All Chapters of MATE TAMED ME: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 Chapters
21 - 3rd day Next Three Questions
"Yes I can answer questions," I replied to him, and he positioned himself on the bed opposite me. He asked me to do "Okay, take this truth serum and place it on your thighs and put your hand on it to allow me to see," and I felt very pathetic because he doesn't trust me and because he has never wanted to examine my hands before. So, what would have happened today that he would want to see my hands? I did what I was told. I drank the truth serum and gave him the bottle. He took it and put it in his pocket. With the pillow on my thighs, I placed my palm on it facing him. I have been here for three days, and so far I am safe and well. What might have happened next? He said, "If you are ready we can start." I again got this vomiting feeling that lasted for 5 seconds and I started to feel better. I politely said to him, "Now I am ready." He took a deep breath and asked "So my first question is, what stunned did you pull today? I wouldn't have asked you this but I wanted to know the tr
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23 - Uncle Joey and Miss Brian
After we finished our breakfast Alpha Sioux told me to get changed if I wanted to go outside with him. When he talked about outside, I got very excited. I thought I would be in jail here if I could not find my mate, but I remember and asked him " What about my duties?" He said, "Everybody is busy with Christmas and you want to work." I replied, "I do want to travel with you, but I am also afraid of punishment." "HM SIYA" he called her loudly and she came running and asked "What happened dear?" He replied, "She is on leave today." Hm Siya nodded and said, "As you say, My Alpha." He dismissed her and HM Siya returned to work. He asked me "Is there a problem now?" "No," I said happily. And I continued "Where are we going?" He replied "You will see." and I followed him like a puppy. He told me to wait for him near the entrance. He returned in 5 minutes with a sports car. The car was luxurious and looked amazing. It was a black Lamborghini, and it sounded so incredible vroom vro
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22 - 4th Day
The next morning, when I woke up, Alpha Sioux was holding me like a baby. I felt the heat of his chest when I was on it. Throughout the night, he slept so peacefully as if he never expected to see anyone more.While watching him, his features, I felt an aura, something like magic. Although he is shielding me to guard his thoughts, something else is present, like an evil spell.Trying to get away from him. I don't want to be late and I don't want punishment. He held my hand and pushed me closer to him and he said sheepishly "Hey don't rush, it's still early, let me sleep for some more time."I replied to him "I don't want to be late, it's already 8.05 a.m."He answered, "I won't let you be late.""I will be, and I don't want your punishment."He replied, "You won't get any punishment today."I asked, "I got the punishment yesterday for the same reason that I am late, why didn't I get it today?"He replied, "Yesterday Sara knew that we were having breakfast together."I tried to get up
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24 - Cooking Together
As I asked Miss Brian, "Please Mary, tell me what I can do to be of assistance. I can help decorate the tree, or I can cook. I make delicious cookies with my mom every year." I asked her enthusiastically and I felt so happy and at ease.Miss Brain looked at Sioux first and then at me, and I unblocked her so I could read her thoughts. Is she really his distant relative or something else? She is an excited girl. That Sara was so mean. Forget about her. Why am I thinking about her? It is such a wonderful day. Sioux is really happy today. I can see it in his eyes.'She said, "I am sorry dear but you are my guest here. How can I make you work? If you really want to help, help them to check if anything is wrong."I pouted at her and Miss Brian laughed. "Don't you like this work?" she askedIn response, I said, "No... Can you please, please let me help you in the kitchen?" I made puppy dog eyes so I could help her bake cookies.Miss Brian replied "Such a silly girl. Okay, we will let you coo
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25 - Preparations for the Christmas Gift
Mary instructed me to do so whenever Alpha Sioux stays here. I checked the cupboard in his room where she told me to look, and I opened that cupboard and checked thoroughly. I found a page at the bottom of the cupboard.There were things on his to-do list he wished to accomplish, things he hoped to achieve as an alpha, and as a wolf, he could not refuse. His list was almost complete, but there were still a few left, like exploring the world once, wanting to meet his mate, having a run battle between him and his mate in his wolf form, kissing his mate on the mistletoe, meeting his mother one day, having two kids of his own and wanting.The wishes he had seemed so simple and could be fulfilled if he trusted me or if he trusted himself. A Young Alpha Sioux must be so heartbroken when he wrote this I thought to myself and a tear rolled down my cheeks. However, I have to control myself and I will give him what he wants.It was reassuring to affirm what I wanted to give him. However, I want
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26 - Mistletoe
He said "Don't be away from me." is that a confession or does he have some insecurities that everybody will know that we are mates? But I did not give anybody a chance to doubt my words, but he did. He did flirt with me but now I don't want to think much further about this. I need to get ready for dinner with these lovely people.With his stunt just now, he did take my breath away with the way he narrowed his eyes and waited for my reply. I didn't feel like responding to him, so I did not give him any. He was so damn aroused maybe he did leak some of his c*m I don't know but it did feel like it.I did not look at him and headed straight for the washroom. He called out to me from behind but I closed the door immediately. Hey girl!" he shouted, then lowered his voice and said, "Little Kitten, come out of the bathroom now before I come in." He challenged me, while at the same time, seducing me.He got what he desired just now. Didn't he get what he was looking for earlier? It was magical
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27 - Little Kitten
He held my hand in his and we returned to his room which we were in before. We reached and he unlocked the door and said "Wait here for 2 minutes and I will be back."As I sat on the sofa and waited for him, I pondered what he was saying. He appeared with a piece of paper in his hands and said, "Take a look but before you judge me, I am doing this because you asked for your reward and I am a man of my word." And then he handed it to me.I smiled internally as I knew he was showing me the list. I read it again and noticed he didn't scratch the mistletoe wish, which disappointed me. He was looking at me and I asked him "Is it on your wish list for Christmas?"He replied, "Yes, I did it when I came here the first time."I asked again "Is it that old?" I was not at all enthusiastic and he felt something was missing.He was puzzled and asked, "Yes, it is. I thought you would laugh at me, but you seem disappointed in something." I did not know what to say. I was disheartened.I replied deta
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28 - Running battle
"I wanted to trust you but I am scared, kitten," he confessed.If you find out that I am a fake, just kill me, because I am sure you are my mate from the bottom of my heart." I would let him kill me because my feelings are true."If you want to proceed, let me check the hall, and we will start from the back door of the kitchen," he said eventually.I smiled at him and said, "So you trust me."He smiled and said, "I can't see you unhappy kitten."I confessed to him "This is the happiest Christmas ever, Alpha."He told me "I am happy to be a part of your most special Christmas kitten, and call me Sioux.""No, what will other people think?" I denied it.He said, "Call me Sioux when we are alone."I said, "I will try.""Wait here, I will go check and if it is cleared we will go into the woods," he saidI nodded happily and kissed him on the cheeks before he left. He smiled and gently touched my cheeks before leaving.He came after 5 minutes and said "Now all is clear, let us go."I asked
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29 - Return From Woods
Lesa and Oux ran into the woods playing with each other and brushing each other here and there. Both of them ran fast, so they got there in no time.Lesa said, "Goodbye Oux, meet you soon."Oux replied, "Can't wait to see you again, Love."Lesa and Oux both headed to the tree where they hung their clothes. She shifted back and changed her clothes quickly. Alpha Sioux did the same and a frown appeared on his face.I turned to look for Alpha Sioux and he was leaning on the tree and frowning as well. He looks like he is thinking so deeply that he did not realize that I came to him. I tried to get his attention by coughing a bit, but he was lost in his thoughts.I asked him, "What happened to Alpha Sioux?"He asked, "Huh, what did you say?"I asked with concern, "I ask what happened to you?"He said, "Oh nothing kitten, let's go. You must be tired."I asked again, "Is there something you don't want to tell me?"He replied, "Let's go to my room. We will discuss it there if you don't go to
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30 - Uncle Joey
We had breakfast and I volunteered to help to clean but Miss Brian interrupted me and said, "Allie dear, you can't do such things here, you are our guest."I countered her, "I like helping Mary. It's Christmas, like all the family members celebrate with each other and spend some most wonderful time together."Miss Brian replied, "Your intentions are too kind, Allie, but please don't make me do my guest work. Just be easy, relax and enjoy this time."She continued, "Joey was asking about you. You can travel to meet him. I really don't know what that man wants to talk about with you."I laughed, kissed her cheeks, and was about to head to meet Uncle Joey when Miss Brian called me and said, "I will come to you to talk about...," and she gave me a wink.I smiled and gave her two thumbs up and headed to find Uncle Joey.I wandered in the hall and I checked in some rooms and asked several people, "Had they seen Uncle Joey?"They were all busy and said "No, but he was at the breakfast table
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