All Chapters of Stumbling Into The Pack : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
91 Chapters
Episode 11
Margret's POVNitah was the first born, she was totally spoilt by her father from the day she was born. When she grew up, she didn't outgrow the bad behaviors tied around her head. With the second around, she became worse, fighting here and there. But when Dina was born, Nitah's demon completely took over her as though waiting for the right time.Now, it was marriage, I watched Nitah come out for that as well, and as her father got involved in it, I feared for the worse."Show that which you're hiding behind you and stop talking like a child, Nitah!""I'm not gonna let that bitch take my man away from me just like every other time!"Just staring at my daughter's rage erupting for no reason that I could fathom, my fear that I got the wrong child made my heart ache. Painfully. While rushing to pull what she was hiding, a piece of wood from the roof broke loose and dropped down between us. Our mouths opened wide in shock."Mommy?""I told you that girl is evil, but you wouldn't believe m
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Episode 12
Dina's POVFastfowarded to the marketplace, I couldn't find the words to describe the change from the same young man that got quite close to me after his life, which he believed was saved by me."I'm still gonna come for you, for what you did." Eroyu leaned near my ear and whispered, even as his grandmother kept tapping his hand. "Before, I was blind, but after that dream I had about you, I'm now certain you're that evil which must be taken off Kentha or we're all gonna get into the boiling hot oil." He straightened and glared at me, balling his hands into fists.My fragile heart was racing while clinging onto the lamppost. The many talks around ceased the second thunder crackled, sending a bolt of lightning just between me and Eroyu.Our clothes instantly caught fire."Goodness! That girl is indeed evil! Lord, please save us!" The crowd fell on their knees and threw their heads back into the heavens.While struggling to rip off the burning clothes off me, another blast came, carrying
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Episode 13
Whadh's POVAfter plucking almost every essential part of Adhin's body, the doctors came in to do what they could, stopping the blood and all, while Frat's breathing became inconsistent. The fierce fight of his internal organs itched my ear. It was quite rare for me not to say a word or do anything after such a thing happened, I would have gone out into homes, feeding their chopped off cocks to the werewolves on the way to their maker."Alpha, it's–"With one finger held up, Frat shut his mouth just like everyone else, including the doctors cleaning my cleanly chopped off dick. Sighing heavily, I squeezed my eyes shut and travelled back to the time it all happened.To begin with, a punishment was laid down for me to willingly pick; and in addition to that, my hot, brand-new dick was cut off even before I could test it out on my Luna. How unlucky can one get? My head was getting heavier with thoughts. What would conclude such stained luck then? Because right now it isn't growing back u
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Episode 14
Dina's POVWhile I kept borrowing more legs to get to wherever destination I was headed, my eyes remained fixated at the weird sky with those dark clouds that looked way angrier than my father each time he arrives home. Almost getting home, I could see our home in quite a far distance ahead, spotting my little brother running toward me from the opposite side, perhaps from home."Dina!" He jumped onto my body and I caught his little self."What is it, Lensley? Why are you shaking?"Lensley's body trembled in my arms, as I watched the fear in his eyes. It was already hard for me to calm myself down, so how was I going to help that little boy whose body was drenched with sweat?"You must hurry, Dina! Mommy is in there! She's hurt!" The words he was screaming out couldn't digest well in my heart.Picking him into my arms, my brow knotted while wiping the beads of sweat rolling from his face. "What do you mean by that, Lensley? Is Mom truly hurt and not those pranks you play when you want
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Episode 15
Whadh's POVMy head is what the humans wanted from the beginning, right when my people and I thought we could live in peace. It was hundreds of years ago when I was starting to get the feeling that we werewolves were different from the humans, though we have the same bodily structure, skin and the likes, except for the moon problem.Every full moon, as a werewolf, you must shift into your wolf, give your wolf a little time out while you rest a little. One day, while trying to walk out the feel of the full moon, the urges to kill, with my father; one of the oldest, or should I say ancient werewolf? There was this thing that caught my eyes and I started following it until I got to the end and there I was, meeting face to face with these haggard looking faces, they were all wearing loose clothes."Come, boy, we want to play with you." It got repeated by each of the children and even the adults amongst them.It got me a bit interested because that was the very first time I was coming in
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Episode 16
Dina's POVAs breathless as I felt, the feel of my body floating and sinking at the same time, kept my heart busy, as it forcefully hit the walls of my chest. When my mouth managed to crack open, I slammed it back shot instantly, but the water gurgled into my throat."Whadh! Help me, Whadh!"Searching my brain that was soaking in that water which tasted like lemon, Whadh was the only thing that crossed my mind."Alpha Whadh!"My hands and legs flailed in the water while I screamed with all my might, though my words were muted, just bubbles swimming about as they rushed out from my mouth. It was another version of hell to me, and I so prayed that I could be saved from this unknown thing happening to me.Not sure how I got into the water, but I could still remember that I was hit pretty hard by my father, and he didn't stop there. He was stomping on me, beating me so severely that I thought after one foot on my chest, that my heart would pop. The second I felt my eyes droop, everything
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Episode 17
Whadh's POVIf that ugly goddess hadn't interrupted me when she did, a second more, I would have sent that bitch fist-fucking straight to hell. The speed and depth my hands were hammering her tight pussy and asshole, no one could survive such torture."You should be saying hi to your Aunt, Vonen, son. You make me feel old staring at me like you've seen–""You can shove the pretense down that ass, you ugly duckling! I've heard shitty things about you. You're trash, just like holes I was pounding before you–"Watch your tongue, dog!"What did she just call me? A dog? I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall like the wind."I'm a werewolf, bitch, not your playdate! Send me back to that spot you picked me from or I–""How about this… wolf?"As that evil chuckle that I recognize so much, because it's frequent from me, Vonen, that evil goddess, spun me around and pressed my face against the wall while her hand was on my dick that had been cut off."Fucking get those ugly
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Episode 18
Landa's POVAfter telling me a few more things that was necessary to know, Lemgam looked me in the eye and shook his head softly while expelling a bit of frustration."So I can't go up there, you call home?""Metoline is no place for you right now, Landa. You must stay here and on no account should you leave this island."With all seriousness, Lemgam cut through the air with his finger, swinging it back and forth. When I followed his eyes scanning the area, I caught a wooden shed behind trees."There will be your home for now. I'll be visiting your here, where it's safe because I've put a barricade around it.""What barricade? Aren't the goddesses and gods capable of sniffing anything?""Not really, Landa. What I barricaded the area with is off the humans and deities' eyes. No one will ever know you're alive and well."Still unable to digest the things Lemgam told me, he said his goodbye and told me he would come some other time. But left me with, "I know you're an adult and even have
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Episode 19
Dina's POVSurfacing from beneath the water, I gasped for air as my eyes darted around the empty shore. Spotting the wave travelling from the far side of the large water, my mouth hung open in extreme fear of the know. Before I could gather my strength to swim into the shore not so far away, the wave clashed on my head, but before it could swallow me completely, that beauty grabbed me by my wrist and threw me out of the water before I could blink twice."You must do it right now, Landa!""I will, I just want to take a deep breath first."The wrist of that beautiful creature holding the sun, burned so much as to make me wince hard. I could see a shape of a female human beneath that burning light and nothing else. Whoever it is that she was talking to, sounded serious. I didn't want to come between it, so I silently whimpered, praying for my hand to be released before it catches flame."After your death, your soul will be free to go live the life it's supposed to have, not this one." Sh
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Episode 20
Goddess Landa's POVAlmost a week and I couldn't do nothing. I was completely helpless. Each passing day was hard on me than I could think of and I so wished that Vonen who was able to go out at that period, didn't worsen things for me."Just stay calm and wait for the feast to be over before you leave or else, it's going to be sour for you." Lemgam pushed the strands of hair off my face and gazed into my eyes, but through his dim tone, I could tell something was off."You're not mad about the last time… anymore, right? You know I meant well, right?"With the back of his hand, Lemgam caressed my cheeks while holding my shaky eyes. It was hard looking into his eyes after he told me he loves me like a person, and not as a sister, which he could do because we weren't direct blood."No one could ever get mad at you, Landa. I only told you what I felt, not for you to force yourself into my life.""Lemgam…" The whisper blew out Lemgam's name, and my heart leaped with joy.Lemgam held my han
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