All Chapters of Living with the Enemy.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
151 Chapters
61. Mia has a boyfriend.
Mia.The wind howls as we arrive through the school gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends were greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while some others stood looking scared or idle. The seniors stood, tall and proud, confidence born of experience. The halls were dressed in black and white and the tiles were a checker board with humans as the pieces. The whole building sent a chill down my spine and reminded me of something out of my nightmares.‘I do not want to be here,’ I thought and I wrap my arms around my chilled body; this was the last place I wanted to be. Unfortunately, there was no way to avoid school because, apparently, it is a very important phenomenon, one that you have to do whether or not you like it. And for someone like me who literally had no friends, it was hard to just do a bidding because the society says so, I had even became a pariah because of the fight that I had with the girls who would not leave me alone, I was glad though beca
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62. Being a teenager.
Mia.As soon as the car stops, I rushed out of the car and into the house with Fury, I see Ms. Elena sitting at the lounge and even though I would normally go to her and greet her while we joke around about school and what not, I just was not in that sort of mood today. Instead, I ignore her without as much as a greeting.I know that I was been really rude at the moment but I just did not seem to care, my temper could just not be tamed.“I don’t know what is wrong with her, it’s like some kind of witch possesses her to act like that sometimes.” I overheard Diego say to Ms. Elena and my head snaps in the direction of his voice only to see him hugging our nanny while sobbing quietly like a drama queen that he is.The sight angered me even more and I almost screamed, I saw Camila coming into the lounge at the same time that Mrs. Cali and some maids did but I simply proceeded to brush past Camila with no greeting or recognition whatsoever, every thing annoyed me so much that I could not ev
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63. Banished from the Pack.
Elena.It took me a great deal of time to calm down Diego who was crying so much that he had even begun to run a temperature. He had seen his sister fall down the stairs so hard and he had been so devastated ever since. When I finally succeeded in getting him to fall asleep, I pulled the covers over him and then I went downstairs. “I did not do it intentionally, alpha, please. She fell off the stairs all by herself because she slipped, I had absolutely nothing to do with it.” I heard Sofia’s voice coming from the alpha’s study whose door was slightly opened.Camila stood a few feet away from the kitchen and I walked over to her. Luca was at the lounge listening to it all too while Mrs. Cali and some other maids were next to her. Everybody looked gloomy and sad, the whole atmosphere in the house was just very depressing too.“I think Sofia did not mean to harm Mia, she can be cold but harming Mia does not seem like anything she would do at all, she has been so caring to the kids sinc
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64. A Gloomy House.
Elena.It had been raining for hours now, the steady patter of water against my raincoat long since faded to a dull rush in the back of my mind. The thick wool was almost soaked through. I didn't know if it would ever be dry again.I tramped my way along the rutted, muddy trail in irritated silence. It was supposed to be a full moon tonight. Not that I could tell; the clouds above stopped any light from aiding me on stupid stroll back to the house. I had a torch in my bag- any sensible person does- but God knows it wouldn't light in this downpour.A piercing gust of wind shook the trees above my head, showering my already miserable frame with a fresh deluge. I wiped the water from my eyes with a wet sleeve and tucked a lock of my long brown hair back under the protection of my hood. What I wouldn't give for an umbrella, or a lantern. But I had to be away from the gloominess of the house one way or the other, raining or not.It was even starting to tell a great toll on me as I could no
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65. I have a brain tumor.
Mia. I awake with a dull pain underlying the numbness in my right arm, and am enveloped by the stench of drugs, antiseptics and what not. Even before I open my eyes, I already think that I'm not at home. The air is heavy and damp, pressing against my skin like a clammy shroud. Where am I?When I do decide to open my eyes, my vision is sleep-blurred and untrustworthy. All I see are moving shapes of light and dark, of color and shadow-- an indistinct, alien, jig-saw puzzle. I try to rub away the sleep fogging my vision with the fingers of my left hand, the right still feels dead and will not obey my directions. Like a fish of the deep rising to the surface of bright air and sun, I swim up to consciousness out of a dead blank into a whiter world than I have ever seen. The daylight is blinding. I can hear voices very near at hand, as if just behind my ear, talking together quietly in a sorrowful way. Beeping sounds battles with faint chatter as I try to gather my senses. The gray canvas
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66. A Very Unexpected Visit.
Elena.We had a very unexpected visit today, from a man that I would be seeing for the first time and yet very scared of. Mr. Deangelo’s father, Alessandro Ferrari. Even though he had been around for hours now, I could not stop myself from sneaking fearful looks his way.The man's forehead was totally covered with deep wrinkles, which were as uneven as his obviously turbulent life. Bushy black and grey brows, frowned from time to time, made these wrinkles even deeper, and all these gave the man's face rather a strict expression. His pointy face was framed with short thinning hair, and one could notice a small bald spot on the top of the head. His side whiskers that began on the temples were coming down to an accurate small beard, which he was always stroking once in a while. It was possible to see a little mole on the outer side of the eye. The mole was creating an optical illusion that made one think that he was screwing up his eyes.Standing in the lounge, cool wind blew into his se
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67. The Kids' Nanny.
Deangelo.Seeing dad walk in at the exact same time that I was almost contemplating walking up to Elena and kissing the life out of all was sort of relieving yet annoying. I had been watching her take water from the fridge and the way the shirt she was on covered next to nothing on her made me as hard as a rock in less than minutes. I have to also remind her to be a bit covered up when she comes out of her room at nights because, sometimes, it may not be just me that sees her like that, the same exact way that dad had just seen her too.I was loosing my head over Elena but then making any move just kept me feeling like I would be making another grave mistake of my life, it also felty like I would simply be betraying my late wife and my kids if I do try to make this more mutual between us both. I know that doing this would not be hard because even though Elena acts like she is so scared out of her skin of me, I was very sure that she felt something for me too and this feeling is so str
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68. Squash whatever Feelings.
Elena.My feeling of being abandoned intensified as I went about my days in a not so exciting nor alive manner. It soon started to feel like repeated days as each day went by. Early in the morning, I woke up extra early enough so I could go for my morning run which I had taken as a daily ritual now, it just started to make me feel so alive and free like never before and it was making me feel like my strength was also being doubled.When I return, it was always time for the kids to get ready for school whenever it was week days and that was always what I did. Once I succeed in accompany them to school with the guys because alpha had made sure that now that he was away, we went out with enough security, I have chats with Mrs. Cali while trying so hard to start up a conversation with Camila who claimed that she had accepted my apology, yet still gives me cold shoulder that had not gone unnoticed by everyone.Everyday, the alpha made sure that he called and I always found myself eavesdrop
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69. Dragging our departure back home.
Deangelo.I was on my way to the Grapevine club which was located in the country I had travelled to. As soon as I got there with Luca and my men, I could see the long waiting line, it went around the corner and has about two hundred youngsters waiting to have what they termed ‘fun.’ Many of them looked younger than twenty one and I could already tell that they had the perfect IDs that they think is deceiving anyone but themselves.After what was not a long waiting period for us because of our VIP card, we went in. Two steps inside and we were in a magical world of disco lights, laser beams, and the irreplaceable glow of black lights shinning on people and my body began to get irritated by the loud music and the body heat of hundreds of horny people. As I looked around, I could see beautiful ladies wearing tight outfits that show their body figures-and, sometimes, even more. Everyone was smiling and having such a good time and it was almost as if I was the only one who cared about th
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70. An Unhealthy Obsession.
Sofia. It had been two weeks since I was sent way from Ferrari pack and also sacked from being the kids’ tutor, it has also been that exact weeks since I last slept. I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself anymore. My face was now gaunt, my cheeks sunken in, and my eyes were hollow. My hair was brittle and lifeless, falling out in clumps. My body was skeletal and sagged, with no energy to keep myself upright. I had lost so much weight since he walked me out of his life. I could barely eat or sleep. I spent my days obsessing over him, replaying our brief interactions in my mind, trying to decipher every word he said, every gesture he made. And this was all because of him. The alpha werewolf who did not even know about my feelings for him. The man who I do not exist to as anything other than his late wife’s best friend and children’s tutor. The man I had been in love with for years, but who had never feel the same way about me. He did not know how I feel about him, how I a
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