All Chapters of Lucifer's Hearthstone : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Chapter 81: Take Me With You
“ Take me with you ” Arwen said.She felt bored staying in hell and since they both had confessed their love to each other, he would agree to take her with him right ?However she had always wished to visit the human world as she had been staying in hell all her life.Though she knew what the humans looked like as they were occasionally brought to hell for their punishments of sins they committed.But then, she wanted to follow him to see where he stays in the human world. His room on earth. She wanted to see the fake appearance he took in the human world.Arwen knew that Jared had followed their king, Lucifer to the human world to look for his other half.Had they found her yet ? Or not.Just as she was scared of Jared she was very much scared of Lucifer. She couldn't think of staying in the same place as her king.She knew how ruthless he can be, Lucifer never spare her a glance or even Zara his personal servant.She could only come close to Jared because she was his servant so that
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Chapter 82: Sin Of Lust
“ Sin of lust ? ” Skyler asked with wide eyes though she was a little bit confused. She wondered when she had met the sin of lust as he said.Meanwhile Lucifer was also wondering how Skyler met with Asmodeus. He would sure rip out that demon's hands if he dared to touched Skyler. “ Yes... you've met with him but I don't know where though ” “ Him ? ” Skyler asked trying to remember meeting any strange man before but she couldn't remember.“ Yes ”“ What does he look like ” “ Why are you asking ” Lucifer said twisting his lips.“ I want to know if I can remember him ” “ He's as tall as me, brown hair, golden eyes ” Lucifer said.Golden eyes ??Where have she seen that before ?She couldn't remember.“ I really can't remember but I remember seeing someone with golden eyes before ” she said.“ Hmm... How dare he touch you ” Lucifer said with a deep frown etched on his face but to Skyler he looked so cute when he frowned. “ Touch me ? I don't remember any golden eyed man touching me..
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Chapter 83: Cell Room
“ Ken needs us in the cell room anyway ” Alexander said with his arms crossed against his chest.“ Now ? ” Chris said as he turned around to look at him.“ Uh-huh, come on let's go ” Alex said and draped his hands over his shoulders and Chris gave him a side look.“ What ? ” “ Take your hands off my shoulder ” Chris said.“ Aish... Really now, I just want to.... Ahh ” Alex winced in pain as Chris twisted his wrist “ Okay... Okay... ” he said and took his hands off his shoulder.“ You should have listened before you talk ” “ Huh... Why are you being so harsh with me this morning ” Alex said with his face contoured in pain and Chris chuckled liking the reaction on his face.“ Really am I harsh ? Well cause, I love to see your face twist in pain it makes you look cute and harmless and.... ” Chris leaned forward a little to whisper into his ear as if it was secret “ it makes me happy ”.“ You idiot... I'll get back to you ” Alex said as he wiggled his wrist.“ Oh.. You're welcome to try
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Chapter 84: Scott
“ Other half ” Mammon was the first to break the long silence between them.“ Yes ” Asmodeus answered as he sat beside Leviathan on the couch. “ Are you sure of what you're saying ” Beelzebub chimed in as she ate her french fries which she chewed slowly.“ I am a hundred percent sure of what I'm saying... I mean she is Lucifer's other half and our soon to be queen ”“ I don't believe you ” Belphegor said.“ Well go see for yourself then.... ” Asmodeus said.“ He's right ” Leviathan suddenly said and all eyes turned towards him even Wrath who was trying to contain his anger was also curious to hear about their King's other half.“ What ? You saw her too ? ” Mammom asked with furrowed brows.“ Well yes ” Leviathan said and Asmodeus became confused too as he was the only one who saw Skyler so what the hell was Leviathan saying.....“ Where did you see her ” Mammon asked again.“ It was at a party in Crown's hotel and casino.... actually Asmodeus forced me to go with him and I later foll
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Chapter 85: Maya's Workplace
EARLIERBefore Chris had arrived at Maya's workplace, Scott had arrived some minutes later. Though he had seen a dark blue Ferrari car parked at the side and he knew who the car belonged to immediately he saw it. He drove and parked his black Honda Jeep some distances away from Chri’s car and his gaze went to the shop and he saw Chris and Maya sitted together.Though he couldn't see Chris face as his back was turned towards him but he could see Maya's laughing face as she collected something from Chris.Just by seeing her smiling face made his lips curved up into a smile. Atleast she was happy now, he loves to see her happy and he was thankful that Chris has finally made her happy.He was glad that they are finally together and she was happy.He gave them some time for thierselves, though he had come to get a can of coffee as he always does and to see her again but unfortunately Chris had gotten there before him.He stayed inside his car for some time and then glanced at his golden w
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Chapter 86: Friends
8:35 pmScott and his friends all sat in the bar drinking piña colada and Daniel was already half drunk while Jasper and Scott were still sober.“ Guys, guess what ? ” Scott said as he twirled the piña colada drink he was holding in his hand. “ What ? You found a girl ” Jasper said and Scott rolled his eyes.“ No... Idiot, that's not it ” Scott scoffed.“ Then what's it ” Daniel said.“ It's something more shocking even I am still shocked about it till now ” “ Then tell us and stop beating about the bush ” Daniel was eager to hear what Scott has to say.“ Well, remember I told you guys that I had a half brother somewhere else ”“ Uh-huh ” Jasper and Daniel said in unison.“ I met him today ” Scott said.“ Really.... Are you serious ” Jasper said.“ Where did you meet him ” Daniel asked. “ Yes...I’m serious and I met him at where his girlfriend works but guess who he is ” “ Josh... ” Daniel said and Scott shook his head.“ Frank... ” Jasper said and both Daniel and Scott looked at
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Chapter 87: Hell
IN HELL.....Arwen sat on the bed fiddling with her fingers as she thought of Jared. He had promised to come back and take her with him to earth but since the last time he came to see her he hadn't return back.Perhaps has he forgetten ?Will he come back as he promised ?What if he had forgetten about her or had he seen someone who was much better than her in every ways.Perhaps what happened between them was just a sweet memories and she would wake up one day and see that it was never real.None of it ever happened.She stood up from the bed and walked up to the door, she opened it a little and peeked out. Jared had gave her an order not to leave the room which she obeyed.But what if he didn't come back to her and she would leave the rest of her live in his room until the day she cease to exist.She sighed and closed the door.And just as she turned around she almost screamed her lungs when she noticed that someone was standing right behind her but the person quickly cover her mout
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Chapter 88: Welcome Home
Why are they dressed the same ?Scott and Chris also stared at themselves surprised because of how they had dressed exactly the same when none of them had informed the other on how they would dress.Their outfits was exactly the same that if someone should see them they would mistake them to be twin.They both wore grey joggers pants and black polo top along with matching black sneakers. They both wore a golden curb chain around their necks and a golden wrists watch on their left hands.The only difference was their glasses, Chris wore his normal circular shaped transperant glass while Scott wore an aviator dark sunglasses.Both their hair were grey and newly cut as the breeze blew it here and there. Both their eyes grey, their bodies were fitted as their black polo top stucked to their bodies like a second skin accentuating their strong muscles.Scott took of his glasses as he stared at Chris from up the top of his head to his shoes and he shrugged.“ Did you guys plan this..... Like
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Chapter 89: Mom
“ Home ” Chris said and tapped Scott's shoulder “ Welcome home bro ” and Scott just smiled cause he knew that the moment he stepped his feets into that building his life would change forever.“ Thanks ” he simply said. “ Chris ” Maya called and Chris turned to face her.“ Yes ” he answered.“ Um... I ... ” Maya stuttered and Chris just smiled. He knew that she was just feeling nervous because she was going to meet his family for the first time.It was normal to feel nervous.“ It's okay to feel nervous but it's gonna be okay alright ” Chris said as he stretched his hand towards her and Maya gave him nervous smile and took his hand and he squeezed hers.“ Let's go ” he said. “ You guys go ahead ” Scott said and Chris and Maya walked ahead of him while he followed them behind with slow steps and different thoughts were running in his mind.What if he was being rejected again ?What if they hated him ?What If they didn't accept him once they found out about him ?Should he just go and
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Chapter 90: Good Morning Beautiful
Scott continued to stand on the same spot he stood as he stared at the woman who had abadoned him years back. Her shiny black hair was tied neatly with a red ribbon and it came to settle on her left shoulder.Her beautiful grey eyes held warmth in them as they stared at him, her rosy lips parted and her white teeth came into view as she smiled at him.It was clear that she didn't recognize him, she didn't recognize him as the son she left under the care of his father.Of course she wouldn't as the last time she had seen him was when he was very young, over the years he had grown from a little boy to a teenager and now he was a man who could take care of himself.Just as Scott was still staring at Clara, she as well was staring back at him and she didn't know why she was feeling some connections with him when she didn't even know him. She was going to ask Chris who he was to him.Though she noticed some resemblance between him and Chris as though they were twin but Chris wasn't twin,
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