All Chapters of Betrothed To The Cursed Prince Of Esterial: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
228 Chapters
Chapter 91 The King is back
Aria povI haven't seen Erika since yesterday when she walked out of the room in anger. Genevieve was the one who dressed me up and helped me to prepare for another boring day in Esterial. Prince Zane was avoiding me which I was grateful for, but now Erika was avoiding me like Prince Zane. Maybe this sort of behavior where normal for Esterial citizens. They had the habit of making a girl feel alone. I was in the garden inside the palace, remembering the time I made Princess Thaisa's life hell. Those scheming days were one of my fun days in Esterial, Maybe I should tell Prince Zane to bring in more of his childhood lovers into the palace so that I could toy around with them for my entertainment. Now that I thought of it, maybe Prince Zane might just agree.I walked back to Prince Zane's room. I shouldn't have forced myself to drink hot tea, but cold tea is disgusting. The hot tea kept on burning my lips, and now I was tired. It was time for my afternoon nap. Being in the garden alone
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Chapter 92 Two ways to die
Aria pov"Is there anything else you need Lady Aria?" Erika asked after she was done cleaning the room.I shake my head at her without a word. She came to me today. I have wanted to see her because I didn't have anyone to talk to, but now that she was here. I felt angry at her for being here. I wanted to ask her why she was here wasting her time with me when she could easily send Genevieve."My lady, are you sure?" Erika asks sounding sweet. I could see that she didn't like the awkward air that I had created between us. But it wasn't my fault, Erika was the one who started giving me the silent treatment first. I wanted her to have a taste of her own medicine, and let her understand what she was doing to the people around her, including Brian."You can leave Erika," I said coldly with no affection. I was sitting down on Prince Zane's favorite throne-like chair. I used the side of my eyes to watch Erika, making sure that didn't know that my eyes were on her. From the looks on her fac
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Chapter 93 Game played
Aria povEver since I saw Alpha Bryant and Beta Brian in Esterial I had been dreaming of this moment. The moment when I could easily come to King Kaida for help so that I could continue living. I can still remember some of the words I had wanted to tell him before. Words that were now stuck deep down within me. Unable to come out because there was no need for them anymore. King Kaida gave me a questioning gaze as my eyes went through everything in his office except for his face.Was this the worst moment of my life? No, I think I had suffered other days. "Lady Aria, I heard from one of my men that you had been looking for me since I left." King Kaida said.I'm surprised Prince Zane wasn't the one who told King Kaida that I wanted to see him. He loves putting me in situations like this."There was a day I_" I was about to tell him that there was a day I snuck out of the palace, but I don't think that was a good idea. Saying that was like putting an end to the conversation before I co
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Chapter 94 Both insane
AriaKing Kaida told Aria how he had hurried back to Esterial immediately after his son had sent him a second message that his presence was needed.His words made Aria curious about what Prince Zane must have sent to king Kaida. "You know if not for the second letter I would have stayed longer with the other kings." 'How many vampire kings were under King Kaida.' Aria thought."Prince Zane should have waited for me." King Kaida said with a sigh. All Aria could do was to stare at him. Though she was out of trouble, she was trapped in King Kaida's office. If King Kaida wasn't letting her leave that meant that he had more to say, and Aria knew that what he had to say was much more than his complaints about Prince Zane not waiting for him. "My king," Aria said. "Can you please tell me what is going on? What did Prince Zane do? Why was he supposed to wait for you?" She asked hoping that King Kaida would be able to give her a proper answer. Prince Zane never told her the truth. "And he
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Chapter 95 Cage wolf
Aria"Beta Brian, was one of your childhood friends right?" King Kaida ask Aria. "Yes, he was." "Please tell me, are you planning to have some sort of reunion with him here in Esterial? Because I can't think of any other reason why beta Brian decided to stay." Aria bit the inside of her cheek as she realized what King Kaida wanted. King Kaida was irritated with Alpha Bryant and Brian still staying in the palace, like prince Zane, King Kaida thought that Aria was the only one that could be blamed. Aria couldn't understand why they blamed her. Did they see through her desire to have Erika and Brian by her side? Or was it because Erika was her maid?"I'm currently trying my best to make Erika understand that she has left with Brian." Aria didn't add the fact that her best wasn't good enough because Erika wasn't listening to her. This was the reason why Aria was still at King Kaida's office. The reason why King Kaida hadn't let her go. Was he going to lay out the same threat his son
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Chapter 96 The girl she hated
Aria The door to Erika's room in the servant quarters was pushed open as Aria walked straight to Erika who was dressing up in her maid uniform together with Genevieve. "My lady," Erika said in shock. Genevieve quickly got dressed and left the room to Aria and Erika, after a little bow of respect to Aria. It was the first time Erika had seen Aria up so early in the morning. The light outside wasn't fully out yet. It was still a little bit dark. Aria could read Erika's thoughts. The only reason she was up so early was because she couldn't sleep in the first place all because of Erika. Never before had Aria ever thought that she was going to be losing her sleep because of Erika. "You need to leave Erika." "Leave where?" Erika ask confused.Aria frowned and came closer to her. But stopped because of the mirror Erika had been looking at together with Genevieve. "I'm sorry." Erika quickly turned the little mirror that was placed on the table around. "You need to follow beta Brian t
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Chapter 97 Flower pot
AriaAria shifted her body, trying her best to find some sort of comfort in the little space she had placed herself in. Each time she moves, trying to find a comfortable position to place her body she becomes afraid that Brian and Alpha Bryant are going to find her and realizes that she is hiding there, close to a flower pot.The hall that led to Prince Zane's room was one of the halls Aria had classified as a safe spot ever since alpha Bryant and beta Brian moved into the palace. Aria most times walked around the hall, only because she was looking for Erika. Erika went out. Aria made the mistake of assuming that she was with Brian. Aria was bored alone in the room, it wasn't nighttime yet, so she had thought of taking a walk around the hall. A walk that went wrong because she ended up meeting alpha Bryant and beta Brian. Before they could see her, she quickly hid herself close to a little table that had a flower pot, which was used to decorate the hall. Her tall frame trying to ben
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Chapter 98 Lonely old women
Aria"I think it's a human?" Brian said."Why is this person hiding?" Bryant came closer to the table."Are you two lost?" Nadia asks, she uses her body to shield Aria. Stopping alpha Bryant and beta Brian from taking another step. Aria gave out a little sigh of relief. It didn't matter to her now if Brian or Alpha Bryant heard her or not. As long as she was safe that was all that mattered. Alpha Bryant kept a stoic face, he kept looking between Nadia and the table. As though deciding on what he should do. "Let's go Alpha Bryant. I don't want us to cause any trouble here." Alpha Bryant folded his fist tightly in anger as Brian dragged him away. He kept looking back between Nadia and the table. "Thank you, Nadia," Aria said words she never dreamt of ever telling Nadia. She came at the right moment. "Don't thank me. Thank Prince Zane. He's the one who instructed me to watch over you. I'm only doing this for him, I don't care about helping you." Aria still smiled warmly at Nadia.
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Chapter 99 Eyes on me
Aria"What are you doing?" Prince Zane asked Aria as he walked into the room. Aidan and Nadia weren't with him. Aria glances at Prince Zane and then moves her eyes back to watching Erika and Brian. Erika finally got the chance to speak with Alpha Bryant.Alpha Bryant was trying his best not to scare Erika away by giving off little smiles but Aria knew that his smiles were all fake. It was a hard try, his real smile died along with his mate. Watching Erika and Alpha Bryant brought a bittersweet smile to Aria's face. Alpha Bryant's old self wasn't completely gone, he was trying to act the way Brian wanted, not as an alpha of the pack but as a friend. Aria couldn't hate that part of him. "Are you ignoring me now that I have helped you get rid of your problem?" Prince Zane asks, exasperated. Aria removed her gaze from the window and looked at Prince Zane. She gave out a surprised gasp and moved backward because Prince Zane was standing too close to her. Vampires and their fast feet,
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Chapter 100 Her way of comfort
AriaAria was staring blankly at the book in front of her. She had tried her best to focus but she couldn't. Erika felt like a sister to her and Aria couldn't push off the fact that Erika wasn't doing well. "I want to shout at you so that you can focus, but I know what is on your mind and I can't blame you for it." Lady Brunhilda said. She sat down close to Aria. Closing the book Aria was staring at, she wasn't reading anyway. "I heard what Erika did. And sincerely I think she's going to regret it." Aria turned away from Brunhilda as she laid her head on the table. She waited for Lady Brunhilda to blame her for the choice that Erika made but Brunhilda didn't. Rather she kept talking about how much she knew about mate and their bonds. It was something that they couldn't escape from unless they rejected each other. Aria couldn't imagine Brian and Erika ever rejecting each other. Something as terrible as that would be too much for either Erika or beta Brian to handle. They both didn'
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