All Chapters of Love And Hatred: A Vampire's First Love : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
198 Chapters
Chapter 161
"Let's get going now, I know you guys must be tired,’ Ishmael said after the greetings."That's right, you guys go ahead, Elise and I have our ride,’ Tilda said as she winked at her dad before holding the confused Elise's hand."What do you mean dear,you are coming with us, Maya asked."Of course mother, we'll be right behind you," Tilda said. The next second a black range rover stopped just a few meters from the two. Alma got out excitedly as she rushed over to Tilda."My friend I missed you so much," Alma said as she hugged her tightly, she then turned to Elise whojust stood there stupified by everything."Aunt so nice to have you here," Alma said as she bowed before her."You must be Alma, I think I saw you back at the kingdom for a short while, I must say you look so beautiful,' Maya said."Thanks aunt, you are so kind. I've been at your kingdom a few times when I accompanied my cousin here," Alma replied."Wow, I had no idea we were related," Maya said."She is George and Belin
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Chapter 162
Logan had been able to restore everything back at his kingdom with his uncle Josen taking over the territory they just acquired as it's king. It would be better if he established himself there for a while especially after what had happened at the human world. It would take approximately forty years for the humans to forget about him, only then could he try to venture into the human world again.Josen however felt that he needed time away from the busy human life, maybe he could fall in love once more and forget about the lonely life, everything surely had an end."Dad, I'll go ahead now," Damien said."I thought you were only joking son, how am I supposed to be here all alone amongst these strangers," Josen said."You are the king, you should be able to solve that little problem, maybe get yourself a wife, so many pretty women are here," Damien replied as he dropped his bag on the floor, sitting next to his father."Oh son, that's so cruel of you, you knowhow much i tried to forget yo
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Chapter 163
Towards evening Alma decided to bid her friend goodbye she had to attend an important event back in town. Various top business people had been invited and she had to attend. Elise had begged to tag alone, it was her only way of exploring the world when her aunt was still busy with her husband. In fact they hadn't left their room since they came.Alma agreed and brought her to her mansion to get changed. She had chosen for her an exquisite dress that fitted her perfectly. At first glance anyone could have mistaken her for her friend, but Elise here was a little taller and much slender, her hair party dyed red straitened to her back. With the high heels she had one, one could pass her for a model. Alma even had the thought of asking her to be their model, but she first had to consult with her business partner, maybe she may get return to the industry after her children were all grown."Wow, how come you changed so much?" Belinda asked stepping inside the living room, she had just come f
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Chapter 164
Alma introduced Elise to some of her clients and business partners before she let Elise explore the party on her own. She could see various men salivating at her and it was time to give her space. Elise on the other hand had a different idea on her mind after seeing the men lusting after her, maybe it would not be long till she established herself in this new world.Ella on the other hand met a few of her friends who asked how she was doing. Most of them hadn't forgotten about the incident and she had to narrate it yet again. Though it was something she dreaded, she felt it was good to share the information with others even after the government had shut down the search for the vampires. What she experienced would forever remain in her brain. Alma joined in their talk to greet her step sister. They hadn't seen eachother in more than a week's time."Sis,I didn't expect to see you here," Alma said after a light embrace."I thought I should get out of the house for once,l can't let a litt
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Chapter 165
Alma checked everywherebut could not find Elise, she decided to call her mobile just incase Elise would remember to receive it. Normally they had to remind her of her mobile ringing as she wasn't used to having one. It took long before a voice came over the phone."Where are you Elise,I need to go back home right now, are you coming?» Alma asked impatiently."You go ahead,l'm sure I can find my way around back to my aunt's place,’ Elise replied. Alma heard a ruffling sound and wanted to ask where she was when the line got disconnected. Tired she threw her mobile into her clutch bag beforeheading out of the building,she felt a little headache coming her way and she just needed a little rest.Back at the party Ella was having a good time drinking wine in the company of Dave who could not help but flirt with her. Dave had made it clear to her that it was her that he wanted,no matter what past she had."Hold this for me, I'll be back shortly," Ella said as she handed over to him her glass
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chapter 166
Early in the morning Tilda was woken up by the ringing of her mobile. She tried to get up but was too tired. Eventually she reached for her phone after it had stopped ringing. She had received five missed calls, all from Alma. Maybe she had called to talk about what happened at the party,but she was too sleepy to even talk about it. She had stayed up almost all night as she watched everything that happened at the party and the trends in social media. Tilda was shocked when Elise could do much better than her, she was so flawless and natural, bringing out most provocative and powerful poses. Elise smiled at herself knowing that their brand would still continue in the international market.Previously she had been concerned when Alma hadn't found a model who was able to give the publicity that they wanted,but now her cousin came, problem solved. Tilda just hoped that Elisewould take up that job seriously. She seemed a little carefree, and she could see it would be hard to tame her to one
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Chapter 167
Ella woke up feeling sore all over, she wasn't able to sleep the previous night, turning and tossing all night. She had no idea how to tell her mother that she needed to go far away from there. She hadn't even shared with her the experience she had at the hands of the monster yet again he was on her neck. Ella however knew that it was the right thing to do, for her to become the betterperson she had thought of. It was only right to seek forgiveness from Alma. With that in mind she dragged herself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.Cassandra on the other hand had gotten up early and was out of the house. She could see the pain and the burden her daughter had carried with her. Cassandraknew it was partly because of her that she became that way. She just hoped that Ella will agree to her plans.With that she headed for the company, fresh and energetic as before. It had taken her a whole montht o realize that life goes on even without her. She could not destroy her life just becau
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Chapter 168
Ella went back to her home after an hour of thought, she had to talk toher mother no matter what. With that she went inside the mansion which was unusually quiet, not even the maids could be spotted in the vast house. Ella searched the kitchen but there wasn't anyone. She decided to go check up on her mother. She knocked at the door but could hear voices inside the room, maybe the maids had gone to check up on her. Opening up she found two maids helping her mother pack some of her items into a suitcase."Mother.. what's happeninghere? Why are you packing your clothes," Ella asked."Guys please leave us," Cassandra said to the maids who immediately dropped everything and left the room. Cassandra parted the bed beside her and motioned Ella to sit."Mother please tell me what's going on," Ela said impatiently, she just hoped thather motherwasn't planning to go and live with dad and his family."Ella dear, I'm sorry that I had to make this decision for us both. I've noticed how must you h
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Chapter 169
It was in the afternoon when Tilda and her parentswere having a beautiful time bonding by the pool in a shade.Tilda had grown to learn more about the two people who were so important in her life. Her mind drifted back to her grandmother Caren who had promised that one day she would surely meet her parents and realize that they didn't really abandon her. A ting of pain pricked her heart knowing that they never met her real family. She felt a little exhausted at that and sweat could be seen forming on her face. She began feeling restless and got up."Mother I think I need to go and rest a bit,I'm feeling a little bit uncomfortable, Tilda said supporting herself to the chair."How so my dear, are you in some kind of pain?" Maya asked as she stood up from her chair and held unto her. She could see tiny sweats forming all over her face."I don't know mother, l'm a little breathless, "Tilda said. Ishmael who heard this sprang on his feet and held her other hand. Tilda wasn't able to stand
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Chapter 170
Tilda used all her strength to push amidst the pain she was experiencing. The next moment a cry of a baby was heard, the doctor took the baby and held him out to Logan."Congratulations sir, here is your son," the doctor said carefully giving the child to Logan. His face was filled with unbelief as he held the delicate baby in his arms for the first time in his entire lifetime.Tilda turned her head to look at her baby when a sharp pain attacked her once more."Please mum you need to push, the second baby is about to come," the doctor said as he motioned to how to breathe in and out slowly before pushing for the final time. Tilda followed the doctor's advice, she just wanted all that the be over so that she would hold her babies. With all the strength left in her, she pushed hard one final time and the baby came out. By the time the doctor wrapped the baby Tilda had already passed out. The doctor handed over the child to Logan who had given the other to the nurse.Tears of joy streamed
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