All Chapters of Stumbling Into The Pack : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
91 Chapters
Episode 71
Dina's POVA moment there, I thought I had just entered into the lion's den. Whadh's face changed into the beast living inside him as he charged at me. The sudden change in the atmosphere was fair to me, at first when I glided down in fear that I was gonna receive such blow that would certainly lead anyone to their death. But then as I cowered on the floor, after some moments without anything happening j slowly crack my eyes open.The place was empty.My eyes darted around in fear that Whadh might be truly gone. "Did he really turn into smoke?" The question to myself was muffled but enough for me to pick up some of my own words.The fear in my heart increased as the thiu of what I saw in just a glimpse could be happening for real. Before I snapped my eyes shut while trembling on the floor, in a flash, poof! Whadh turned into a smoke. Of course, it was in my head and nothing like that, I said to myself, burying my head into my knees."Don't leave me, Whadh! I'm sorry! Whadh!" Clutching
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Episode 72
Landa's POVFinally clearing a little air of what was happening, Lemgam rushed in to actually stop us from not continuing with our thoughts. Vofen shared a wild hldnce with me and I picked what he was sensing as well. At times like this made me wish that I was able to brake that barrier Lemgam put for others not to pry on his secret. Studying his secretiveness as we hung in the air, tire me faster."Since you said you wanted to help Landa finish that human girl off that you believe things were tampered with by other deities. Let me not mention names now. So, please tell us why you wouldn't want us to go get that girl."Taking my eyes off Vofen, I turned to face Lemgam fully. "You heard Vofen, right? Tell us what the issue is that you would break the link just now and not want us to know the exact place she is."Lemgam sighed while turning away from our searching gaze. This irritated me to my bone. The silence treatment was worse than anything when it comes to dealing with Lemgam on an
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Episode 73
Nitah's POV What a spooky ride that was. Having to be near death and was even shaking hands with them, then all of a sudden, my life was restored.All through the way home with those men who found my ruined body crawling out of the bush, what's left of my brain went into the moment of terror. Frat and the others came at me like starved beasts. During that awkward moments, I could have sworn that their faces protruding looked so much like canine animal. As they got my pussy destroyed, I couldn't think too much about that and just let it go."Please, that's enough…"Of course they did hear me.Now that my body was brought into our home, all I wanted to do was cry out for my father but I just couldn't do that out loud except to scream in my head. My breath got hard. The loud whistling sound did take long before it died down. As the doctor did his thing, touching me here and there, I zoomed out finally.But then I vividly saw a towering cloaked figure standing in a distance. The one thin
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Episode 74
Margret's POVHearing a splendid news that your dying daughter was now well and wouldn't be leaving, was everything to a mother. All my children were equal in my eyes as a mother, and there wasn't a day that I would not kill if need be, just to keep them from harm's way. And that was exactly what I did with Nitah, my first daughter. There was no way I would let her suffer and just leave us like that.At first, it felt like a bad dream after eating something inedible, but when we finish with what we were instructed to do by the entity, chills ran down my spine as soon as the river turned green and started bubbling. What would cause such a thing to happen?Anyway, we were elated nevertheless because of our victory, we hoped. But when we came face to face with Lucifer himself, our hearts stopped. His face that looked more like a goat and those blazing red eyes accompanied by the strong stench oozing out of him, was not to Joke with. It looked more like he was taking our of a horror movie
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Episode 75
Landa's POVE.VEvil Vonen. That was what she nemed herself and not just us calling her that. Vonen was one difficult goddess which I got to know that it all started from when we were in our mother's womb. She was ugly, which I take the bldmd for most if the time. Yes, I did take the bldke for it because they said that she cleaned the womb and my body for the Lucifer to inhabit perfectly.To me, she was only looking for pity by doing what she did. It hurt each time I saw her rage. What was j supposed to do at that sad moment if not take it slow? But then she came to my son. That mirror was nothing good and with one glance at it, I could tell what it was intended for."Do not make me do something that I do not want to, Vonen?" My raspy snarls echoed in the room. Not every time that such a thing happens but when it does happen, it didn't end well. So that is the reason I tried not to let my fume burst out. While the whistling wind swirled around the room, my breathing became raspier.
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Episode 76
Dina's POVIt was fire. My whole body was exhausted but for a strange reason, I wanted more. How could that be? I asked myself while I was raspily panting under Whadh.Maybe weeks in counting since we started fucking in that island. We did it everywhere. In the kitchen, on the beach sand, in the woods, in the log house, outside our home, just anywhere possible. The best thing about it was that it seem like we were the only ones in there. We could do anything we want and go naked like Adam and Eve when they were in the garden of Eden.What a blissful moment as married couple.Every moment was cherished. But above all, we were itchy about ever returning back to the real work sometime soon. What would be our faith? I mean, will Whadh find me if ever we separate when we go there? The thought of it killed my aching soul each time."I want more of you, my Luna." Whadh whispered softly in my ear. "What do you say?"What else did he expect me to say when he was literally buried inside me. My
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Episode 77
Vofen's POVLanda was a goddess of peace. Unlike her twin sister, Vonen, she was capable of blessing anyone or anything that gas a pure spirit. Hef goodness was wild spread except for the fact that the people who worship her to show appreciation, never did get her name. She was like that. Always doing good without asking for anything in return. That alone made her unique. It got my blue heart hard.Then it came to this time that her most treasured bracelet left her. When I asked just like everyone else that noticed it was gone, she avoided getting questioned about it. But then it came to get that that same bracelet found its way into a girl's hand.A human for that matter.What was it then? How did it get to get? Well, when I thought I've heard and seen enough, Landa's birth hit me. How did I not know she gave birth to a child? Of course, Lemgam. He was always in between."Why is that spot shaking this much?" I pointed at the map that only showed a place that was having an issue."Tha
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Episode 78
Lemgam's POVWhen it comes to Landa, there my weakness is crushed. She was the only thing that made me sane in the home of deities and every other thing that was associated with our long lives. My love for her couldn't be measured. Unfortunately, her eyes were fixed on someone else and not see how I was suffering just to make her notice me. She has to make it worse for me by sticking with a human and even had to get pregnant for him which was already an abominable act.No deity is allowed to have any canal knowledge with the humans or other entities. That would result to a large punishment for both the human and the deity.You see, this I knew and tried everything possible to bring Landa out of her infatuation for that human and maybe start taking my heartore seriously. But everytime I tried, she pushed my warnings into the ocean."Why is it so difficult for you to open your heart for my love? That human will never be enough for you, rather he'll lead you into a bigger trouble that I
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Episode 79
Whadh's POVA man's happiest hour is when his woman is gonna deliver his germinated seeds. For me, that had been my dream. Where I take in my Luna and she therefore take in in no time. Making me a father. With Rainfeed, a part of me wanted to leave those pups to grow but then I knew they would be outcasts in their father's home. For me not to turn them into slaves, which I thought by the way, I had to let them go by ending their lives.Though now, I wondered some times if those three Dina talked about were truly the pups I… Well, I should watch out then. This I said to myself."I'm sorry for the pain you feel right now but it isn't just any kind." I stared lovingly at Dina while pulling her a bit forward.The grin plastered on my face couldn't be broken. And the more I studied her, the more I get drawn to her. She was just too beautiful and her body glowed more brightly because of her condition."What do you mean, Whadh?""What I mean is that you are pregnant right now. My pup is in t
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Episode 80
Dina's POV The sweet words from my little brother made me think about my life. He was little but his heart was big. If only the adults were as loving to me as he was. And that night that he saved my life with his pie made me love him the most. He pulled his head off my chest and searched my eyes. There was just pure innocence in there."I would have brought more from the kitchen if I knew you hadn't eaten.""Oh, my sweet Lensley." With shaky hands, I cupped his face and planted a kiss on his forehead. "You're my lifesaver and I love you so much. You know that, right?"Lensley beamed. He wrung his hands and then threw his body into mine. "I love you too, Dina. You're the best sister in the whole wide world.""How sweet of you to say that to your big sister. Thank you, Lensley."The little guy giggled lightly when I tickled him here and there. He was just a bunch of cuteness in the highest way possible. I couldn't get enough of him even though he's right there with me.Moments later, w
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