All Chapters of The Broken Luna: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
110 Chapters
Dakota The sandstorm had finally stopped, but the effects were mind-boggling. Axton was in utter confusion, confused, his brain muddled with thoughts for his pack members. He had no idea how to salvage the situation, considering he was Alpha and everyone looked up to him. We stepped outside for the first time. My eyes doubled in size at the effects of the storm. The sunlight cast a warm glow through the sand particles and a thick layer of fine sand covered everything in sight, coating the ground, my hair, and my legs. "This is crazy," I muttered, lacing my fingers with Axton and subtly looking in his direction. "I don't even know where to start," he murmured, confused like a mourner who'd gone into the wrong funeral. "Don't beat yourself up," I said softly. "It's not like anyone knew it was going to happen. I'm sure you'll find a way around this. Just calm down." He briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, replying with a snort. "I'm calm. Everything is just overwhelm
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Dakota Finding out Xavier's dirty secret made my heart give out. It was a hard pill to swallow and images of what could be and worst-case scenarios flashed through my mind. I was clueless about what to do or who to tell because the burden was a little too much for one person to take, especially me, a stranger who wasn't even a part of their family. When the shock of finding out wore out, I truly wanted Axton to find out. He needed to know the truth. I hid the damn diary under the bed, far away from any prying eyes, racking my brain for ways to reveal this to him. But when I imagined Axton's reaction which would most likely be to see blood without caring about the consequences and how he'd chop Xavier to pieces, not that Xavier deserved to live, I couldn't muster the courage to tell him. Axton loved his dad a little too much, and finding out that his brother killed their dad would break him. And I couldn't be the one to tell him such heavy news. I couldn't bear to watch him c
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Fifty-Two B
Dakota Seeing my gamma made me jump with a shock like a flea on a frog's back. I went completely still, stunned and confused. Erika or any member of my pack were the last people I was expecting to see in Desert Canines. With my brain frozen, all I could do was gape open and blink in surprise. Erika returned the same expression, not expecting to see me as well. Her lashes shot upward and she repeated my name with a soft, disbelieving voice. "Dakota, is this you? Am I dreaming?" My eyes welled up with tears. Brushing back my hair, I managed a nod. Erika squealed, closing the gap with a burst of speed, and opened her hands wide in a hug. Tears blinded my eyes and choked my voice. Oh, how I wept. Seeing a member of my pack again made a thick lump of nostalgia and homesickness form in my throat. "Oh, Alpha. My friend," Erika wept, embracing me like a wet, hot towel. We clasped at each other, none willing to let go. Memories I'd been trying hard to ignore, sprang up like weeds
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After a finger-licking dinner, my belly was full. Axton didn't come down for dinner. Worried, I headed to the study where I found him furrowed in concentration, studying the pack's accounts and running a finger through his hair. Not wanting to bother him, I stood at the door of the study, watching him deeply focused, with ledgers and papers scattered around the oak table. He didn't even notice my presence. I wanted to knock to get his attention, but I decided not to. Axton was trying hard to prove his efficiency to shame Xavier. In reality, he didn't even need to try because he was miles a better leader than his brother. Sighing, I wandered off to the third floor. Axton deserved to know the truth about his dad's death, but I couldn't bring myself to be the bearer of such terrible news to him, especially now that he was busy with meetings and looking for a solution to the sandstorm crisis. Lost in thoughts, I collided with Xavier on the staircase, almost tripping over. A slight chi
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Axton I was so busy with so much to do in such a little time. Everyone expected me to bring strong ideas and strategize for the pack to bounce back after the sandstorm. Elias and I, along with other leaders, had endless meetings and made sure the traders coming in were honest and there were no issues in the business. Things were looking up so far, and my initial fear had dissolved. I was sorting through piles of documents, punching a calculator, and allocating funds in my dad's study. A wave of fatigue almost threw me off, but I was determined to clear my table, knowing that the next day would bring more work. But I stopped when I heard raised voices echoing from the staircase. Pausing for a moment, I tried to make out the voices, but they were indistinct. It must be the maids bickering over irrelevant stuff. Sighing, I continued with what I was doing. However, when I heard Xavier yell, I raised my head and focused on the door, wondering who he was having an altercation with. Th
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Dakota I stood tall, ready to begin my training. Dodging Elder Timothy's powerful strikes and defensive moves, I watched attentively, absorbing every detail while he guided me and made me mimic his movements, matching his precision. "Ow! That was painful," I yelled when he punched me. I felt the exertion in my muscles as he yelled back at me. "Come on, don't be a lazy ass. You can do this. Push yourself. You can do this." I grappled with him, using my strength to try to overpower him. Sweating profusely, feeling my stamina and endurance put to the test, I took a break to drink some water. Reaching out for my water bottle and unscrewing the cap, I took a long, refreshing sip, observing Elder Timothy as he guided ten teenage boys through a series of drills. I wondered how glorious it was to be old, yet have such a level of strength. My mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Xavier's evil weighed heavily on my conscience. Elder Timothy was close to the family, and I wondered if I
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Dakota Today was Sara and Elias's wedding. Imani and I adored her for this special occasion. I was so happy that Sara was with her true mate who loved her so much. "You look like an angel," I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill and styled her hair into an elegant updo while Imani helped with her makeup. Sara sighed and I frowned. "What's wrong?" "I don't know, it's just weird to leave you and begin my life with Elias. What happens when you finally decide to go back to our pack? And I'm too young to get married. " Imani and I exchanged a look. She smiled and I kissed Sara on her cheek. The truth was I had those thoughts and Sara and I were too close to be separated. I was going to miss Sara terribly and couldn't imagine living without her. I also thought of the time when I would have to go back to my pack and wondered how my relationship with Axton would be. The Wild Fangs pack was too far to shuttle between that place and here. But since I couldn't do much, I stopp
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Axton The cruelty of my hatred knew no bounds. I exploded in fury, my face turning red as I yelled at the top of my lungs. "You bastard! How could you do this? How could you murder your father? You're a huge abomination!" My words gushed out like fire and Mum's hands trembled, gripping the armrests tightly. I needed an outlet for my rage, a target to unleash my pent-up frustration. The urge to destroy something consumed me so much that I could no longer feel my own hands. "You have committed the most unforgivable crime, and you must face the consequences," I said in a choked voice, my rage mounting." He stood there, saying nothing. His silence made me want to kill him. "What the fuck possessed you? Couldn't you have sought revenge in any other way? Did you have to take his life, you cursed bastard!" "Axton, son, please," my mum cried, her voice desperate and trembling. Fear, stark and vivid shone in her eyes. I turned away, my gaze fixated on the portrait of my dad, his e
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Fifty -Eight
Dakota The house was quiet as the sun dipped below the horizon. Filled with sorrow, it felt as though a dark cloud loomed over the mansion. Cara's desperate sobs echoed through the halls, and I felt her raw pain. Behind her closed doors, she wept, consumed by her grief. Meanwhile, Axton paced restlessly back and forth, while I leaned against the rail of the second floor, lost in my thoughts as I stared at him. The atmosphere was heavy as if someone dear to us had passed away. I didn't know what to do or think anymore. Cara needed to stop crying to prevent her fever from returning. I scoffed, looking away. Who would have thought that I would feel pity for her considering our rough start? Everyone outside the pack house, including Olivia, believed she was rude and condescending. They had completely misjudged her, and I couldn't blame them. Beneath Cara's façade was a broken woman whose own son had murdered her husband. How many people could bear such a burden? The negative a
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Fifty Nine
Axton I stared at Dakota. Her brows furrowed in a frown, but I paid no attention to it. I was determined to be the voice of reason, to protect her from trouble. "You should quit this whole psychic thing," my voice tinged with concern. But, she vehemently protested, "I need to find my staff of leadership. It means everything to me." I let out a weary sigh. "I know, but magic is risky. Don't be stubborn and let things unfold naturally. Magic is a dangerous game, and I've witnessed firsthand the dangers it can unleash. There's a thin line between bravery and recklessness, and I fear you're crossing it." Her eyes flashed with annoyance as she challenged me, "What are you afraid of?" "I'm afraid you're becoming desperate. Why rush? Do you even know the true source of this magic?" She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and distancing herself from me, taking a seat on a nearby chair. "It's easy for you to say because you haven't lost anything. Put yourself in my shoes. What would
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