All Chapters of Transmigration: To Be Loved By Three Men: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
Simon released her, smiling. "Dane, I didn't know you were…""In the days of our childhood you may have been at liberty to address me by my name, but those days are long since past, Denham," Dane replied."Dane, this isn't what it seems," Amelia whispered trying to explain, but saw unforgiveness in the bleak grey of Dane's eyes."No, of course it isn't, you're merely talking." He replied contemptuously."Please believe me!" She cried, taking a halting step toward him. For just that moment, Amelia felt great hatred for Simon."I am not going to believe any word that comes out of your mouth, Katherine." He said and his attention darted to Simon. "And you? How dare you touch my wife, you coward?"Simon clenched his jaw. "Take that foul insult back, Barnard." He lunged forward, but Dane stepped aside. One thing Simon hates is being referred to as a coward."You are a craven, just as your uncle was. He could not dare stand before my father, yet he dared to plan to elope with his wife. Pray
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When Dane opened his eyes, it was to see his wife staring at him, a smile curling over her lips. Her fingers were running over his face, touching his eyelashes, down his nose, over his lips, he did not move, barely even breathed, enjoying her touch, until her hand finally settled on the side of his neck. "How long have you been awake?" He asked, his voice sounding far more husky than he intended. "Just a few minutes ago, I was looking at you while you slept." She whispered back, her voice soft. "Were you comfortable sleeping on the sofa?" He asked. "Yes." She replied. "I can still hear the city move outside." There were sounds of carriages returning from diners, of guests going back home. "I'm certain everyone must be wondering where we went. They wouldn't know we're…" he paused as her cheeks coloured. He chuckled. "I long to only breathe in your scent." He murmured, his eyes closing as his lips and nose brushed against her neck, breathing in the scent of her warm skin and then
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Amelia suddenly woke up, her breathing was ragged and she was covered in a thin layer of sweat. She was disorientated from being woken so suddenly, but she remembered the nightmare she had so clearly. She had a dream of that night Katherine was murdered.So, it was William and Caroline. They killed her. She must inform Dane of this.How is she going to tell Dane without any evidence?She looked around the drawing room, standing up from the sofa, Dane was still asleep. Looking over shoulder, she saw Dane starting to shift, his hand going out towards where she had been on the sofa. His hand was reaching out, seeking her warmth. She detected the shift of muscles in his rounded buttocks. She watched, fascinated at how every movement, how every line of that big body exudes power. And his shaft.His shaft?Dane was hardening once more. She was quite sore, of that she could be certain, but Amelia didn't care, just the thought of the pleasure he could give her made her want him again.Going
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Dane closed his eyes with relief as he felt the telltale flutter of life, he lifted her in his arms just as Abigail and Harriet reached there. He told Abigail to hurry ahead to her mistress's apartment, then he looked at Harriet, whose already pale face became quite ashen when she saw Katherine's limp figure.He sighed, his face dropping a little. Harriet's heart was about to explode as she became anxious for an answer from him but the expression on his face told her it wasn't good news.Caroline almost made herself laugh. She is dead. The expression on Dane's face said everything.Dane glanced at Harriet who was on the verge of tears. "No, no, please do not get my expression wrong. Your cousin is alive."Relief surged visibly through Harriet. "Oh, your grace, but why don't you look happy?"" I was consumed by the idea that I wasn't able to protect her. I ought to have been there to protect her. What if Abigail was right and she had been the target of a murderous attempt?" He said th
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Dane held her eyes. "Are you certain that you don't remember who did this to you?" Amelia remained quiet for a while. "I remember. It was Caroline. She pushed me." She said it gently. His face darkened. "Are you certain she is the one, or do you just want to accuse her because she is my mistress?" Amelia gasped, staring at Dane in disbelief. She couldn't believe that Dane could even think of her that way. "Are you insinuating that I'm lying?" She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. "Why would I lie for such a thing?" Dane studied her. "Can you prove it was her?" "Yes. I just need to talk to her." Amelia nodded. Dane didn't say anything else. *** Caroline was standing in her bedchamber in a dainty yellow-striped muslin gown; her hands were visibly shaking. Her face went pale as she saw Amelia at the doorstep. "You!" "Yes, me." Amelia closed the door and confronted her. "How could you push me down the stairs?" "I didn't push you, your grace. You must
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Behind the shelf, Amelia still did not move. He was approaching her slowly but stopped as if he had heard something. The sound of someone walking towards the room.He took one last glance at the shelf Amelia was hiding behind before climbing silently out of the window again.The door to the study opened and Dane came in. His face was dull as he walked towards the window and closed it.He had never felt so fooled in his life before. How dare Caroline!All this time she had been poisoning his mind with lies upon lies and he was such a fool to let her deceive him.And to even think that she was carrying William's child. Amelia remained in her hiding spot as she watched Dane. The shadow and pallor of his face was evident not only of a sleepless night but the torture of knowing he was fooled into misunderstanding his beloved wife."Who is there? Katherine?" Dane raised a brow as he sensed her presence.He had caught a whiff of her scent the moment he entered the room. What was she doing
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Amelia awoke to the soft, early-morning light that filtered through the curtains of her chambers. As she blinked away the remnants of sleep, her gaze fell upon a familiar figure at her bedside.There, standing watchful and vigilant, was Abigail, her ever-loyal maid. Amelia's heart warmed at the sight of the devoted servant who had become more than just an attendant; she had become a trusted confidante in this labyrinthine journey.Amelia's voice, tinged with sleep and concern, broke the silence that enveloped the room. "Abigail, what time is it?" she inquired, her eyes searching Abigail's face for any signs of urgency.Abigail, her expression a mixture of reassurance and trepidation, responded softly, "It is dawn, your grace. I've been here, watching over you as you slept soundly."Amelia's curiosity was piqued, and she couldn't help but wonder about the reason for Abigail's unwavering vigil. With a gentle smile, she probed further, "Where is Dane?"Her question hung in the air, laden
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Amelia's heart pounded as she walked through the woods, following the hoofprints and trying to locate the oak grove. She had reached the edge of the clearing and could see Dane's back to Simon and the crowd watching them in anticipation. Her breath caught as the moment she had feared and hoped for unfolded before her eyes. It was as though time had slowed down.She had never witnessed a duel before. She'd read of them in books but watching one live was a feeling she couldn't explain and to add that the man she loves, Duke Dane was partaking in the duel.As the gunshot echoed through the woods, Amelia straightened with a dismayed gasp, watching Simon fall to the ground, bleeding. The world around her seemed to blur for a moment as the reality of the situation sank in."You killed him! Murderer!" William yelled at Dane, his voice echoing with accusation as Henry rushed to Simon's side. It had happened! Simon Denham has been killed.Amelia's voice remained trapped in her throat as she w
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As Dane and Amelia enjoyed a moment of intimacy in the oak grove, their worries seemed to melt away. However, their peaceful interlude was abruptly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Henry. He stumbled upon them, shock registering on his face as he witnessed Amelia in the grove.His heart ached as he watched them share a kiss, knowing that he had developed feelings for Katherine that he couldn't act upon, and she was married to his halfbrother. It was an abomination for him to have any feelings for her. Although it still hurts seeing them together, happy.Clearing his throat, Henry approached them. Amelia's panic was palpable; she knew that Henry had seen her on the duelling ground, a place forbidden to women. Dane, on the other hand, remained composed."Thank you for today, brother. I appreciate it," Dane said, acknowledging Henry's presence with a nod of gratitude.Henry smiled, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I'm surprised to see you here, your grace," he sai
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