All Chapters of mated to my nightmare : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
69 Chapters
chapter 21
Chapter 21"Where in the world is he? Have I offended him? I hope he isn't still upset about the last time. Is there something on my face? Doesn't he find me interesting anymore?", Angela scrolled through her mind with thoughts of unanswered questions of Dmitiri. She hasn't seen him in a while and it scared her and her insecurities. Going to school and surviving a day was annoying enough as it is; especially when she comes in contact with Leo but Dmitiri has always been different."Where can I find him?, where would he be?", she thought to herself. She did try their usual rock and forest to see if he around there to no avail. Now she was scared. He wasn't the type to disappear or not giving her a call or a message of his whereabouts. "I hope nothing happened to him. He's going to be okay right. I really don't know what to do. Perhaps I should call or meet his…", she stood there in fidgety asking Debbie. "Relax darling. He's probably out and he would call you back soon". " I know but
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chapter 22
Chapter 22Leo stayed still staring into space, there was really nothing to look at in the first place. He tried to subdue his anger as his mind wandered about, encompassing to many things and giving rise to different thoughts.You know that moment when you're trying to stay calm , and act calm, but can't because you keep seeing the person responsible for your anger right in front of you. There's really nothing it do about things like that,than to tackle it in the best way possible, and that is one of Leo's problems; There's just now way he's gonna let it slide.He was only trying to act clam for sometime, so as not for sound rash or unreasonable.He looked up to stare back at the people who were staring back at him.There's simply no time to exchange stares as it wasn't even pleasant to begin with.Why were they even staring at him? He hasn't even said anything or reacted. Perhaps, it's cause his countenance changed.There's just no time to think of anyhow or try to figure out why th
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chapter 23
Chapter 23After school, Angela and Dimitri walks home together, he asks her to follow him to know his house which she does. He invites her into his home.It was a modern apartment, furnished with a two sitter brown cushion, gracing the living room space and a ceramic table having four short legs sitting in front of the two sitter cushion. There was a white flower vase on top of the ceramic table with rose flowers sitting inside the flower vase, giving the room a nice fragrance. Like as if strawberries were placed on every side of the living room.Angela ran her eyes round Dmitri’s living room. “ Nice place.” She compliments his home beaming a smile. “Oh! thanks Angela, it’s not so big but I love it .” Dmitri replied back with a glow on his face. He occasionally steals a gaze at Angela, admiring her looks and beautiful body. Unknowing Angela, was still busy looking round his house and admiring it.“ Do you have strawberries somewhere here?” She asks Dmitri.“Huh?” He doesn’t understan
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chapter 24
Leo is pissed and without a word, he starts dragging her away to the woods but Angela refuses. She struggles to free herself and tries to run away but leo grabbed her like a teddy bear without weight and carried her over his shoulder. He had plans for her and would certainly teach her a lesson she will never forget in a hurry. Angela became scared. Why does Leo always have to show that he’s an Alpha, with his annoying and egotistic attitude. He never for once treated her well as his mate. And couldn’t even apologize for the way he has been bullying her when he realized she was his mate. Angela started screaming and screaming for help, only the heavens knew what plans Leo had in mind for her as he carried her to the woods. Hitting Leo with her two hands she yelled again, “ let me go you swine! Put me down at once.” “ And you think I’d put you down? I told you I answer to no one!” Leo barked at Angela again. Their love for each was built on hate for themselves. Angela disliked Leo mi
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chapter 25
The following day, Becca walked into Angela's room to find her still sleeping . It was late in the morning and she was still asleep which is so unlike her.She walked to where the curtains were and pulled them to the side, standing with both hands on her waist for some time, she stared at her daughter who was laying down like a log of wood on the bedThe rays of light that penetrated from the now opened curtains didnt seem to do anything or help out in anyway. She slept still like a day old baby and with the way she positioned on the bed, Becca knew her daughter wasn't ready to get out of bed anytime soonShe walked to the bed, sat on it and stared at her beautiful face with motherly love and affectionTaking a deep breath, she stretched her left hand forward to give Angela a gentle tap on her bare skinAngela merely responded by humming, but immediately went back to sleep again Becca smiled at this and repeated this act several times to make sure she would he awake soonShe wondered
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chapter 26
Angela sat on the bed for the next five minutes, thinking about the the dream she just had moments ago, and trying to control her breath..She wondered what kind of the dream that was. Never in her life had she had that kind of weird, awkward and scary dream...She didn't know how to describe the dream. She couldn't explain it. One time, Leo was shapeshifting into his wolf form to attack her and get back at her for whatever she did; was at his mercy, and another time, she was making out with him. Although it was hard for her to explain, it was how she felt about Leo. One time he was the cruel to her and the worst person on earth, and another time she would keep thinking out about him endlessly...She shook her head and sighed. She needed to stop thinking about her weird drea, get up and make breakfast for herself.She ventured to get out of there bed, when she noticed a red stain on her pijamas. It wasn't her time of the month, and this didn't look like the regular bloodstain...It l
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chapter 27
Just as Angela and Dmitri were about to dig into the meal, Angela heard a knock on the door..."Are you expecting someone?", Dmitri asked but she shook her head in response.She looked quite puzzled, because she wasn't expecting anyone...After some seconds there was another knock on the door; this time, louder. It seemed like there was more than one person at the door."Excuse me. Just give me a minute, let me check who's there", she said to Dmitri as she stood up from her seat and took her chair backwards."Yeah, sure ", Dmitri replied.She walked over to the door. "Who's there?", she asked."It's us!", she heard Debbie yell from outside. She could recognize her voice anywhere and anytime.Angela exhaled in relief as she opened the door for the trio."Angeeeel!!", They squealed as they embraced each other in a group hug."You girls look like you just came from school. Plus, seeing that it's just a few minutes after closing time...""Yes, school hours just ended and then we decided
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chapter 27
Chapter 27Flashback of yesterday's kiss with Dmitiri, his hands caressing her neck, lost in his deep blue eyes and perfectly tasted lips. She looked at the mirror once again and smiled imagining Dmitri holding her once again."You're mine Angela and I love you", sharing a kiss again with Dimitri reaching for the arm of her cloth slowly and evenly. One with each touch sent tingles to her nerves, unbuttoning his shirt and seeing a well structured abs and well divided chest. He carried her into his big arms as they reached for the bed. Slowly removing her Jean and removing her cloth. He moved closed to her, giving her another kiss, going down and holding her hand till her finally reached her for her v***a, moving slowly, putting his p***s into her, with every thrust and releasing an orgasm, a feeling she had never experienced before. "I hope I'm not hurting you My dear", he asked, still a gentleman as ever. "No, keep going". A first time, her first time with the guy that wanted her, t
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chapter 28
Chapter 28She wakes up the next morning and finds herself tied up in Leo's room with a plaster on her mouth.Memories came flooding in like a running water.She sobbed, looking as she was tied up like a criminal and laid on the floor.Who deserves to be treated this way?No one... absolutely no one, not even a criminal, so she doesn't either.This is total bullshit and highly uncalled for.What has she gotten herself into and what has gotten into Leo stillShe doesn't know him that we so she can't say if he has always been like that or it was something that changed him, but she hoped that whatever it is needed to be sorted out as soon as possible.It was making life unbearable for the people around him, most especially her. she takes the greatest and hardest part of it all.The way he treats her nothing less if a human makes her wonder if she's that bad or just have great bad luck .Still in the ropes she was tied up with, she looked round the place she was locked up but there was no
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chapter 29
Chapter 29Angela was so fast, that Leo couldn't get a hold of her...he couldn't catch her. Why was he still after her? She asks herself.She runs as fast as her tiny legs could carry her, her heart thumping hard against her chest as though it might jump out at any time.There's nothing in this world as scary as fear. It encompasses so many things and make you do what you ought not to ordinarily.The mere thinking if it alone is enough to drive one crazy.Just as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there are other things that has their different impact on people as well as how people react to it.Is it that she's scared of him or is she just trying to get away from harm?Just as luck would have it, she runs into Dimitri while still trying to get away from Leo. He stopped her from running and turned around with her to face Leo when he sees him.He was her saving grace. What would she have done if he hadn't showed up right at that moment?She was feeling weak all over. Her body ache
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