male silhouettes standing at the desk."Dr. Odell." Mrs. Billy swiveled toward him and thumbed at the two men. "The Lively brothers are here to see you."They didn't have pets or livestock which meant this was not a professional call. He'd been wondering when this chat might happen."Come around and I'll meet you in my office," Cole said.He wasn't thrilled that this conversation was going down at his place of work, but it was good to get it over with. Now that he and Scarlett were on the same page he intended to spend a lot of time with her. Since she came with a tight-knit family that meant including them to some degree. It was best if they all got on the same page now. Besides, he had
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Chapter 28: Scarlett
Scarlett PLACED THE two drinks on the tall boy table and slid onto a stool. The Watering Hole was standard busy with locals stopping in for a happy hour drink after a long day.Cole stared at the wall without seeing it. There was a nervous energy coming off him, but the brightness behind his eyes said he was excited.She was excited for him. Family had always been a core part of her life, and if she could discover a whole new branch of them, it would thrill her. Since that wasn't going to happen, she was happy to sit on the sidelines as Cole rediscovered the man who was his brother."Here." She nudged the pint toward him and picked up her cider. "To family."His gaze slid to her, and he blinked a few times. A slow smile spread across his lips and her knees threatened to go a little weak. Good thing she was sitting. She could have wound up on the floor if he didn't use that look responsibly.Dang, the man could smile.They clinked glasses and took a drink. This would only be
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Chapter 29: Scarlett
Scarlett opened and closed her mouth. The muscles in her throat tightened, and she knew she had to be blushing."You are holding out," Jessica whispered and leaned even closer."It's..." Scarlett wanted to downplay the relationship now that someone was shining a light on it. But saying it was nothing was being unfair to the honesty they'd shared."I am so jealous. Please tell me the sex is good. Someone needs to be having good sex because it sure as hell isn't me." Jessica groaned. Come to think of it, Scarlett didn't even know if she'd ever seen Jessica with a boyfriend since high school."It would be good, except we aren't having any." Scarlett's cheeks heated. It had been a long time since she'd had girl talk about guys, sex or relationships."Why not?" Jessica asked."Because..." Scarlett shrugged. How much could she share?"Oh, no. No, that's not okay." Jessica crossed to the register and spent a moment ringing someone up.Scarlett glanced over her shoulder at the
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Chapter 30: Scarlett
Scarlett did her best not to chew through her lip. "That's what I asked you.""If being in a relationship means you're the person I think about, the one I want to hear from, spend time with, sleep with, then yeah. This is a relationship." He lifted their hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Problem with that?""Nope." She shivered. That didn't sound bad at all. Even if it did mean they weren't going to sleep together soon."Just because I wanted to spend time with you knowing we weren't going to hook up then doesn't mean we can't now." His hand slid down to her hip. "But that wasn't why I wanted you to go out with me tonight.""If I say no?" She'd tried her vibrator, but it hadn't eased her frustration."Then maybe we make out a little before you go home?" He bent his head and kissed her."And if I say yes?""Don't tease me, babe. I'm doing my best to be a gentleman." He steered them around a corner. His house was three streets down, make a right and third on the l
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