All Chapters of Alpha's Cruel Love: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
139 Chapters
Axel prowled into the dark alley. His shoulders squared and chest puffed out. His stance spoke volumes of dominance and power as the man ahead bowed his head before stepping aside as the door slid open. He stepped into the entrance which had a tiny reception and an elevator. Axel got into the elevator along with Daniel as it slid close. Daniel pressed the basement and they waited. There was a humming aura of darkness engulfing him. His grey eyes held a storm of viciousness as the man breathed with ease. But the vein popping in his neck gave away his rage. The door slid open and two of his men bowed slightly before stepping back to give him space. Axel walked ahead into the narrow passage. A bulb dangling from the roof was the only source of light in that passage. His nose scrunched when the scent of rotten blood and piss reached his nostrils. He stepped into the clearing when he inhaled the ugly scent of that bastard. His eyes glided over the bars that held her prisoner. "Where'
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Gabriel sipped on his wine in a leisurely manner. His eyes glided over to the sweaty bodies dancing on the dance floor. It was boring like every other day. He was waiting for the alpha to show up. He wondered how he must've killed Adonis. One of his men walked over to him and informed him about Axel's arrival. A grin plastered on his face as he got to his feet and stalked into his office. The sight felt so beautiful to his eyes. Axel was sprawled on the couch with blood all over his crisp white shirt. He could inhale Adonis' scent on him. "What a pleasant sight," Gabriel mused in ecstasy. The maniac had an unhealthy obsession with blood. No matter who the blood belongs to, he loves it when someone loses their morality and kills another. It gives him sardonic peace. "I brought you two of his fingers as you asked," Axel said as Daniel threw the plastic bag on the table that had two guillotined fingers in it. "Very well," He said and hurried to the bag before looking at the fingers
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Grabbing the blanket he softly tucked her under it. Standing beside her, he watched her sleeping soundly. She was so beautiful. So ravishing. He stroked his honey locks away from her face. Her long tresses were sprawled on the pillow. His eyes trailed down to her lips and he sighed longingly. How he wished to engulf her in his hold and cuddle her to his chest but he couldn't. He stepped away before plopping on the couch. Resting back he watched her. Just being near her brings him peace. He wondered what it was, whatever he was feeling. It wasn't lust. Yes, he wants her but not just for her body. It was deeper than that. He wants to be near her. He wants to hold her. He wants to see her smile. He wants her to be happy. What was this emotion that was digging deeper and deeper into his icy heart? His breathing slowed down as he blinked dazedly at her. The wind that shimmered into the room beamed at the beast who was watching its beauty with so much adoration and love in his eyes. E
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Evelyn was done preparing breakfast as she set the table for two. He hasn't left for work which means he must be in his room. She padded over to his room to call him but paused at the door and set her hair before straightening her clothes. She was wearing a beautiful floral dress and her hair was in a ponytail. She was dressed nicely because she knew he was home and she wanted to rile him up. She knocked on the door twice but got no reply. Stepping inside she found his room to be empty. Evelyn looked for him in the whole mansion and heard noise from the indoor gym. She peeked through the door and her eyes widened seeing his muscular back as he did pull-ups. No wonder he has all those muscles. She quietly watched him as his exercise became more difficult. He did push-ups and then did some reps. Her lips were parted slightly and she had to bring herself back to her senses before stepping into sight and leaning against the door as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him
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"What... What are you saying, haha," She laughed awkwardly trying to calm down but she couldn't. His dominating presence behind her was too intimidating and consuming like almost sucking her in. "Turn around," He rasped, that deep voice had her body shivering as she gulped and continued to wash the plate. "I'm... I'm busy," She stuttered and he stepped closer, she stiffened feeling his hard body pressed against her back. "Turn around, Evelyn." He growled lowly causing her to jump slightly at the sudden grumble from deep within his chest. "You... You should step back," She mumbled and he cocked a brow at her demand. "If you don't want me to touch you then turn around, my wife," He grounded leaving her no choice but to listen to him. Evelyn closed the tap with shaky hands and stepped back pressing into him. It got her a little opening and she instantly got out of his cage from the side before turning around to face him. She was scolding herself inside her head. How could she be s
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"I... I'm sorry," She stuttered not knowing what else to say. She didn't want to rile him up like this. She moved her hand down before placing her palms on his torso to keep her distance between them. "I... I," She didn't know what to say. He grabbed both of her wrists before planting them on the island above her head with ease which caused him to lean closer and his erection touched her core again as her dress hitched up. She gaped at him, shocked with a bit of fear. "Sorry won't do, Jewel." He rasped, peering down at her as she gulped. Her brows were furrowed and she was chewing on her bottom lip while trying to wriggle out from his hold but it was impossible. He grunted as his jaw twitched. "Keep struggling and I might end up claiming you right here right now," He rumbled and she stilled under him, her wide eyes stared at him baffled before she lowered her gaze but he didn't seem to like it. Grabbing her chin he jerked her face up and freed her lip from her teeth and red
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She was standing near the window gazing out at the dark inky sky that had gazillions of twinkling stars scattered all over it. The chilly breeze was soothing against her feverish skin. What had transpired in the morning was still fresh in her head. His rough hands touched her so gently and the way he ignited her body on fire was beyond her understanding. She didn't plan things to turn out like this. She thought she'd tease him and make him lose but never in her dreams did she think the tables might turn like this. This was scary. Her body was betraying her. She had to be cautious and maintain her distance from him or else things would get serious.Evelyn couldn't afford to be alone in his presence when she couldn't even trust herself. That was why she didn't even leave her room the whole day. He must be out there ready to hunt her like a predator. Waiting for her to come out of her hiding so he could teach her a lesson. Why did she have to tease him like that? It caused her to en
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"I love you," He rasped. She blinked at his shoulder. Maybe she heard wrong. "I love you so damn much!" He growled lowly before pulling back to look into her eyes but she was still gazing at the bite marks on his neck so he grabbed her chin and garnered her attention back on him. "I love you," His gruff voice was full of emotions as he let those words out. The sincerity in his eyes rendered her speechless. "Why?" She couldn't stop herself but asked. "You hated me before the truth then how come you suddenly love me?" She asked, confused. He smiled at her sadly before tucking her hair behind her ear. With those mesmerizing silver eyes and those small piercing canines, she still looked like the most beautiful woman he has ever come across. "I never hated you though I wanted to but I couldn't because it wasn't in my control," He rasped looking fondly at her, and all of a sudden it was too much to take in. She slowly tried to get off of him and his face dropped. The girl tried to a
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A few days have passed smoothly. The tension between them was thick. Evelyn was in the phase of stillness. She didn't know where to go. The future that held uncertainty or to remain in the past that was full of despair and because of too much tension. Her present was depressing recently. She wanted to forget all those bad memories. Evelyn didn't want to spend the rest of her life dying every second just by reminiscing about those bad days. It would be torture for her. She wanted to leave everything behind and start new. She wants to forget and forgive but it was easier said than done. The girl was torn between herself. She wanted to move on and let go of the rope that was scraping her skin and hurting her but she didn't know how to do that. It was difficult. She wasn't a kind-hearted person or so. Because she remembers everything, her memory was good and now no matter how much she tries, she can't forget. And amidst these emotions playing tug and war inside her head. She was sc
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She quietly served him and he stared at the steak as his mouth watered. They dug in the food and he loved it. The weather was nice and cold as the stars twinkled beautifully and the moon beamed at them. The relaxing silence engulfing them felt soothing. "I looked into something. If you want you could resume your studies privately from home. I had already talked with the head of your university about it. You don't have to worry about anything. Until there's a threat outside, you can continue studying from home only if you want," He added the last part instantly as she blinked at him. He was so kind to her that it was scaring her but she had to face her fear, otherwise she would stay stuck in that loop of darkness forever. She wasn't doing it for anyone else but rather for herself because she knew she deserves happiness. "Thank you, I'll get bored so it will be good if I could get back on with my studies," She said softly, staring at her food as Axel smiled while drinking his wine.
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