All Chapters of Under The Moonlight: Alpha's Bride : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
106 Chapters
14 February
Chapter 31 As the dinner talk progressed, my gaze was drawn to Ray Austin, a seemingly older man among the younger pack members. His tone was restrained, and his look, with his nerdy glasses and handlebar beard, gave off an aura of mystery. Something felt odd about him, and his piercing gaze made me uneasy even when he wasn't gazing directly at me. Ray's intriguing nature seemed to meet the description of the ideal villain.Ray Austin, who appeared to be in his 40s when the majority of them appeared to be in their 20s and 30s.Amara's remark about the misplaced ring jolted me back to the present."She lost her ring?" Amara's words took me back in time."A wedding ring?" Ruth was curious. Everyone's interest was sparked when I mentioned my wedding band."Yes, it could be somewhere in my room," I said."I'm curious how Xavier proposed to you," Jerry joked, and I couldn't help but wonder how much they were aware of our unusual arrangement."It was a surprise wedding for us; Xavier didn'
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Into The Jungle 
Chapter 32 Like my grip on the bedsheet, I was losing hope of escaping. My mouth was shut as I swung while losing my balance, hiding the storm within me.For most of my life, I had faced many situations like that; hanging by a thread was nothing new to me, but the tension between my mission's success and failure was.My life was a roller coaster ride. I knew I didn't deserve happiness, and I had no hope of ever finding it because I was constantly losing.I fixed my gaze on him. I was about to land on Ray, who was standing outside the mansion, directly beneath me, deep in thought. wiping his hands with a handkerchief to remove the blood. After removing the blood from his hands, he reinserted the handkerchief into his pocket.I couldn't look down at him with my neck stretched for long because I was losing my balance at the same time. I held my breath and closed my eyes because I had no other choice and knew that if I fell on him, he would alert them all about my escape, effectively blo
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A Girl From The Mountain
Chapter 33 My heart was torn between compassion for the injured girl and the desperate impulse to flee. My mind was a minefield of opposing emotions, torn between the want to assist her and the fear of being discovered.The girl's wounded gaze locked with me, imploring for help. My conscience nudges me, reminding me of the sympathy I'd always had for those in need. I knew leaving her behind would haunt me for the rest of my life, but staying meant jeopardizing my freedom and unearthing the truth that had escaped me.I took a cautious step nearer, drawn to her frantic expression. The drops of blood left a bleak trail behind her, signifying the suffering she had undergone. Each drop echoed in the silence of the wilderness, a terrifying reminder of the decisions I had to make.My heart was racing as I fought my inner demons. I wanted to reach out to her and help her, but I couldn't afford to lose myself in the depths of her anguish. I had to find my way back to the world where I truly be
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The Cruelest Woman
Chapter 34 Sansa's PovAs I faced Bella, the person who had been following me, I took a long breath to stabilize myself, my heart still beating in my chest. The tension between us was apparent, and I could sense her skepticism and curiosity as she examined the scratch on my wrist. I attempted to keep it covered, concealing the mark left by the injured girl's grip on my hand."Bella," I whispered as I lowered the revolver and carefully reinserted it into my pocket.Her eyes remained on the pistol, and I could tell she was fascinated by it. "Where you got that?" she was intrigued by the pistol."It's a present." I avoided making eye contact with her because I was a terrible liar."What exactly are you doing here?" She inquired."Do you live in this house?" I inquired."What is your reason for visiting this location?" she was adamant.She didn't stop, her gaze fixed on mine, and she enquired about my presence. I paused for a time before responding honestly, "I found a mountain girl in t
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A Witch 
Chapter 35 "Hey! Return here, you bi***." A vicious 40-year-old man with a terrible little eye chased me down the street as I was 14 years old.My pulse hammered in my chest as I dashed through the tiny, bustling streets, anxious to get away from the horrible man who was after me. He yelled obscenities and accusations, attracting the attention of onlookers and making my situation even more difficult."Thief!! Capture her! She's a thief!" The man screamed and alerted others to make his capture easier.Despite my soiled clothing, parched lips, and a frail frame, the man showed no mercy. His attention was totally on the stolen half-piece of bread in my grip. Hunger had pushed me to steal, yet he was more concerned with his stuff than with my terrible hunger."Thief!! Take her down! She's a liar!" The man yelled and alerted others to aid in his capture.I moved through the crowd, pushing people aside to make a path, but the unyielding man refused to let me go. His gaze was fixed on me, in
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Under His Shadow 
Chapter 36 As I faced the harsh realities of living on the streets, the ever-changing sky became my haven. I had to continually transfer sites owing to the unsafe neighborhoods I found myself in, whether it was blistering hot or bone-chilling cold.Regardless of where I went, he always seemed to find me. His presence was a constant source of comfort, like a familiar scent in the air that surrounded me. Even though he was concealed from my view, I could sense him nearby, looking over me like a guardian angel.His delicate touch on my hand functioned as a soothing salve during my darkest hours of illness, and the lovely kiss he bestowed on my forehead during early mornings in deep slumber consoled me. His warm hands on my shoulders were a source of strength and loyalty, a priceless blessing in my troubled life.In the cold weather, I used to wake up wrapped in a warm blanket. Fresh, hot breakfast and dinner meals were available right around the corner from where I was staying at the tim
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Soul Connection
Chapter 37 Sansa's Pov Hina returned her neck to its usual position and approached me with the grace of a fox on the prowl. I caught my breath, recalling the deep scar she had left on my wrist, a terrible memory that I kept hidden from others' prying eyes.I had acquired a habit of being silent and steadfast in the face of violent storms, refusing to be swayed by the anxieties that gnawed at me. Acting strong in whatever scenario, no matter how terrified I was, had always been my fortress."You must have come to meet her," her honey-sweet voice resonated in the air.She encircled me as if exploring the depths of my personality. Though outwardly small, the strength she possessed within herself was unrivaled; she was an enigma.My hand moved slowly toward my jeans pocket, where I kept the revolver. I was about to draw it when she grabbed my wrist and easily stopped my movement as she stood on the bed to face me."There's no need to do that; it might frighten her," she remarked cryptica
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My deep Anxiety
Chapter 38Sansa's Pov "This is none of your concern," I responded, my rage bubbling just beyond the surface.Bella's mocking demeanor perplexed me, and her abrupt change in attitude aggravated my annoyance even more. I couldn't figure out why she was provoking me or what she was hoping to gain from it.I taunted, "Oh, but it is my concern, I gave you an offer, and you declined. Perhaps you felt you were bright enough to figure out another way out, but your hubris appears to have blinded you to the most obvious solution. And now you're roaming around, hiding your annoyance to soothe your injured ego."Her comments stung me like a swarm of bees, and I tightened my hands to keep my emotions in check. "Shut up; you know nothing about me," she snapped, losing patience."That's right, you should keep quiet when you don't know anything!" I replied.Bella taunted me, "If you want to leave him, leave him; why hide?""Why would I tell you?" I respondedBella taunted, " Because I am asking, jus
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In The Midst Of The Downpour
Chapter 39 My hunger fled as I sat at the dinner table, surrounded by people who treated me with compassion and respect. Guilt gnawed at me for questioning their motives. I fought my thoughts and feelings in silence, attempting to maintain the appearance of contentment.The chilly night air toyed with my hair as I stood outside, wrapped in a large brown coat, under the moonlight. My panic attack was taking hold, making it difficult to breathe even on the broad grass. I tried to divert my attention away from the overwhelming emotions, but the heaviness in my chest remained.Amara approached me softly, sensing my pain. "Already missing Xavier?" she inquired softly.I suppressed a shaky chuckle, tired of pretending to like Xavier."Craving for your favorite person can drive you to the brink of madness," Amara said."I'm wondering if he's still as crazy about me as he used to be." Logan was in my thoughts.Amara put it nicely, "So why not? Love is the most powerful emotion in the world."
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The Oak Pack's Luna
Chapter 40I went the incorrect way without thinking about the ramifications or the catastrophe that awaited me.I headed down the twisting path that would lead me to the doom I was fleeing.The outcomes of the court system are not always good. Not all of the justifications are meant to benefit you. In certain circumstances, unfairness protects you from losing what you have already.The large auditorium was deafeningly silent as our minds were muddled and entangled with countless thoughts.I was standing near the steps, and Hina, who was one step behind me, saw me as her safety, and she was my final hope of escaping. We each had a deal to keep and protect.I could see all the inquiries being asked by the many eyes. Their curiosity was stronger than their words. They didn't dare to inquire why I kept Hina here against the mountain's rules.I had no idea of the regulations, the Oak Pack customs, or the implications of siding with mountain people.I never accepted Xavier and never will, b
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