All Chapters of Reborn As A Scrap Queen : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
77 Chapters
Chapter 11
Author pov...Shelly trembled when she heard his words, how to get out of this place, As he was waiting for her restlessly, Manhua, huahua's mother gestured for her maid to go and help Shelly, There was a hidden door in the cabinet in that changing room, that maid rushed to the other side of the room and opened the door, Shelly took a breath of relief and hurried out after getting changed, all this time she had been wearing the veil, so that man or any other one in that place didn't get the chance to see her face. The main entrance was still lively, they all had been waiting to see the goddess that performed on the stage just once, so Shelly silently got out from the secret door in the backyard, in a man's dress.It was hard for her to be able to escape from a situation like this.After waiting for so long, that man was restless, he ordered Manhua to take a look in the changing room, Manhua rushed into the room and checked it, "My lord, she isn't here, the back door is opened I th
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Chapter 12
Shelley's pov...I reached the palace with great difficulties and challenges. That chariot in which I came, left me near the King's palace, I still had to walk a long way to go to the Queen's Palace. As soon as I reached my palace area, I saw Aali being restless, more people were standing there and there seems to be some kind of argument going on among them.Did she notice that I was not in there?Did I get caught even after struggling a lot?I hideously walked toward the entrance of my room, and from that place, I can hear Aali talking, "My lady will be there in time, she is getting ready inside...!" she was yelling at those other maids, "Aahh... my lady concubine Jin, has sent this perfume to the honorable Queen, I will hand it over to the queen myself, you mere a low-grade maid, how dare you instruct me?" the other old maid looks like a weirdo, she is actually forcing my maid to open the door,Uhh...!She is really something, I must find a way to get in, I looked at the room I w
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Chapter 13
Shelly's pov...It was night and this land has no streetlights too, "Your Highness, we can not go further" those men were repeating these lines."Ok...I will get down" Aali held my hand and I got down, all these systems must be started by that jerk just to torture the ladies in the harem, "That jerk...!" a curse left my mouth, "My Lady....please" Aali requested me not to lose my control, that's right I need to hold it back, this is that jerk's territory, No one can imagine what I am going through now, dark in the night, stony path, and the most creepy thing is a heavily embellished brocade, silk dress that is swiping the floor in addition to that I have to walk wearing all these till that hall. It's not done yet, I am going to meet that jerk who was about to force me this morning."I can't believe this...!," I bent forward to see how much I had to walk to reach that hall, it was far away, I sighed just at the thought that I had to walk all along to get there and wear this complica
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Chapter 14
Shelly's pov..."Just stop it Aali...!" I yelled as she started her weeping, "Tell me about this place and its rules," I asked her, the cabin looked so isolated, and I had a doubt about this place being the queen's place."No... My lady...! it is not the Queen's place you refused to sit beside the lord, and your place was....!" she stopped suddenly giving me suspense, "What happened to my place?" I asked seriously she got up, held my hand, and took me along to a corner, "See... my lady, as you refused to sit, that place was occupied by Concubine Jin, she sat in your place" she revealed gritting her teeth, How could a Concubine sit in Queen's place?From what I read in the books and saw in the dramas, it isn't allowed, then why would rules here in this land could be so horrible?"Why did I refuse to sit there?" I asked her if she knows, "That even I don't know my lady, back then in the banquet of concubine Jin, you volunteered to subside, and she took your place," she explained,
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Chapter 15
Shelly pov...Aali came with a plate of white rose petals and I mixed some Pearls from my jewelry in them. Those were the same as the pearls that Jinwei gave to that maid.After a long observation of what was going Aali still couldn't figure out what I was trying to do, "Why are you mixing them in petals, My Lady?" this girl is nothing more than a dumb, "mix them in with the petals that are kept ready to rain on concubine Jin, when she starts her dance" I ordered and she took that plate of petals away, she didn't understand but soon she will, I don't want to kill someone, I just wanted to give something special back to them.The music started playing and that concubine gave a grand entry. So many maids helped her with the outstanding entry by carrying her in their arms, and she swirled her body with a seductive way of dancing. Did she work in a nightclub?Her dance was more like a bar dancer dancing without a rod.The dress she was wearing was no less than a cabre dancer of cours
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Chapter 16
Why does he stare at me like that?I get a feeling that I am a lamb and he is a tiger that is about to eat me. He is stronger than me, I can't explain how I really wish that the author of this book could have given some superpower to this character Luli. It would have been so good if this was a fantasy novel instead of a romantic one.Wait...!Was this a romantic novel?I don't know even the genre of this second part. What am I thinking?Is that even necessary to think about that when I am stuck in his arms, that too, like this? As I couldn't get out of here myself, why not let him do that for me?I put my hands near his nose, and he jolted and loosened his grip, that fraction of a second was enough for me to get away from him, "You...!" he hissed in anger gritting his teeth where I stood at a distance grinning.I can't believe that a monster like him actually has a weakness...!I must thank that concubine Jin for that...!In fact, I should ask her to give me more of that perfume.
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Chapter 17
Xicheng's pov...That banquet was so important for me because it was for my only blood brother, XiLiang, he was returning after spending three long years on the battlefield, he could have returned last year if he hadn't been angry with me because I forcibly married to Empress mother's niece, he was against that marriage but I did that because I had my reasons. He was so angry that he canceled his visit to me, the moment he heard that I married Queen Luli.I couldn't convince him, even after sending him many gifts and letters, I think finally he forgave me and suddenly sent me a letter that he will be returning to the capital soon, it was a surprise for me. I was so happy about his return and so I wanted to give him a grand welcome. I had been busy with the preparation and the court issues all this day, and after a tiring schedule, I finally got to see him tonight after three years.He was eighteen years old when he left for the battlefield, and now he will be a grown-up man of twent
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Chapter 18
Xi Cheng's pov..."Oh... do it if you are capable of doing that," I supported her for the first time in my life, "Concubine Jin, you have a good body, I heard you are talented too, there are no entertainers today to perform in front of us, why don't you take this opportunity to show your talent and also grab the chance to apologize to me and his highness...?" that was a good idea, there was really no performer in the banquet, as the best performer of the city had fractured her leg, Jimwei was a talented woman in terms of dance, it will be good if she performs. XiLiang will definitely like it. "It's settled then, concubine Jin, behave yourself from now on...!" I warned her before leaving as she was about to start her weeping drama. I looked at Luli once before getting out, this girl drives me crazy about her. If it isn't a banquet, I would have eaten her....!XiLiang came after a while. We all sit to enjoy the banquet, it was so prosperous and good, I was feeling so overwhelmed to se
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Chapter 19
Shelly's pov...It was dark in that room despite it being early in the morning, just a beam of light falling from the roof barely enough to recognize things around me.I can't accept this as my fate, I need to fight back against those who want me to shed tears, against those who can't see me be happy. It doesn't matter which world I am in, the struggles will be the same, but I was never the person to accept my defeat until my mind says that I lost.I got up tearing the curtain cloth which was wrapped around me, and untie my hands from that loose grip of the piece of cloth that was tied on them.As I freed myself, I peeped around to find something useful but that place was like a stable, with nothing but broken wood planks, ropes, and dry grass everywhere.When I moved further, I found some scrap clothes piled up in a corner, jerking them off to remove any harmful insects, I took them to the beam of the light to see if they can help me get changed.Those were some thin and blunt men's
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Chapter 20
As I heard those sounds coming from the other side of the room, I was sure something was wrong with Huahua and her mother Manhua, but how could I help them,I had been patient enough for a long but when I heard someone slapping them, I clenched my fist, I can't tolerate this anymore, Deep inside me, I feel like those people may be here for me, so I can't go like this too.Fortunately, I have so many things here to hide myself and my look. This is a changing room to begin with, with many varieties of makeup things and dresses, I wore a male dress with vibrant colors and piled my hair dividing it into two halves and rolling them like two fountains on my head.I looked into the mirror and couldn't help to laugh, I think that was enough for my hair.I took out the makeup and covered my face with weird black color spots all over my face and on my teeth and completely tanning myself with the dark brown color. It gave me the most dangerous look ever. As I opened the door slightly, I saw a
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