All Chapters of The Lycan Academy: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
179 Chapters
Reincarnation (4): Red winged angel
"What do you mean by making a sacrifice of acceptance?," He asked with a curious stare. He had an inkling of its meaning, yet he chose to remain ignorant. He couldn't believe his former self could need something so horrible. It was as though he was everything good and Theodora everything evil, like polar opposites yet two sides of the same coin."To merge with your true self, you'll need a sacrifice," She said with a callous smile, "But it won't be a problem, a sacrifice awaits you in the human world, ready to give his life for your ascension,""I won't take a life for my selfish desires, I might be your reincarnation, but we are nothing alike," He proclaimed with a fierce gazeHe could already guess who it was, the blonde-haired boy, Aslem. With each spoken word he found it difficult to believe she was his past self. He was everything she was not. He possessed a considerable level of good while she was everything Evil. He was light and she was dark."Do not fight your true nature, As
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Quick and painless
Few minutes before Asher's transformationThe humid summer nights seemed to melt into even more humid summer days with air so thick it pressed upon one's skin, hundreds of fireflies all aglow lifted off the dewy grasses, and beautifully decorated gardens adorned with the most precious of ornamental plants so slowly it seemed they struggled against the weight of moisture hanging heavily in the morning dew.She sat at the chair, gazing through the windows at the morning skies with a cold glass of iced tea, dripping from condensation while listening to the bullfrogs call, the calls which reminded her of the sound loose strings on a banjo might make. First one bullfrog would begin the chorus then another and another joining in until the pond seemed surrounded by them.She gazed absentmindedly at the skies with a sullen expression, her tearstained face was puffy and swollen in grief. she was growing impatient waiting for Leon and Asher's arrival as she tapped both feet against the floors.
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The Bunker
As the students looked up into the sky, they were left astonished and their jaws dropped noticing something strange happening. The clouds began to darken, casting an ominous shadow over St Donovan as the air began to crackle with electricity. Faint rumbling echoes in the distance, gradually growing louder and more insistent until it becomes a thunderous roar that shakes the very ground beneath their feet."What the actual fuck?" Liam cursed wincing his brows in pain at his throbbing headache, "That hot bitch knocked me out," He said with an embarrassed chuckle, "Gosh I hope no one saw that," Lifting his gaze, he found Leon staring into the sky alongside the other students."Oh my God, not again, not again!" He said with a frown gazing at the sky. Whatever it was, It was ominous and would bring nothing but pain and destruction, like the skinwalker. He felt a sharp pain in his heart. Which meant only one thing. His luna was in danger. Evelyn was in danger."Leon, Eve...." "I know!" He
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The white witch
The red sky momentarily grabbed his attention as he moved his deep blue eyes from Evelyn and adverted it into the sky. His gaze was calm and stoic, it was as though he was unfazed at the blazing red sky."Well this is interesting," He finally broke the silence while Evelyn's gaze was locked on the doors. She calculated her chances of getting to the door before Jared's reaction. Yet, there was none, his speed and agility surpassed hers."Aren't you going to check on your student's safety as a normal principal would?," She inquired with a smile while ever so slowly the devil settled his gaze on hers. She shuddered mildly at how empty his stare was. It was like staring into oblivion, His gaze held nothing but emptiness."Well I'm no ordinary principal, am I Evelyn?," He retorted before placing his hands around her neck and lifting her a few feet above the ground."Let...let me go," She wiggled to escape his clutches which was futile. Jared possessed the strength of a bear. About to fade
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Morganna's gene
"Leon, so good of you to join us," Jared said, breaking out a mischievous smile as Leon moved towards Evelyn and Anna"Are you okay?, did he hurt you? He asked Evelyn gently cupping her soft delicate face. Her eyes watered at Leon's presence, he was always there when she needed him. Like a guardian angel."Yes I'm fine," She said with an assuring smile, Leon scanned through her in search of a single bruise, and settling on her neck he found a red bruise. She had been strangled."Where is Asher?," She questioned"He's...he's fine," She noticed his moment of hesitation and the flash of pain across his face which gave away the severity of Asher's situation, "You..white witch, get Evelyn to safety," He demanded. Although Anna's true identity came as a shock and surprise, Interrogating her wasn't his priority at the moment. "I can't leave you," Evelyn refuted taking Leon by the wrist. Feeling a sudden swoosh of wind he pulled Evelyn to the side which prevented Jared from snatching her with
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Angelic creature (1)
The blood rain was teeming down in sheets as the wind howled through the trees, whipping branches back and forth as if they were trying to escape. But despite the fury of the storm, the girl ran on bravely, her long white hair plastered to her face, her clothes soaked through accompanied by a white witch and a half-Lycan, half-banshee creature that couldn't be trusted."How much longer do we have to run?" She said panting for breath"Just a little longer, we need to keep some distance from Jared," Alexander said searching through the night for any sight of threat. He could sense an incoming threat. It had the aura of Asher the white witch.She stumbled over roots and dodged fallen branches as she ran through the dark forest, her heart pounding in her chest. Lightning flashed intermittently, casting eerie shadows against the trees, and she could hear the distant roll of thunder as if it were chasing her.She had no idea how long she had been running, it could have been minutes or hours
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Angelic creature (2)
Amidst the dark, shadowy forest stood two figures, one with an ethereal glow and a pair of red wings and the other with an eerie presence wearing his usual creepy smile. It was an angelic being and a half-banshee creature, and they stood facing each other in a narrow clearing surrounded by dense trees."Alexander, what are you doing?" She asked Alex who took an offensive stance"The Asher you know is gone, that's a different person," He replied Evelyn vaguely. He doubted he possessed the strength to defeat the red witch. It took the black and white witch alongside Morgonna to defeat Theodora. Still, he wasn't willing to blindly give Evelyn to him, she was the last of his kind. He would rather die than see harm befall her."What do you mean? he's standing right over there," Evelyn replied with a troubled look. It seemed her evil premonition of Asher was coming true. She had dreamt many nights of this very moment. The sight of a red-winged angel."I'll kill you if you stand between Evel
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Angelic creature (3)
Music recommendation, Arash ft Helena Broken angelThe boy stood frozen, his body stiff and his eyes widened in shock. His mouth was agape as if he was unable to comprehend what he had heard. Evelyn's chest rose and fell rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath, her hands quivering at her sides. She felt disturbed by the information a feared for Leon's safety."Fuck!" She cursed inwardly as she felt weak and helpless rooted in her spot while Leon fought the devil.Asher's once-confident demeanor had completely vanished, replaced by confusion and disbelief. His brows furrowed as he tried to process the information, but his mind seemed to be in a state of chaos."Leon possesses the power your sister Morganna could not. He possesses the gift of immortality and Jared seeks it to become a true god," Alexander continued while every muscle on Evelyn's face tensed up, and she looked as though she was about to scream out loud. Her eyes darted back and forth as if searching for a way out of
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Come and play
It was all starting to make sense. The truth behind Jared's disappearance of a decade had finally come to light. The Eldest son of Richard Donovan had gone missing when he was ten years old. At the time a surge of panic and fear engulfed the Lycan world. It was assumed Jared by been killed and hidden from the world to find. However, ten years later he had miraculously returned to the mansion drenched in blood and sweat even more empty than he last remembered. Jared had refused to talk about his decade's disappearance. It all made sense now, the creatures which abducted him were the creatures from hell. The ancient blood bat. It seemed the creatures had spent a decade experimenting on Jared and in the process created a monster.Wouldn't it mean Jared had been tortured for a decade?, it explained the emptiness and hallow heart the Donovan had."What do you want with me? you possess great power yet you send your losers to do your dirty work, why not do it yourself?""Well brother, I n
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Leon, The Angel and The Devil (1)
"Argh it won't stop, the bleeding won't stop," Evelyn cried out placing her hands against the wounds on Dreymon's neck. She turned her gaze to Leon who lowered his gaze as if conveying that nothing could be done. Although he was naked Evelyn's focus was on the dying boy."Eve...Eve look at me," Dreymon said cupping her cheeks, "I'm sorry I didn't come for you all these years,""You can apologize later after you are healed," She argued wiping her tear-stained face"I...I don't think I'll be making it Evelyn," He said with a smile, he was glad his last moments would be spent next to Evelyn. She was like a beautiful angel sent to take him to the afterlife, "I was scared to reveal myself to you, I..became a monster,""You're not a monster," She fought back tears as she muttered, "You are the first person who ever showed me kindness after my incident as a child,""Please do not leave me, not again after I have just found you,""I do not deserve your love Evelyn," He chuckled, "I have kille
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