All Chapters of No Strings Attached: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
Chapter 71
Jen looked at her boss with sad eyes. "I warned you. You should have left him some dignity. The way you did it was really cold, boss." "I had to do it that way! I was sending a message to everyone. No one is bulletproof if you're not performing to standard. How did the rank and file take it?" "Truth?" "Always." "Well, Bev, it's divided. Most of the men and some of the women think you're a screaming bitch. A few admire you, but it's very few. A surprising number are updating their resumes, saying that a company that fires people with no warning whatsoever is not a company they want to work for. Two more of your salesmen say they've seen the writing on the wall. One already has an interview lined up, and I suspect that in two-week's time, he'll be gone. The other is thinking about relocating to be closer to his aging parents, and this is the incentive he says he needs." Beverly couldn't believe her words. This wasn't what she had in mind at all. She thought that if she showed them
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Chapter 72
Curious, Bev had him escorted to her office. He was a large man with a friendly face, dressed impeccably in a nice suit and tie. He thanked her for her time, and got down to business. "Ms. Beverly Patterson? Or should I address you as Mrs. David Waxman?" "I go by my maiden name here, for professional reasons. What can I do for you today?" He really looked apologetic when he handed her the papers. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you've been served. Good Day, I'll find my own way out." Beverly looked at the large envelope, and fainted. She came to her senses on her sofa, Jen and X had placed her there, and Jen was wiping her face with a cold cloth. "What happened?" "You fainted." "I fainted? Why would I faint?" Jen held the envelope and it all flooded back. Bev started crying uncontrollably. It took her twenty minutes to cry it out. In a trembling voice, she asked Jen to open it and tell her how bad it was. Jen opened it up and nearly fainted herself. She read through them with intense c
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Chapter 73
Dave knew that Sal hadn't asked the question casually, and grinned. "Yeah, I know of them. I'm even kind of friends with the youngest son of the owner, but I haven't talked to him in over a year." Sal looked a little embarrassed. "They're expanding into our area. I talked to a few people who've used their product, and all seem to be satisfied. I haven't responded to them, mostly because of you. Your stuff is higher, but you always kept your word, always delivered on time, always followed up if we had a problem. "We, Stuart, and a few others took your advice when you demonstrated the latest version, and we've been retooling for the better part of the year, using up old inventory. I don't know about the others, but I have about a month's supply before I'll be completely changed over. We find ourselves in a unique position; RGP's version fits even better into our plans than your old company's version does. The main reason I wanted you to come by was to ask your advice and offer you a j
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Chapter 74
Beverly squirmed, and gave her coached answer. "That is correct, but as CEO, I have the authority to terminate anyone, at will. The numbers had dropped so radically I thought we were in danger of losing some very old and lucrative accounts, in fact, that is exactly what is happening. I felt I had no choice." The Arbitrator nodded, then turned to Dave. "Sir, does this sound reasonable?" Dave actually grinned. "Not at all. There was a reason the numbers were low. I even tried to explain it to Ms. Patterson a few times at work and in our domestic situation, but she told me I needed to stay out of things above my pay grade, so I dropped it." "Tell me then, why did your numbers drop so dramatically?" "Believe it or not, it was planned. We were coming out with a new and improved product, and there was a lot of old inventory still available. I talked the customers into buying the new product by discounting the old, and clearing it out of inventory. I have here statements from four of our
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Chapter 75
She enjoyed the look on his face as she left, and couldn't wait to see it when they lowered the boom that afternoon. Pushing him out of her mind as she drove, she worked on her presentation to Sal and his new purchasing manager. It had to be just right if she were to have any chance. Sal was waiting at the restaurant, even though Bev was fifteen minutes early. He stood and seated her, and she appreciated it. Dave had always been well mannered, taught by a great uncle who instilled in him that manners never went out of style. She missed that, among other things. They chatted for a minute, but when she started talking business, he stopped her. "Please, Beverly, let's wait for my purchasing director. I want his opinions and insight on anything we go over. He should be here any minute, in fact, here he is now." Bev turned to greet him and the words died in her throat. Dave! He was the new purchasing director? If she wasn't dead in the water before, she was now. He must have seen the de
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Chapter 76
Some of it filled her with unease. The anniversaries she'd missed, always promising to make it up to Dave, the birthdays, the special events in his life, her parents, his parents, and their friends lives, all missed while she chased the next deal. She remembered seeing the fleeting look of pain in Dave's eyes when the toddler of one of their friends' children tottered up to him with upraised arms. He cuddled the child, and for a moment Bev had a vision it was their child. She shook it off. Unless Dave would consent to being a full time house husband, there would never be any children in their future. She'd seen many a woman, full of talent and promise, get sidelined and passed by because they couldn't commit fully to the job because of family. Besides, she was 36, so that ship had probably already sailed. She sat straight up in shock at her realization. God! Dave was right. He would always be second in her priorities, as long as she continued on the path she had committed to. It must
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Chapter 77
"Does that mean I don't miss her? No. I remember the little things, before she became important. The spur of the moment trips to 'sight see', which was code for making love in a strange bed, the conversations about life we used to have, years ago, when we actually shared a vision, I remember all that, but those memories are dim, and the ones fresh in my mind are of her egotism and arrogance. She was like a sports star that read her own press, believing every story. She wants me back? Why?"Most importantly, Susan, if she wants me, why hasn't she come to me? She's still in queen mode, waiting for the errant knight to return. If she's not willing to put any effort into our almost dead marriage, what makes you think she wants it that bad? I haven't even received a phone call. Doesn't sound like she's all that heartbroken to me. In this case, Mohammed needs to come to the mountain. Now, I love you both dearly, and your husband is my boss, but this is the last conversation we're having abo
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Chapter 78
Beverly was shaking a bit when she pulled into his drive. It was the first time she had seen the house, and she was surprised at how big it was. Why would an almost single man, childless, need such a big house? It gave off an air of old-fashioned charm, from the graveled paths to the porch swing on the wraparound porch, where several people were gathered. They looked at Beverly curiously as she walked to the door, wondering who she was. She was just about to knock when it swung open. There he was. His eyes widened with surprise. It had been ten weeks since they'd laid eyes on each other. Before he could speak, she rushed out what she had planned to say. "Hello, Dave. Please don't be upset, Susan invited me and I wanted very badly to see you. If you don't want me here I'll go, but please, can I stay?" He stood for a moment before grinning. "Come in, Beverly. I'd like to show you my house, and sometime later I think we need to talk, don't you?" He reached out, and she locked down on h
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Chapter 79
Dave stood with his jaw hanging as Beverly led her away, back to the infamous bathroom. It was sure getting a lot of use today. She got a cloth and towel and gently patted her face dry, saying soothing words to calm her down. Marsha hugged her like she was afraid to let go. When she finally calmed down, Beverly had her wash her face, envying the smooth skin of youth. She wore no makeup, her hair in a simple ponytail. "I'm all right now. We can go back now." "Let's give it a minute. Let your ponytail down, and I'll straighten it a little." Marsha obeyed Beverly like a child, and she sat her in front of the mirror, straightening out her tangles. Without thinking Beverly started redoing Marsha's hair, putting it in an elaborate braid. It made her even more attractive. Determining to go farther, she used a bit of blush, a hint of mascara, and a light pink lipstick on her. Marsha sat silently, her eyes getting bigger as she watched herself transform. When Beverly was done, she would have
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Chapter 80
"Here's what we do. I'll take charge of the legal stuff, that's my strong suit. Yours is sales, so you need to sell her on the idea of being an adult and doing what's best for both of them." "Won't it look bad, a single older man taking a young woman and child in?" That stung. Beverly finally let some of her temper loose. "You listen to me, Dave Waxman. You are not a single man! You have a wife, and she is not inclined to be referred to as the former Mrs. Waxman. It took all of this to wake me up, Dave, and I intend to never sleep again. I've missed you so badly, honey. But introspection has led me to understand that what happened is all on me. I took you for granted for so long that I got used to it. I got bad advice, went a little power mad, and screwed my life up in ways I could never imagine. Tonight was the first step on my way back to you. Do you still love me?" It took everything she had to ask that question, and she was scared to death of the answer. He looked thoughtful, a
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