All Chapters of Blood and Moon: Book Two - Onyx: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 Chapters
Chapter 51
The conversation ended with her being more excited than ever, to my dismay. Sometimes her overly joyous demeanor was a bit much. It seemed she truly loved the fact I was with this wolf, and I could not be more annoyed. She continued to push me to my limits, and oh how I wished I had any alternative other than her. But I did not, and her assistance was necessary to save the alpha’s life. I would take one for the team, as they say.I stared at the reflection in the mirror. Even though tonight was supposedly meant to be casual, I found myself being more aware of my appearance with the intentions on looking presentable, more so than usual.As usual, I sensed the wolf before he came to my door. I forced myself into composure completely ignoring the fact of what I had just done after my conversation with Alpha Ezekiel. I believe I was experiencing some type of high before the crash, because tonight, I would enjoy this bonfire with him, and tomorrow it was very probable all hell would break l
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Chapter 52
“There she is, Mommy!”My head whipped to the side at the familiar tiny voice, except this time instead of pleas of sorrow and anguish, her tone was sweet, filled with excitement and happiness. I looked down to meet the eyes of the little girl I had seen on the battlefield along with the woman that was her mother, the woman I saved with my blood.I frowned slightly peering down upon the girl’s small angelic face, but when she smiled widely revealing a missing bottom front tooth, it was hard not to match that smile. I felt eyes on us once again with obvious curiosity, but I ignored them. I was glad to see them both in better spirits.“Hello, little one.”“Hi! I wanted you to meet my mommy for real this time!”Atlas had now come to my side standing closely, protectively, and I felt the presence of the other three not far behind, but I was not surprised. Where one was the rest seemed to be close by. I would have to come up with a name for their little man group. The woman looked
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Chapter 53
Atlas’ POVOnce again, a simple gesture had me perving for her. All the alcohol I’d had in the past couple of hours hadn’t helped either, but her sitting so close to me was a problem… a problem I fucking wanted.I couldn’t remember the last time I drank so much, because usually I’d just end up passing out. But tonight, we just kept going and going. A group of us decided to play some drinking games, something that Onyx apparently had never done before, so I was more than eager to introduce another new thing into her life. I knew she was experiencing a whole new world with me. I felt like Aladdin or some shit, and I guess she was my Princess Jasmine. I was being lame again, but fuck it. My eyes were glued to her as she made her way around the bonfire trying to sneak more s’mores like I didn’t know what she was doing. It felt pretty damn good that she liked something I made for her so much. I could only hope that I was making a big enough of an impression on her to where maybe sh
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Chapter 54
Atlas’ POV“Atlas…”I wasn’t sure if her words were a warning or an encouragement, either way, the way my name rolled off her tongue did things to me.“You know I love the way you say my name. You’re only tempting me more.” I pulled her closer, grinding her ass against me.“Back away. I need to go to the restroom.” She jumped up suddenly severing the connection. Fuck. I almost had her. Maybe trying to seduce her in front of a crowd wasn’t the best idea, but I didn’t know how many chances I’d get, and it was fucking tempting being so close to her. Her scent invaded all my senses and made it hard to even think straight. I sat there for a few minutes until I realized I didn’t think she was coming back. What the fuck? Had I pissed her off that bad? I guess I shouldn’t have been grinding my dick against her like some horny teenager. Ah, shit. What was I thinking?I got up walking around following her scent back to the pack house. It didn’t take me long to figure out she’d gone back to her
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Chapter 55
Atlas’ POVNot wanting to smell like burnt wood and liquor, I changed clothes and brushed my teeth remembering her saying something about dog breath before. I smirked thinking about how my twisted dark angel came up with this test to torture me, but little did she know I would always prevail. That pep talk sounded good, but it was fucking hard when I had the newly created image of her naked backside burned into my skull. I think she did that shit on purpose. Did she want me to fail the test making it easier on her to fuck me over again? I think I was starting to get how her mind worked, but I wouldn’t make it so easy for her. I knew in the past I couldn’t keep my hands off of her, but that’s because I knew she secretly liked it. If it was a test she wanted, I would show her just how strong I was, then after she was in complete shock, she’d give herself to me.Yeah, I might be fucking delusional, but the thought made me feel better. I entered her room and closed the door behind me,
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Chapter 56
The comforting warmth of his body against mine lulled me to sleep so quickly, much sooner than I had anticipated. The mere fact I was comfortable enough to sleep so easily was a bit unsettling. This was not my home, and yet at times I felt more relaxed than when I was at the compound. His body tensed against mine while he caressed me softly and lovingly, taking great care to heed my warning about sensual touches. A smile pulled at the corner of my lips knowing he was so on edge about the situation. He held me close to him even though he put a pillow in between us, no doubt to be a backup in the event he was unable to control his urges. No, I did not truly believe he only pursued me for physical reasons. I knew the feelings he held for me. Perhaps this test was just an excuse to keep him close. Even though I gave him a bit of ease, I was not ready to open up completely. Still, with him, I felt safe and protected and cared for, all feelings that had been so foreign to me, things I never
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Chapter 57
I woke up alone to memories of what happened only a few hours earlier. It seems as though the wolf had snuck out of bed leaving me to sleep peacefully, not that I was complaining. I had been tired, and he had a lot of things to attend to. It was his birthday and today he would become alpha, after all. A very fitting day. Naturally, there was to be a great celebration to the ascension/birthday of the new alpha. From what I had heard, it would be a grand event. I had no doubt in that, especially knowing what I knew. We would be having some event crashers in the form of a witch, a vampire, and an alpha wolf. Honestly, it seemed comical at this point. I could only imagine the looks on some of their faces. I know some would not be happy, some may be impassive, and others that cared for Alpha Ezekiel, like Luna Ximena, would probably be accepting of the situation. But I could care less what anyone thought, honestly, not even Alpha Ezekiel himself. I did what needed to be done, in my opinio
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Chapter 58
My chest heaved heavily as I struggled to catch my breath. I looked at the faces around me feeling the many eyes looking back at me in return. Never would I have ever imagined being in a room like this so conflicted on where my loyalties lie. Ezekiel lie still on the ground with Araya beside him. She looked frustrated and defeated emotions I rarely recognized on her. Luna Ximena was in the corner obviously upset. Acelin and Alpha Adrian leaned against the far wall with their brows furrowed seemingly in deep thought. I stood by Atlas attempting to calm him. He had a thin layer of sweat on his brow and his powerful aura that had once filled the room finally was starting to dissipate. Manix and Wolfe’s wounds had begun to heal. Their eyes darted from person to person but they still seemed to be confused. So much had happened in so little time. I should not be so surprised. This was not the thought-out plan it should have been. Although my feelings had seemed to change and perhaps, I was
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Chapter 59
Atlas’ POVHolding back my grin around her was becoming one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. She made me smile like no one else could. I knew I pushed her fucking buttons. It had become a favorite pastime of mine. She got worked up so easily and it was pretty entertaining, but somehow things had gotten easier between us, smoother. This was starting out to be the best damn birthday of my 26 years of life. I wasn’t sure what was to come after this, but I could only hope it would be one of many spent with her.Yeah, I took a big chance fucking with her in front of her people. Normally she was a bear you didn’t want to poke. But after the generous kiss we shared last night, I was feeling lucky. Even with everything happening around us, I couldn’t get that kiss off my mind. One that I didn’t have to steal, because she gave so willingly. Although there was so much more I wanted to do, I held back, needing to be patient and not willing to push her over the edge. Slowly but su
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Chapter 60
“Just the pair I was looking for,” Ezekiel’s face lit up when he saw me and the wolf walk into the room. My eyes darted to Luna Ximena who stood off to the side. Like her son, she wore her emotions on her sleeve, and it was very evident something was upsetting her. Now was not the time to be falling apart. Within a few minutes, the stooges would advance on us, and without knowing exactly what Ezekiel’s reaction would be, on top of not being able to calculate for all mishaps, we were treading in dangerous waters. Araya would be able to mask their presence, but once inside, once in the room, there was no telling how long it would take for her to fix this issue. How long would we have to hold others at bay? We had enough man power, two alphas, two vampires, one spat out straight from hell, a disheveled luna, and a witch, but still things never go quite as planned. Perhaps my negative outlook on life was tainting my perception. As much as I tried to calm the wolf, I was also on edge about
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