All Chapters of The silver wolf: iceberg: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
Caught in the act
LEE'S (ONE OF THE HIDDEN GUARDS) POV As we listened to what the Prince's mate said to him, I became fully convinced by her words that even though she was a spy, she had become one because she was forced and had no choice but to. Anyone would have done what she did, given the circumstances. I know that I would have if I were in her shoes. Though at first, I had suspected her and even confirmed on the spot that she was a spy when she left her room, and when she started walking toward the dungeon, my suspicion of her became heightened that she still had a hidden agenda to carry out as a spy. Hence, I was ready to put her down at any minute but changed my mind and told the guys to stand down when we saw her approach the cell door, the Prince was being kept to see what she wanted to do. However, after hearing her words, I was moved and instantly informed the King of the new development. *** DIVYA'S POV I was still pouring out my heart to the Prince when I suddenly heard the sound of
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The encounter and warnings
However, before I could confirm that I had succeeded, the guard named Lee stepped in front of me and quietly stretched his hand respectfully toward the dungeon's entrance, indicating that I lead the way out.Not having a choice, I bowed at the King and the Royal Prince before compiling and following the other guard out with Lee behind me.***Now in the Palace hallway leading to the room I was earlier in, I was so deep in thought that I did not notice Lady Samantha Walking towards me from across the corridor.It was not until I heard the sneakers filled with hatred that I finally realized the extra presence.However, before I could react or do anything, I heard her say as she walked towards me, "Look who is here. The one and only spy of the enemy that just survived a fatal attack from the said enemies."When she stopped before me, I bowed my head to her and whispered, "Your ladyship."However, my action caused a ripple of reaction from Lee and the other guard in the form of a gasp as
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I took a step back unconsciously and glanced at the guards beside me and saw that they wore unreadable expressions on their faces making me wonder if they had heard her threatening words. But the more I stared at them, the more their expressions looked unreadable. It was like they didn't hear any of her threatening words.However, I knew deep down that they heard everything because of their heightened hearing. They weren't werewolves and the King's special force for nothing. They had undergone more vigorous training than any other guards to be able to qualify as one of the King's special forces. Hence, their hearings and any other senses were sharper than the normal guards, and because of that, I knew fully well that they heard her words clearly but rather chose to be indifferent about it.I can't blame them for their actions, though, they were justified even if I was the Prince's mate.All I could only do was try to control my shivering and hide my fear from her.However, she caught
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Immediately after she left, my legs gave way immediately, and I staggered, trying to find my balance.I quickly reached out to the pillar beside me and used it for support. Sweat dripped down my body as I tried so hard not to let her words get to me.I looked at the guards standing motionlessly beside me and saw that they still wore their indifferent attitude, behaving as though they hadn't heard nor seen what had just happened. They didn't care at all about what had just occurred.Though I didn't expect much from them, but their indifference got to me. However, I could not blame them.Taking in a deep breath, I pushed away from the pillar and resumed walking toward the room, with the guards following closely behind me.We soon reached the entrance of the room, and as I was about to push it open, I heard one of them clear their throat, hence, getting my attention.I paused and slowly turned to look at them, not sure what to expect. "Um...If you don't mind me saying this, though we've
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her appearance left a disgusting feeling in the heart of eveyone
I didn't need her to show me the way because I knew where the dining hall was located in the Palace when I was walking as a maid. Though I wasn't among the maids assigned to the dining hall, I'd heard all there was to it from the other maids. In no time, we got to the door leading to the dining area and waited for the concierge who was waiting at the entrance to announce my presence. "This is Lady Divya, Concierge Matthew," the maid said, facing the pot-bellied middle-aged man standing at the dining hall entrance. He gave me a brisk look with a hint of what I caught as disgust before quickly covering it up with a strained expression and bowed slightly toward me. "Entering, Lady Divya." He simply said before indicating for the guards to open the enormous doors for me to enter. As the door opened slowly, I brushed my shaky hands against my dress to calm my trembling nerves and stepped forward slowly with my head slightly bowed. As I stepped into the opulent dining hall within
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Never be the future the Luna
Their voices were loud enough to attract everyone's attention, and the people present got the picture of what had happened and fully realized who I was. Even those who were not present that day now know who I was. Their expressions changed gradually and settled with hatred, disgust, anger, name them. As I listened to them and felt the gazes of everyone on me, I wished so badly for the ground to open and swallow me up. I had never felt so completely scared and humiliated like this before, and I visibly trembled. Even when I was working as a maid, no one acted toward me in such a way. As I stood there at the entrance, hearing as everyone was saying hateful words, I didn't know what to do. I thought to turn and run out of the hall but, on second thought, didn't because that would be me disregarding Queen Ashley's summon, which would lead to being on bad terms with her, which was not a good thing for me. Since leaving was out of the option, I could not think of anything else. I kne
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No brother of mine needs a weakling as a mate
The entire hall became quiet at the sound of the booming voices. It was pin-drop silent. The only thing that could be heard was the fast intake of breath by those around. I could also not help myself by holding my breath upon hearing those voices. I would recognize those voices anywhere, anytime, and as I was sure of that, so would anyone present. Everyone quickly bowed toward the direction of the voices. "Your majesty!" "Your Royal Highness!" "Your Highness!" Everyone quickly greeted the three majestic women in their Royal garments. Their entry was so grand that it took my breath away. However, I quickly lowered my head before I attracted the eyes of any of them to me. Though their outburst just now wasn't directed toward me, I still tried to be as less visible as possible in their presence. I was not confident enough that I would not offend them as soon as they became aware of my presence. Yes, the Queen has made it known that she has no issue with me; however, I couldn'
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The faces of the people around who heard her words turned sour, feeling hurt inside but couldn't show how they felt outside."Alright, that's enough, Audree. Let's join your mother at the table. Your father and brother will soon join us, and we don't want them seeing us still standing about at the hall." Princess Alexa said, cutting her off and leading the way."Yes, aunt." Princess Audree responded before following her. As soon as I heard Princess Alexa mention him, I became tensed immediately.Has he recovered?I stopped walking and looked towards the entrance of the hall, expecting his arrival.However, I was not the only one who heard Princess Alexa's words and was curious about his presence; those around us also heard her.Whispers and murmurs could be heard almost immediately. Some even went to the extent of saying that they would wait for his arrival in the hall, while some went to the entrance to gather in small groups on the claim that they wanted to be among the first to s
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lost control
Still tryiing to comprehend what had just happened, I received a hard blow against my cheek making me cry out in pain from the impact. Holding my cheek, I looked up at Lady Samantha and asked, "Lady Samantha w...what was that for? How have i offended you to deserve such reaction as to you hitting me from you?" However, before i could finish my sentence, i receieved another slap from Lady Lora. "How dare you? Who do you think you are to ask us questions? You, a little nobody, just lucky enough to be the Prince's fated mate, thinks she has the right to question us?" As she said that, she raised her hand againt to land me another slap but was cut off by Lady Samantha's words. "Lora, that is enough for now." She dusted her hands and walked toward the basin, switched on the tap and rinsed her hands. Not wanting any more trouble from them, i decided not to say anything and got up from the floor, dusted my clothes and tried to leave the restroom again. Yet, as i moved toward the door
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took action without thinking
On hearing the scream, those who were standing around me rushed toward the location where the scream came from to check what had happened.My heart raced without me being aware of it as another resounding scream filled the hall.The scream was bone-chilling and terrifying upon hearing it. It was more heartwrenching than the first.The first scream sounded like a shock, while the second one was filled with pain, extreme disheartening pain.As I stood there, watching as people rushed into the dining hall and listening to whispers from there, I had a nagging feeling about what had happened and trembled on the spot.Cold sweat formed against my forehead as I imagined what was going on in the dining area. I was lost on what to do.I didn't know if I should step forward to see what was going on or to stay put and not get involved. I wasn't sure if I wanted to witness the scene.However, as I was still contemplating, I heard another scream, and a raging growl followed the scream. I knew in
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