All Chapters of If Loving You Is Wrong: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
363 Chapters
Chapter 121
"What do you want to say?" Emma Rosy saw her mouth open and close, and forced herself to hold back her excitement as she asked her softly. "...... Emma......" Judi Dench's voice was unusually hoarse, and it took a while for Emma Rosy's name to pop out. "Yes, I am." Emma Rosy held her hand tightly and nodded her head one after another, her eyes were filled with tears. "You ...... you ......" Judi Dench strained to speak. Emma Rosy wanted to tell her she had something to say later, but seeing her, she finally didn't say anything and patiently listened to what she had to say. "You ...... your ...... face ...... face ......" Judi Dench's eyes were filled with a heartfelt look of pain. "Does it hurt ......?" Judi Dench's words caused Emma Rosy's tears to fall down completely uncontrollably. She did not expect that the first thing Judi Dench said when she woke up was in concern for the injury on her face. "It doesn't hurt, I'm not in pain." Emma Rosy's tears fell down in big drops. And then
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Chapter 122
Your injury ......" Although it has scabbed over, but it is still heartbreaking to look at. "You'd better worry about worrying about yourself." Emma Rosy saw that she was in good shape to recover and joked with her. While they were talking, Kevin Armstrong walked in through the door, carrying freshly peeled fruit. When he saw Keira, he took one and handed it to her. Emma Rosy looked at him with a natural look and a smile appeared on her face. "And thanks to Kevin Armstrong for taking care of you these past few days." Emma Rosy a common tone, but in Judi Dench's ears but a different meaning, "You do not know, in the time you are unconscious, he is sitting next to you day and night to guard, afraid to miss the time you wake up." Judi Dench knew she was making small talk, but something didn't feel right. Kevin Armstrong's ears were already red, and he couldn't listen anymore so he turned around, "After all, we're going to be doing something together." But his explanation was better than n
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Chapter 123
oe Wright came home with a tinge of anger on his face. "I went to the police station today to ask if there was a statement from this man, but I was told he was released!" After Joe Wright's sentence, Emma Rosy looked surprised, "What happened? Wasn't the man identified as the driver?" "The police said the man showed some nerve problem and eventually found him not guilty." Joe Wright took a sip of water and angrily repeated what the police had said. "He's certainly not mentally ill." Joe Wright steadied himself before seriously analyzing the cause and effect of the incident. Joe Wright intuitively guessed, after all, there could be no such coincidence in this world. The man was released and then disappeared without a trace, there is no trace, which makes Joe Wright even more annoying. Emma Rosy saw that he was lost in thought and called out to him softly, "Joe." Her soft voice reached the ears of Joe Wright, and his thoughts switched back. "Don't worry too much, I'll just be more carefu
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Chapter 124
He seemed a little uncomfortable at Judi Dench's look and finally added, "I saw it on the street and bought a bouquet on the way." "Thanks, I like them a lot." Judi Dench hugged the flowers, not caring what he said later. After the meal was over, they went downstairs, Judi Dench wanted to say goodbye but was prevented from doing so by Kevin Armstrong. "It's still early, don't you want to go for a walk?" His slightly expectant gaze fell on that of Judi Dench, and after a moment of consideration, she nodded. There was a park right next to it, and they walked in that direction with understanding. The streetlights were already on, and Kevin Armstrong was visibly a bit reluctant, and his speech became unsteady. Until finally he mustered up the courage to look at Judi Dench, "Can I chase you?" He felt that the sudden confession was a bit abrupt, afraid of scaring her, and could only take a step back first. Obviously, when he saw Judi Dench frozen in place, thinking it still scared her. In fa
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Chapter 125
"What else can be done, both of her knees won't work before coming to us. Dr. Lin also sighed, "These old people are too tolerant, they are afraid of causing trouble for their children, and they put up with some inconvenience as long as they can, but in the end, they can't take it anymore and become seriously ill." After hearing Dr. Lin's words, Emma Rosy wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. She walked out of the clinic with a particularly dejected heart. When she saw that the old lady hadn't gone far, her gaze sank and she turned to the counter. "Old lady, you can take these medicines first." Emma Rosy took some with painkillers and medicine for her knee, although Dr. Lin just said that it was useless, but she believed that it would always be able to relieve some of the old lady's pain. "Thank you, thank you, girl." The old lady's face had a hint of excitement, followed by her trembling hand pulling out a white plastic bag from her pocket. "Girl, how much money,
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Chapter 126
He said that Keira's heart instantly stopped tangling after hearing this, and she even extended her little hand, "Then Daddy and Keira pull the hook." She learned this at school today and heard that once you pull the hook you can't go back on it. Keira pulled the hook with Alex Brown and then with Emma Rosy. Emma Rosy looked at her expectant face and had no choice but to go along with her. At the same time, Judi Dench was driving to the agreed location. She had just talked to Emma Rosy on the phone and heard that Keira was coming, so she was in a happy mood, and she had left the company's problems behind. What she didn't realize was that there was a car behind her while she was driving. When she arrived at the appointed place, she took the information and went to the restaurant. Before she could take two steps, a man suddenly came out from the side and hit her at once. "Sorry sorry sorry!" The man saw that the things in her hands were touched by him on the ground, and hurriedly picked
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Chapter 127
"Then you should make the best of it, I'm still waiting for your wedding candy." Emma Richard joked. "You can stop poking fun at me." The two ended the meal happily. Judi Dench watched Emma Richard's back as she left, exhaled, and then looked up at the surrounding cameras before walking back into the store. Emma Richard returned home with Keira and saw Joe Wright sitting on the couch. He turned his head at the sound of movement, "Back?" Emma Richard didn't answer him, but silently went to the couch and sat down, trying to tell him what had happened. Joe Wright saw her like this and thought that something had happened, and his face became serious. Keira had been sent aside by Emma Richard to play, and only Emma Richard and Joe Wright were left in the living room. "You said a charity clinic? When and for how long?" Joe Wright's face looked more serious after hearing about this matter. "It's not confirmed yet." Emma Richard knew he would be worried, but it was something she would need to
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Chapter 128
f Kevin Armstrong hadn't told her that this was her father's secretary, she would never have thought that the hunched-over man in front of her was the one she remembered. Holding back her surprise, she sat down on the couch, wanting to know what had happened to the secretary.But before Emma Richard sat, the man knelt directly in front of her, which made her a little unaware of what was wrong, and hurriedly reached out to help. "You don't want to do that." Emma Richard squatted and tried to help her up, but instead she saw the tears on her face. "Emma, it's me who's sorry for your father, it's me who's sorry for the company ......" she was a bit incoherent, ever since the incident at the company, she had been immersed in self-blame, not to mention knowing that Emma Richard had been sent to jail, which made her feel even more guilty. For years, she had lived with the guilt, wanting to redeem herself, until Kevin Armstrong found her that day, and a little relief came over her. "You get
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Chapter 129
"Emma, you're amazing!" Judi Dench was a little excited. Kevin Armstrong can not help but breathe a sigh of relief. After leaving the study, Judi Dench's mood was obviously a little better, and felt less guilty. "Your house is so big. You will not be sad to live alone." Judi Dench and Emma Richard both went downstairs first. After things took a turn Judi Dench couldn't help but relax a bit, she looked around and couldn't help but flirt. Kevin Armstrong followed, heard Judi Dench's words, can't help but show a smile on his face, "sad ah, but after you live in it will not be sad." Judi Dench's face was red. "What are you talking about?" Although it was a rebuke, but from Judi Dench's mouth it is a delicate feeling. "Why is your face so red?" Emma Richard saw the blush and deliberately teased. "Huh? Red?" "I guess it's too hot." Emma Richard just snickered. The matter was left to Kevin Armstrong, and Emma Richard's mood relaxed a bit. By the time Emma Richard arrived home, her eyes san
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Chapter 130
It is probably for the secretary struggling to hurt another person. With this speculation, Emma Richard was able to conclude that someone had orchestrated this incident. While they were looking for the secretary, Emma Richard's visit to the countryside was also on the agenda.Although Alex Roberts didn't want her to go, Emma Richard didn't care about his words, and when the day of departure came, Emma Richard packed her things and went to the station. Joe Wright, Judi Dench and others sent her to the station, all the way to tell her to be more careful. Keira, on the other hand, was nestled in her arms, clinging to Emma Richard's lapels and not wanting her to leave. "Mommy, when are you coming back?" Keira was sad to think that she would not see Emma Richard for a long time. Emma Richard felt very guilty for Keira, after all, she went away for a while, and the place was far away. "I'll be back as soon as I can, Keira, so be good at home, okay? Emma Richard kissed Keira's forehead and
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