Semua Bab Tangled: Bab 61 - Bab 70
72 Bab
Chapter 61
Lovette’s POV“Just don’t make sure you get carried away in whatever you do,” Gabriel said, his voice low. “That guy over there has been staring at us, his eyes not looking away from us” Gabriel nudged his head towards the left.I turned my head slowly in that direction and saw a hefty-looking guy in black shades. He was standing against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, and a stern expression on his face. I couldn't help but stare for a moment.Suddenly, he turned his head towards me, and our eyes met. I quickly averted my gaze, feeling uneasy that I had been caught looking at him. I didn't want to give him the wrong impression, especially since he looked like he could take me down with one punch.“I just feel really bad, that after this event, my mother will return to that hell hole,” I said“Everything will be alright. It’s just a matter of time” Gabriel said.I watched as my father strolled down the stage with a smile plastered on his face, radiating confidence and enthus
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Gabriel POVWe all gathered around Lovette to listen to the conversation she was having with her mum. I was glad my plan worked, at least I got to see Lovette smile as she listened to her mum.Except for one, she wasn't smiling, she said on the edge of the couch, her eyes wide and her lips pressed tightly together as her mother recounted the events that had led to her kidnapping. The room was silent except for the sound of her mother's voice, which was soft and shaky with emotion."I should have seen it coming," her mother said, her eyes filled with tears. "Your father has always been a schemer, always looking for a way to get ahead. He didn't want me back, Lovette. He wanted to use you to get to Gabriel."Lovette sat there, numb and silent, as her mother continued to speak.“He has always been on the lookout for Gabriel and his money, watching him from afar," Lovette's mother said“He's been watching Gabriel?" Lovette asked, her voice barely above a whisper."Yes," her mother replied
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Chapter 63
Gabriel POVCeleste took a deep breath and looked at me with a solemn expression."The thugs have found this place," she said, her voice low and urgent. "Keeping Lovette here isn't safe. Her dad is keeping a sharp eye on us in case we pull any pranks, but we can't take any chances."I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. Celeste was right. We couldn't afford to be caught off guard by the thugs. We had to change plans."What do you suggest we do?" I asked, looking at Celeste.“We need to find a new safe house," Nyx said, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger."But where can we go?" Neo asked, his voice tinged with fear.Celeste looked at me, her eyes piercing and intense."We'll have to split up," she said. "Gabriel, you take Lovette and find a new place to stay. Neo and Nyx, you stay here and keep an eye on things. We'll meet up later tonight and come up with a new plan."I nodded, knowing that Celeste was right. We had to be careful and cautious.How was I going to conv
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Chapter 64
Ralph’s povAfter I lunged at Gabriel, I knew I had messed up. I was angry and frustrated, and I took it out on him. I shouldn't have done that, and I regretted it immediately.But then Gabriel said something that stopped me in my tracks. Lovette was his fiance? I couldn't believe it. It had to be a lie. But the look on Gabriel's face told me otherwise.I turned to her, hoping she would set the record straight. She did not deny what Gabriel saidBut then Gabriel spoke again, his words cutting through the air like a knife. Lovette was his fiance, and they were getting married soon.“I can't believe you attacked him like that,” Lovette said, her voice filled with fury. She turned to Gabriel “I'm so sorry, Gabriel”Gabriel just shrugged it off, but Lovette was not willing to let it go."No, it's not okay. He had no right to put his hands on you like that”, she said, her voice rising.I was at a loss for words. My girlfriend was defending someone she knew I despised. I glanced at Gabriel,
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Chapter 65
Gabriel’s POVAs I stood at the altar, my heart pounding in my chest, I couldn't believe that this moment had finally arrived.My dream was coming true, I would be married to Lovette and no one would be able to take her away from me.The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the priest delivered his final words. My heart was pounding in my chest as I turned to face my beautiful bride, the love of my life, standing before me in all her radiance. As we moved closer to each other, I could feel the warmth of her hand in mine and the sweet scent of her perfume.The priest's words echoed in my mind, "You may now kiss the bride," and I leaned in to bestow upon her the most passionate kiss I had ever given in my life. In that moment, nothing else existed in the world except her and me, lost in the overwhelming love that we shared.As we kissed, I could feel her lips move in perfect harmony with mine, and the energy of the moment was palpable. Just as I had expected, the lights suddenly
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Chapter 66
Ralph’s POVI couldn't believe it. Lovette had said yes. My heart was bursting with joy as I drove down the street with a silly grin on my face. It was like the sun was shining brighter and the world was a more beautiful place.I was just dying to get home and tell everyone the news. I felt like shouting it from the rooftops. My parents and siblings. They were all going to be so happy for us.I couldn't help but replay the moment Lovette said yes over and over in my mind.Who would have thought that the fake wedding would have worked in my favor? As we drove down the winding road, I turned to Lovette and told her about my vision for our future family. I wanted a simple life, far away from the city, in a small village where everyone knew each other's names and families were close.I shared with her my dreams of having a home filled with love and laughter, where our children could grow up surrounded by nature and the beauty of the outdoors. I wanted them to have the kind of childhood t
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Chapter 67
Lovette’s POVThat evening, I spent some time with Connor and Tasha. We all sat in the backyard, under the stars, with music playing softly in the background. It was bittersweet, knowing that I was leaving the next day, but also grateful for the time we had together.Connor had prepared my favorite meal, and we all shared stories and laughed together. I knew that I would miss them dearly.As we settled into the comfortable chairs in the backyard, the warm breeze and soft music creating a peaceful atmosphere, Connor asked me how I felt about resuming senior year in high school.I took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure how to express the mix of emotions I felt about returning to school. "Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming to think about. I mean, I'm excited to see my friends again and finish what I started, but at the same time, I'm nervous about the workload and the pressure of college applications."Connor nodded thoughtfully, his eyes showing understanding. "
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Chapter 68
Lovette’s POVI couldn't believe how quickly the school year had gone by. I had been leading the class, acing every test, and putting in countless hours of studying. But all of that hard work was overshadowed by the fear that had gripped our school.It had started innocently enough. A few students were absent on the first day of school, but we all assumed they were just late enrollees. But as the weeks went on, more and more students went missing. It was as if they had vanished into thin air.At first, I tried not to think too much about it. I had my studies to focus on, after all. But the fear and paranoia that was spreading throughout the school were palpable. I could see it in the eyes of my classmates, in the way they moved through the halls, constantly looking over their shoulders.I tried to rationalize it, to come up with some sort of explanation. Maybe they had all transferred to another school, or maybe they had run away from home. But deep down, I knew something was seriousl
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Chapter 69
Gabriel’s POVI stood at the edge of the clearing, watching my pack as they played and hunted. They moved with grace and precision that spoke to their strength and skill. I could feel the pride swell within me, and I knew that it was a feeling that was shared by the rest of the pack. We were a family, and we were growing stronger and healthier every day.Being an alpha wasn't easy, but it was a responsibility that I took seriously.As I turned to leave, I saw Neo approaching me with a frown on his face. As he walked closer, his frown deepened, and I knew something was bothering him. Neo was always talking about his girlfriend, Nyx. He would tell anyone who would listen about how amazing she was and how lucky he felt to have her in his life. But as time went on, it became clear that Neo wasn't just in love with Nyx – he was lovesick for her.Every time Nyx wasn't around, Neo's mood would darken. He would become quiet and withdrawn, lost in his thoughts. He would spend hours staring of
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Chapter 70
Lovette’s POVI stumbled backward as Vera lunged at me, her eyes filled with a terrifying hunger. I knew I was no match for her, but I couldn't give up without a fight.I tried to dodge her attacks, but she was too fast, too strong. She grabbed hold of my shirt, and I felt her claws digging into my skin.Where the hell was Gabriel when I needed him?Just when I thought that all hope was lost and I was about to face certain doom, Nyx appeared out of nowhere, her body beginning to contort and shift into a wolf.Vera growled out loud, recognizing Nyx to be her sister. For a moment, I thought Vera was going to back down and give up fighting. But I thought wrongVera was also transforming, her body twisting and convulsing until she too had taken on the shape of a massive wolf.The two of them began to circle each other, growling and snarling in a display of primal aggression. Even though I knew they were once sisters, it was clear that they were now enemies, locked in a deadly struggle th
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