All Chapters of Billionaire's Reborn Hot Wife: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
311 Chapters
Chapter 151
Zero one's eyes progressively darken, like the bottom of the vast sea without light.He paused for a long time before saying, "You saved me."Mary Kinson was taken aback. She recalled going to harvest seedlings and grass and being poisoned by grass in zero one. She assisted him in cleaning it up.However, this is not to save him.Mary Kinsons schanged the subject calmly: "Are you hungry after the surgery? I'll go down and get you some food."One zero nodded.Mary Kinson then walked downstairs to have some porridge, then went upstairs to get some flowers.Zero One maintained her stance when she entered the ward, sitting in the hospital bed, looking at the wall with heavy eyes, as if thinking about something."Why don't you play with your phone?" Mary Kinson inquired."We can't bring our mobile phones when executing jobs," Zero One said, gently rolling his eyes."Oh, I didn't realize you were on a mission.""You eat first, I'll insert the flowers, and a change of fresh air can
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Chapter 152
Whit Ben was fed exhaust gas through his mouth, coughed a few times, and shook his head.He was just thinking about how to explain to seven masters when He noticed him approaching from afar.His entire body was wrapped in cold killing breath as he emerged from the hospital, and those passing by did not dare to look at him any farther.Whit Ben walked over with a straight face : "Seven maste.""The automobile is approaching," William says coldly.Whit Ben drove the car to the main entrance and assisted William in pushing the door open from inside.But William proceeded to the back seat, opened the door, and slid into the vehicle.Whit Ben started the engine and asked, "How's Zero One?"He instantly remembered something after asking. In horror, he peered in the rearview mirror, only to see William sitting calmly, his thin lips squeezed into a straight line, and he didn't mean to open his mouth.He quickly shifted his attention back to driving, but he didn't dare to say an
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Chapter 153
She lifted her head, reaching for William's straight trouser legs, and tears streamed down her face onto his spotless leather shoes."Please, Brother William, do not do this. You return the token to me. This was Grandpa's lone gift to me."" brother..." she humbly begged.The token flexes to some extent before breaking in half.Jojo's speech stopped abruptly, and her shaking pupil became still, reflecting the two bits that had fallen from William's hand."Give you two hours to get out ," William said condescendingly.He warned her .The crowd silently followed him, leaving together.This room is a shambles, and Jojo is a shambles, like a looted scene.After William left, she headed straight to the private houses on the edge of cities.Inside the people , observe him when he is not awe-inspiring,  called: "seven master."Seven master came to them in person"I'm sorry, Master Seven, we are willing to accept all the penalties for the failure of this mission," Zero Two's br
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Chapter 154
Mary Kinson snatched her neck hand, let go of her thumb, and tightly snapped her chin, forcing her to open her mouth.Jojo had been treated unfairly all day, and her frustrations and worries came forth in tears, her teeth clenched.Mary Kinson's eyes are slightly drooping, as well as a few filaments of cold, bitter light.Her mouth was pierced by the glass bottle."Whoo... whoo..." Because the medicine in the glass bottle is powdered, it melted after being discolored by saliva, even though Jojo had her teeth clenched tightly.Mary Kinson let go of Jojo as she saw the bottom of the powder in the glass bottle."Bah, what did you offer me to eat!" Jojo screamed as she immediately rose, crept to the side, knelt, and spat.Mary Kinson reclined back in her chair, rolled down the window, and tossed the empty glass bottle out the window. The chilly wind swept her hair out of her ears, leaving her lovely face desolate and attractive.She carefully and softly opened her mouth: "You'll
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Chapter 155
William's face did not move like a mountain, and his hand in his pocket was put down again, his eyes condensed in Mary KinsonMoM's little face.Mary Kinson's voice sounds just like the death warrant for Jojo, who is dying on the ground from anguish.She was afraid in front of William, and the terror in her bones was visible in her pupils."Save me, Brother William; she is a wicked person who poured drugs into my mouth and is trying to kill me!" Jojo tucked her fingers into William's slacks and rested her face against his leg.When Mary Kinson first saw them, she was taken aback, but she immediately adjusted and stared them down with cold eyes.She's watching William to see what he'll do.Whit Ben approached Mary Kinson's side, questioned Jojo on the ground, and inquired, "You actually gave her medicine and wanted her life?" in a low voice."She wanted my life first, can't I give it back to her?" Mary Kinson asked, her eyes averted from his.Whit Ben swallowed his saliva in secret
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Chapter 156
The bustling capital was made slightly lovely in the evening by a blazing cloud towards the west.Beverly Kinson looked at Mary Kinson with concern and handed her a piece of fish as the Kinson family gathered around the dining table.The family is nice, however Rose Kinson has a sad beautiful face, as if she doesn't eat."Rose Kinson, you should eat more," Beverly Kinson said as she handed a portion to her eldest daughter.Rose Kinson smiled softly as she glanced at her father with little interest: "Mary hasn't returned in a long time, Dad. Is it OK for us to allow her to attend school?"Rose Kinson was irritated on the phone during the day, and now she must find a way to function in Kinson's house."Mary  is still young as long as she is intelligent, although she has not attended school in a long time and has returned to Kinson's home. She grew reared in a rural orphanage ."This is both brilliant and dark, implying that Mary Kinson's grades are poor .Mary Kinsoncan understan
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Chapter 157
Mary Kinson glared back, only to be met by William, who stood behind him, his black eyes half vertical and filled with a thick Tao gloom."I'll blow it for you," he said as he opened the bathroom door with a huge hand.The gorgeous fox's eyes are dim and slightly awned, and Mary Kinson's beautiful eyebrows are gently gathered.She doesn't seem to be able to avoid William for any reason today.But, if you think about it, William returned to Kinson's house in person, and there are some things that can't be uttered.William had already stood in front of the mirror, holding a hair dryer in one hand and slightly lifting her eyebrows, quietly inviting the past, while she was thinking about it.But it was like going to the guillotine for Mary Kinson. Her throat was slightly constricted as she approached him.When she glances up from where she is standing in front of William, she can see the two individuals in the mirror.Her thumb crept in along the hair as William raised her hand to p
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Chapter 158
"Mary Kinson, you finally dispelled the impression that you wish to leave me," William raised his hand and gripped her chin, her eyes cold and deep. With me, you received a marriage certificate. "He was near to two points, he said, and his tiny lips were 0.001 cm short of Mary Kinson's lips, almost clinging to her front lip, and the breath he exhaled had a little tobacco odor."Do you understand that even if I go to hell, I will take you with me?"Fear welled up in Mary Kinsonhindsight, and the good-looking fox's eyes quiver as she stared at the stifling black eyes in front of him.William appears to have eaten her if she hadn't answered."Well..."As a result, William released go of her and walked out of the bathroom.Mary Kinsonsquatted with her back against the standing sink, both hands holding the bath towel on his chest, and her breathing was smooth at once till he departed.She rose up after holding the sink for a long time, bowed in front of the mirror, and cleaned her fa
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Chapter 159
"I don't know," Mary Kinsonslowly raised the fox's eye and replied."Can you tell me which class you're in?" The guidance director looked , surprised and irritated.She has a lovely face, but she is a lousy student who has no idea what class she is in. In the future, she will become a vase.Unfortunately..."I haven't gone to school in a long time," Mary Kinson says: "I haven't been to school in a long time." I was in a vehicle accident earlier and got a concussion, so I don't recall anything."She can come with her mouth open at other times as long as she doesn't lie in front of William.People look at her with a little sympathy in this way."Oh, so it is, so now..." said the guidance director in a hushed tone.Said, and he rose up and examined his pupils, unsure of which class to place her in.Several teachers who had been standing on the sidelines returned to their seats and sat down, claiming they did not want to be the ones to pick up this hot potato.A female student who
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Chapter 160
Class four.A girl wearing a miniskirt and heavy make-up sat on the table , and there were girls in front of her who took photos of her with a makeup mirror.The girls around her is also very beautiful, and with the typical bad students look l "Have you heard of Li Ya? Chu Baiyu got a certificate a few days ago. Now she is hotter at school, and fans are going to break 10,000."Li Ya took the mirror from the girl opposite and glanced at the girl who spoke: "Can you not mention her, I will be bored when you see her? If it weren't for Yang Feng's protection, I would have disfigured her ."Originally, Li Ya was the beauty queen evaluated by the school. Later, due to of Chu Baiyu's award, the beauty queen changed .She has long hated her.At this moment, the excited voice of the students came from the door: "Come, come, the school beauty and and handsome boy are coming together!""Oh ho! I moved the Civil Affairs Bureau and asked them to get married !""Ah ah ah, let me see..."Because Yang
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