All Chapters of A Queen Among Blood: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
74 Chapters
Chapter 11: Investigating - Osiah
It’s taken a couple of days, but I’ve finally gotten the newborns settled at the safe house. It’s a 36,000-square-foot house I acquired in Sweden, so they’ve got plenty of room to wander and avoid each other if they have to. They’re struggling with their hunger but it’s to be expected. They’re at least willing to learn control. Either way, taking care of them is definitely keeping me distracted from thinking about a certain gold-glittery mocha-skinned beauty. For thousands of years taking care of newborns was an obligation, now it’s a welcome interference. While the newborns are doing well, the only person not adjusting – or trying to adjust – is Simon. He picks a fight with everyone and tries to act dominant. Which might go over better if it weren’t for how clueless he is. I’ve been meaning to have a chat with his maker and find out just what the fuck happened, but none of them were in a state for me to leave. They can’t kill each other, but they sure can inflict a lot of injuries on
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Chapter 12: Watching Her - Osiah
I toss for the umpteenth time as sleep continues to elude me. Every time I close my eyes all I see are those liquid golden orbs staring back at me with so much disappointment. As if one God cursing me wasn’t enough, now another has cursed me in some belief she’s helping me. Is it a wonder so many on earth cuss out the Gods on the regular? It’s been two agonisingly torturous weeks since I met Yildiz. I thought each day I kept distance between us it would get easier, but boy was I fucking wrong. Her scent plagues my memories and at night I swear I can still hear the rhythm of her heart beating in my ears. Her blood still calls out to me like a siren’s song and I’m this close to shoving wax in my ears and tying myself to something to stop myself from being lured to it. I turn onto my back and stare at the ceiling hating where my thoughts are going. I told myself I would stay away, I intended to keep that promise, but I’m going out of my mind. Maybe if I could just see her for a moment o
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Chapter 13: Surprise Visitor - Yildiz
As I begin to wake up, I can feel the warmth of the morning sun streaming into my room. I’ve only ever seen the sunrise once and that was with the aid of a makkari long ago. I wonder if each sunrise is different. Each morning is a new day so I imagine there must be some difference in the light it shines upon the earth. If it weren’t for feeling its rays on my skin I wouldn’t even be aware it was morning at all as I open my eyes and stare up into nothingness.The moment I’m fully awake the ache in my chest returns and I crave to return to the oblivion sleep brings. There’s been no word or contact with Osiah in two weeks and the pain it causes me each day only grows. I imagine it would be a thousand times worse if we sealed our bond, so I suppose I can take some solace in knowing that’s not the case, but I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.Aulen has tried to help me to no avail, and I’ve screamed out to my mother every single day and again come up empty. As much as I yea
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Chapter 14: A Forceful Hand - Osiah
I’ve gone mad, and not the blood craze kind of madness, I mean a whole other type of madness. One that, up until recently, was completely foreign to me. It’s a madness of the heart. I told myself I’d stay away from Yildiz but as soon as it got too hard I was right there watching her sleep like a stalker. I told myself that would be the only time, but was it? No. One night turned into two, then two turned into three. Now I’m visiting her every night, just desperate to see her face and breathe in her scent. Last night I stupidly touched her. I knew I shouldn’t have but the craving was more intense than any blood lust I’ve ever felt. I tried to fight it, but I proved once again how weak I am. I caressed her face and felt her satin skin beneath my fingers and my heart nearly exploded when she reacted to my touch. She was asleep, yet she leaned into my touch. She shivered and her heart rate spiked, all from a single touch. I knew then I’d gone too far, and I cursed myself for it. She can
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Chapter 15: Turning to a Warrior - Osiah
I walk out of the kitchen and make my way upstairs to the bedroom I occupy while I’m here. I only stay here while trying to help new additions come to terms with what they are. I can hear the conversations taking place downstairs, but I do my best to tune them out. I desperately want some peace and quiet, but that’s not likely to happen while I’m here. But this is how I’ve chosen to live my existence, so best to just suck it up. That being said, I need a breather, so I quickly transport myself back to my home and flop down on the couch, closing my eyes and letting the silence soothe me. After a moment, I open my eyes. I need someone to talk to and as much as I might regret this, it’s what I need. “Morrtemis,” I breathe out slowly. “You called,” says the deep yet feminine voice. I look over the back of my double-sided couch to see the 7’7” Goddess perched across the room on my kitchen counter. Her straight as a pin violet hair hanging down to her waist, her piercing liquid silver eye
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Chapter 16: The Nightmares Begin - Yildiz
I’m standing on the cliff the Kartheca resides on, looking down into the dark blue depths of the ocean as the waves crash against the cliffside. The moon is full and high in the sky casting its reflection into the open waters. It’s all so beautiful… but this isn’t right. I shouldn’t be able to see any of this. I shouldn’t know what this looks like. Something is wrong. “Yildiz.” I hear the call of a voice that normally would set every nerve in my body on edge in a pleasurable way, but this time I don’t feel anything. I turn and my eyes widen in shock, “Osiah?” I can see him! How is this possible? He’s the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen… scope is extremely limited mind you. He’s 7’4” just as I thought and has the most intense azure blue hair. It’s motionless in the breeze and has a silver sheen from the light of the moon. His Asian features are accentuated by his incredibly defined jaw framed by a thin goatee, and he’s staring at me with intense blood-red eyes full of a hunger tha
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Chapter 17: A Friendly Alpha - Yildiz
Instantly I’m met with a crisp breeze and the scent of the Oregon forest and many, many mutolupus’. I can hear the hustle and bustle of their movement all around me, but most of it is coming from in front of me. I’m certain I’m in front of the packhouse given the level of noise I can hear inside. I follow the sound of chatter and click my tongue to assess my surroundings and carefully walk up the front steps remembering how many there are from previous visits. I feel along the side of the door frame until my fingers skim over the bell and I press it down hearing its tinkle echo inside the walls of the packhouse. Doesn’t take long for the door to open and a burgundy aura to fill my vision. I hear the owner of the aura gasp, “H-How can I help you?” the female voice asks me with a nervous stutter, no doubt knowing what I am from my features. “I was hoping for a word with Alpha Amelia,” I say with a warm smile. “Of course,” she nods respectfully, “She’s in the entertainment room with th
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Chapter 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - Osiah
I’ve been pacing my living room back and forth so much I’m certain I’ve burned a trail through the floor. I’m fisting my hair trying not to scream as I resist the urge to visit my animai again. Okay, see, there’s the first bad sign I’ve gone too far. I’ve gotten into a habit of calling her MY animai more and more, and I shouldn’t because I swore to stay away. A promise I have failed spectacularly to keep. Every day the need and temptation gets stronger, and it has nothing to do with her blood. It’s her. Even helping newborn sanguidaes is no longer a distraction. They try to speak to me but I’m usually too busy staring off into space thinking of the small woman with the skin of glittering gold, eyes that burn like golden fire and curves that could make a man see heaven. I want her. I don’t want to want her, but I want her. Does she want me? No, no. I don’t want to know. Dangerous question. Even if she does, she shouldn’t because that would be bad, very bad. Maybe Morrtemis was right, I
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Chapter 19: A Mother and Daughter Moment - Yildiz
I drop onto the bed with a flop as I feel Osiah’s body disappear. The wisps of his aura remain, but I know he’s gone. I took a chance. I practically threw myself at him, and he left. He just left me, like what we just did meant nothing. For the briefest moment, I thought I’d gotten through; that he wasn’t going to keep making decisions for me and would give us a chance. He kissed me. He touched me, and it was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever experienced and now… now I feel hollow. I feel rejected and humiliated to a degree that feels crippling. I curl up in my sheets and let the tears fall as pain spreads from my heart and through every nerve in my body. Devastated, angry, pained tears fall unabashed from my eyes as I curse the man destined to be my other half. Why can’t he just reject me and put me out of my misery? Maybe I should do us both a favour and reject him. I clutch my chest letting out an agonised sob at the very thought of rejecting him. I’ve never believed in rejecti
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Chapter 20: The Orraikam - Yildiz
I race off as fast as my feet can go, down to the very depths of the Kartheca. My sisters join me, coming from all directions as all one hundred and one of us rush and hope that the most valued treasure we have been tasked to safeguard for thousands of years didn’t just get infiltrated on our watch. We all descend the stone stairs on mass, the auras of my sister’s lighting up my dark vision with a rainbow of colours. We make it to the very bowels of the Kartheca, deep beneath the earth and below the ocean. We enter a large cavern and spread out around the perimeter as we look upon the object that stands tall at the heart of the cavern. Standing at 20 feet tall is a monolithic crystal floating just a few feet off the ground. Inside the crystal is a kaleidoscope of moving colours the likes of which don’t exist anywhere on earth. The colours move and swirl around inside the crystal in a constant state of motion. This is the Orraikam, the single most powerful and valued object to ever ex
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