All Chapters of Young Alpha's First Mating: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Trusting the process.
"You…" she hissed and I just rolled my eyes at her. I mean I knew she was in the pack house, but really did I have to bump into her right now? Don't I have too much on my plate already?"Rebecca, I don't have time for your feeble threats. I didn't come here for you, and frankly you're not even worth my time." I tried to pass her but she stepped in my way. "What are you doing here? Didn't you get locked out of the pack house? Why are you bent on ruining my life? This is not your fight, just fucken die, is that so hard to do?" She growled, and seriously. I swear to the goddess, there was something wrong with this girl. If it wasn't for the child in her womb, I would have killed her in an instant but the words the Seer said before she died stayed with me. Her pup was important to this pack. "You've already tried but failed miserably. Just like your parents will do, when trying to take what doesn't belong to them. Was being a Beta not enough power? Did they have to drag this pack in
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Marry me, Eva.
"You did what, now?" "Let me explain. Don't strain yourself, you're still hurt." I tried to calm her down. She was in the infirmary for four days, and I couldn't even go to visit in a bit to avoid running into Aiden or Rebecca. My stomach was starting to show, the curse of being a werewolf. The pup was growing too fast. "Do I look feeble to you? I was shot in the fucken stomach, not in the heart. You fucken tell me right now, why did you give that bitch, may I add that she almost killed you and your pup, the time to not only take your man but the title you fought so hard, and put yourself in danger for?" She said that in one breath. She was angry, and I didn't blame her, the only reason she got hurt was because she was supporting me, fighting for me but right now she feels betrayed and who could blame her? "Look, I am sorry you got hurt but I begged you to stay back, and I have a reason why I let things be. It's not yet my time to rule this pack, believe me when I say I have a va
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Stop lying.
"Offer to marry my mate again, and you're dead meat! Do you hear me boy?" Aiden growled lowly, and I could see Terence shiver at the threat. "I am sorry, Alpha Aiden." He bowed in respect but he had nothing to be sorry about. He was trying to protect me, and that was sweet of him because truly, I know once people know that I am or was carrying since I don't plan to go out until the pup is born, rumours are going to spread like wildfire. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Your offer was sweet, and Aiden is just being a jerk even after you and your father helped him." I spat, glaring at Aiden who didn't even bat an eyelash at my look. Was I really looking that ugly? My gaze didn't affect anyone anymore. It must be this nose. "Should I kiss his ass to show gratitude? You're mine Euphoria and I don't care who helped me do what, I am not going to let a soul take you or our pup away from me. I am tired of the mistakes from the season. I am getting coronated in the next two days, sinc
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He can't handle the truth.
"Tell me everything!" He demanded, like I am one of his pack members. "Firstly Mr Alpha you talk to me in that manner. I am your mate not one of your pack members. You don't demand things from me, we need to have a mutual respect for each other." I pouted, angrily. How dare he? Or maybe I was just stalling because I didn't know how to start or where to even start. Since the death of his mother he hasn't once asked me what happened that day. He knew that his uncle pulled the trigger but he didn't know that he said I was the reason he was doing it. His mother died because of me, died because I didn't listen and tried to get answers all by myself. "Yes, that's the part you should understand too. We are mates, we need to discuss things. You can't just wake up one day and decide for me whom I should be with, and you think I will be stupid enough to follow without question. I want to know the reason why I shouldn't brag about finding a rare jam like you to the world, and tell them we a
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Truth hurts.
The truth hurts, that's what they always say which is true in my opinion since lying seems to be the worst thing, but that's until now. Telling Aiden the truth wasn't the best idea at this stage. I, and Rebecca were in the first and very crucial stage of the pregnancy. The pup hadn't developed enough to survive outside the womb. But that was not what was eating me up, I was wondering if I would have been giving up so much if I didn't know that the child would be an Alpha? Would I let Rebecca kill herself? Was I really doing this for Rebecca or myself? Most importantly, was this worth hurting my mate? I thought as I was walking upstairs to look for Amy. I opened her bedroom door but she wasn't there. The clothes she had worn to the memorial service were laid on the bed, and the scent of salt water filled the room. She was crying, and I knew she wasn't that far. I went straight to the bedroom window that was open and looked out and I saw a cloud of smoke on the roof. She really was
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Amy, and her stupid plan.
"He isn't the one that killed father, right? Why are you punishing the poor man for the mistakes he didn't commit? He is already receiving poor support from Aiden who was supposed to be his best friend. Received nothing but shame from his father, bad stepmom and now you? I am sorry you're hurt, I loved father as much as you loved him, but he would want you to be happy Amy, and if the man that can do that is Jerome, so be it. I don't understand why you're doing this, really." I told her.I don't know since when I was this person because the truth is, if you had told me weeks back, just before the season that my own father was murdered I would have gone batshit crazy, and tried with everything I have got to get the killer and punish them myself, no matter who they were. Now, I just want peace, crave it. I am tired of all this fighting and revenge, it's getting too much. When will it end?"For many years, I didn't know what I wanted to be, Eva. My purpose in life. When others wanted to
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Diluted Truth
"The Seer said what now?" Aiden asked and I looked outside the window into the forest. I knew after talking to Amy I couldn't hide the truth from him anymore, and telling him to just trust me, without a reason, wasn't going to work either. He is not only a man but an alpha. They were possessive, and stubborn. Three months doesn't seem like a lot to me, but I knew it would feel like a decade, especially with Rebecca by his side. Men liked to show off their mates like new toys. They wanted others to know whom we belonged to, hence the mark. It may sound off, but they liked marking their territory not only on the pack borders but their mates too, especially a rare true mate. "I am sorry, I am only telling you now, but I didn't have a choice. You just have to do this, only for three months, and once the pup is born we can be together, and you can mark me as your Luna and mate. Three months that's all I ask for. I know it's going to be hard not telling anyone about us or the pup but i
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I give up!
Three months later…."I am glad that you had kept to your promise, Evelina." A voice said, and I already knew who it was. I should be scared, I should be hiding but I wasn't. Time had passed, and Seer had told me about this day, the thing is I wasn't sure if I was ready for any of this. This wasn't normal, and it didn't help that I felt guilty for betraying my mate. "I don't lie, and don't you think for a second that I did this for you. I did it for Aiden and the child in your womb." I told her. "No matter who you did it for, I am still happy you did because from tomorrow I am going to be the Luna of the pack. My son is going to be the next Alpha from today, and I am going to wear Aiden's mark proudly by the next full moon." She taunted. I should have known she only came here to gloat even though coming here was the biggest mistake she ever made in her life. "What makes you think the pup will be born today?" I tried to make it seem like I didn't know. I had a new friend that coul
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Doing it for the pack!
"You're late!" I sneered but she just rolled her eyes at me. "What if she died, what were we going to do then? I have been lying to my mate for the past three months, and I didn't want to add murder to the list. You're supposed to see the future which includes saving the pup at any cost and you decide to arrive while she is bleeding out?" I carried on even though she was not answering. I knew she was listening to me after all. "I am here now, am I not? Ain't I the one stitching her up again and cleaning this damn blood? You know it's not my job right? I am doing this for the future of the pack. I was sent by my leader to protect. Otherwise I wouldn't be listening to your stupid whining and schemes. Now listen to me, and listen to me, clearly Eva. The future can be predicted but that doesn't mean it can't change. Do you know how many scenarios I saw about today? Seven. Seven and only one came to pass. How on earth would I know this stupid she-wolf would choose the most unlikelies
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That's unfair.
"Where is Aiden? He is going to kill you two when he finds out what you're doing to me!" Rebecca screamed while I tried hard not to do the same. She was hysterical, but the pain had kept her movement at bay, otherwise she would have been out of the infirmary from the moment she woke up. She was surprised to see that she was no longer at my house, moreover the fact that she was still alive. "Just push, Rebecca. There is no use fighting the inevitable. The pup is going to come out whether you want it or not. Your choice, if you want it the easy or hard way." The Seer threatened. "Which one is the easy one? This damn pain? because as of now, you two kidnapped me, you fucken kidnapped the next Luna of this pack." She whined even after she knew the truth and still insisted she is the rightful ruler. Which planet is this girl coming from?"You tried to kill your pup, and frame me for it. What did you expect me to do? Let you kill an innocent pup?" This time I was moaning in pain while
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