All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
440 Chapters
Chapter 141
"I’m glad we’ve come to an agreement," Ariston answered, inclining his head. "We’ll leave for Athens this afternoon.""I will have to return to France at some point," Lucette warned him. ‘I have to give notice and deal with my apartment.’She swallowed, the realisation of all she was leaving behind hitting her with sudden force, making her breathless. The career she was so proud of. The friends she’d made The home she’d created for herself—her sanctuary and haven, the only place she felt she could be herself. All of it is gone.But it’s worth it. It has to be worth it."When you are fit to travel," Ariston said, his tone implying that he would be the one to make the decision. "You may return to France and deal with your job and apartment."His imperious tone, as if he were giving her permission, grated on Lucette ’s already raw nerves. "Who do you think you are," she demanded, "to order me about in such a way? I chose to come here, Ariston —’I’ll tell you who I am,’ Ariston cut a
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Chapter 142
Lucette had never been to Ariston ’s city home before. Now she walked around the elegant rooms that took up the top floor of a nineteenth-century townhouse. The living room and dining room had been knocked together to create a large open space scattered with black and white leather sofas and tables of chrome and glass.A huge canvas of wavy green lines and white splotches was the only colour in the whole room. She stood in front of it, wondering if this was the kind of modern art Ariston liked. It had probably cost a fortune, and it looked as if it had been painted by a five-year-old."A masterpiece made by my nephew Timon," he said, as he came to stand beside her.‘I didn’t know you had a nephew.’There was, she realised, so much she didn’t know about him. She knew what he liked in bed, and what kind of food he liked to order in, and that he preferred classical music to jazz. She knew he shaved with an old-fashioned straight razor and that the only cologne he wore was a splash of c
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Chapter 143
‘It’s a bit uncomfortable,’ the doctor said, ‘but I promise you it’s not hurting anyone.’Ariston didn’t look convinced, and Lucette said quietly, ‘I’m all right, Ariston .’‘There we are,’ Dr Tallos announced, and they all turned to look at the fuzzy shape on the screen.Lucette blinked, trying to connect what looked like nothing more than a few blobby circles into a shape that resembled a baby.Then Dr Tallos started pointing things out on the screen. ‘There’s the head, and the stomach, and you can see fingers and toes—look.’And almost as if by magic Lucette could see it: the curled up bud of her baby unfurling as he—or she—stretched out arms, kicked tiny legs.‘Kicking up a storm,’ Dr Tallos said cheerfully. ‘Do you feel anything?’Lucette shook her head. ‘Not yet.’‘Well, don’t worry, you’re sure to in the next few weeks. And there’s the heart, beating away.’ She pointed to the flickering image on the screen, pulsing with life. ‘Let me turn up the volume and you can hear it.
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Chapter 144
She couldn’t sleep. Lucette had tossed and turned in the guest bedroom for several hours before she’d finally given up trying. It wasn’t the bed—it was one of the most comfortable she’d ever slept in. And it wasn’t that she wasn’t tired, because she still felt exhausted. Even so her mind seethed with half-formed questions and thoughts, and they spun around in her brain until she decided to make herself some herbal tea in an attempt to help her sleep.She reached for her dressing gown and the box of ginger tea she’d brought with her; it was one of the few things she could stomach. Tiptoeing out of her bedroom, not wanting to disturb Ariston , she made her way to the kitchen.The rest of the day had passed uneventfully enough: she’d had a nap and a bath while Ariston had worked in his study. And at around dinnertime he’d knocked on her door and told her he was planning to order food in, asked her what she’d like.It had reminded Lucette painfully of the weekends they’d spent together
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Chapter 145
‘The day after...’ She swallowed, felt a blush heat her cheeks and hoped Ariston couldn’t see in the dark. ‘The day after I saw you I slept in. I took the pill three hours later than I normally would.’‘And that was enough to keep it from working?’With a self-conscious laugh she patted her little bump. ‘Apparently the mini-pill has to be taken at exactly the same time every day—although I didn’t know things were quite that strict until it was too late.’‘You must have been shocked.’‘I was in a complete daze. I...I didn’t know what I was going to do.’ She hesitated in making that admission, afraid that Ariston would use it against her, but he just nodded.‘That’s understandable.’‘So for a while I didn’t do anything. And then I felt so sick I couldn’t do anything but drag myself through each day. When I went to the doctor to get some medication for my nausea he said something—just a throwaway comment about how such sickness usually meant the baby was healthy. "Here to stay," is wha
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Chapter 146
When his father had died, Ariston had hoped that his older brother Antonios would include him more in the family business, that they would have a partnership. But Antonios had cut him off even more than his father had, making him nothing more than a frontman, the eye candy to bring in new business without actually having any serious responsibility.All that had changed six months ago, when Antonios had finally told Ariston the truth. Evangelos had been borrowing against the company, making shoddy and sometimes illegal investments and running everything into debt. He’d hidden it from everyone except Antonios, confessing all when he’d been on his deathbed. Antonios had spent the next ten years hiding it from Ariston .He’d finally told the truth when prompted by his wife Lindsay and by Ariston ’s own furious demands. And, while Ariston had been glad to finally learn the truth, the knowledge didn’t erase ten years of hurt, of anger, of being intentionally misled. His father and his br
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Chapter 147
At the cash desk she offered to pay for it, but Ariston silenced her with a single look as he handed over his credit card. He’d been the same when they were dating: he’d paid for all their meals and hotels, despite Lucette ’s insistence that she could pay her way. She hadn’t minded, because she’d still felt safe. Still kept him at a distance.This felt different. This was a wedding dress—the start of a new life that would be utterly intertwined with Ariston ’s.He said, "We should go back to the apartment," as he accepted the dress, now swathed in a designer hanging bag. ‘You should rest before the ceremony.’* * *A few hours later, Lucette ’s stomach was seething with a whole different kind of nausea, now caused by nervousness. She’d showered and put on her new dress and heels, then coiled her hair into its usual elegant chignon. The dress’s high waist hid her small baby bump, for which she was grateful. She’d rather not have some sanctimonious city official looking at her disappro
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Chapter 148
‘Three and one brother.’‘Your brother, I know about. He was CEO before you?’‘Yes.’ He’d told her that much at least, although he hadn’t even hinted at the strained and sinful relationship. Two of my sisters live on the estate. They will want to meet you.’‘They weren’t there before I came?’"No, they were visiting Maya, my third sister. She lives with her family near Patras. "‘Timon’s mother?’‘Yes.’Lucette exhaled a shaky breath. "And what about your parents?"They’re both dead.’‘I’m sorry.’ She glanced at him, her eyes dark. "When?"'It was ten years ago for my father, and six months ago for my mother.'Her eyes widened. "When were we together?"‘Yes.’He hadn’t told her. There was so much he hadn’t told her. And for the first time, Ariston acknowledged that Lucette had had a point, claiming their relationship hadn’t been going anywhere. He’d kept him inside its careful parameters as much as she had. It was only when he’d become CEO that he’d decided he should marry and have
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Chapter 149
Lucette thought she looked appalled."Yes." My wife. We got married today and, as you can see, we are expecting our first child in a few months.’ He placed a hand on Lucette ’s lower back, propelling her forward. ‘Iris, Zoe—please meet Lucette Colbert, Lucette Linard now.’She smiled weakly.‘Lucette —my sister.’"I’m pleased to meet you," she said, and they both nodded stiffly. Lucette couldn’t really blame them for the lack of welcome; they were clearly completely shocked. Still, it stung.Ariston said, 'Come inside,’ and drew her past his sisters into the villa.Ariston spoke to Maria in Greek as soon as they stepped inside the door, and Ariston spoke to her in English before turning to Lucette with a grimace of apology. Maria doesn’t speak English, but I’ve told her we’re married.’Lucette nodded. She couldn’t tell a thing from the housekeeper’s expression, but she felt too overwhelmed and exhausted to care. It had been an incredibly long day, and she didn’t have the ener
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Chapter 150
"Ariston hasn’t told us anything about you," Iris said after a few moments of strained silence, when all Lucette did was toy with her food and stare at her plate. "Where are you from?"She looked up and met Iris’s speculative gaze with what she hoped was a friendly smile. ‘I lived in Paris.’‘I love Paris!’Zoe jumped in quickly, and Lucette wondered if the sisters would actually be welcoming towards her after all.‘It must have been very hard to leave.’Lucette glanced at Ariston , whose face was as bland as ever. "A bit," she allowed, "but I have other things to think about now."She rested one hand on her small bump, which unintentionally but effectively silenced all conversation. Both Iris and Zoe excused themselves a few minutes later, leaving Ariston and Lucette alone with about an acre of polished mahogany between them."I’m sorry things seem a bit awkward," Ariston said after a moment. ‘They’ll come to accept you in time.’Maybe, "Lucette allowed. I don’t suppose it re
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