All Chapters of The Lycan Academy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
179 Chapters
Best of Friends
Music recommendation: After dark by Mr kittyThe Dragon released its fire on the moving corpses as it soared through the sky and to its greatest surprise the corpses when reduced to ashes would instantly reform it's self to their original form, realizing attacking the corpses was pointless she searched for Leonard knowing taking out its source would release the spell."Where is he?," she thought unable to find him, The dragon was startled with a gasp as Leonard apparated before her, his eyes pitch black with bat-like wings latched on his shoulder blades and a trident held on his hands, with a smile on his face he launched it piercing the dragon through its heart."Do you think a little pinch would kill.." The dragon roared in pain as black protruding veins became visible through its thick reddish skin, it was like poison it spread quickly through its skin stopping at its heart as it descended from the sky, crashing in full speed into the ground."No! No! No," The dragon slowly reverte
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The heart wants what the heart wants
It was the relieving breath of fresh air and a rare feeling of peace and tranquility as they stepped out of Sabrina's hallow, a place they had witnessed myths and madness become reality, a reality they still had in question, asher who had just regained consciousness couldn't help but think all that had happened to simply be a dream, to be more precise a nightmare."Is it over?," Asher asked gazing at the now clearer blue sky dotted with white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze, it was radiating and calming as though the rays of the blazing sun were washing away the horrors of today through its golden hue assuring everyone of better days to come."It is, seems the boy killed the witch," Said Morbius without a glint of empathy, he felt nothing for the one he loved, his heart had turned hard as stone from shutting himself to everything and everyone, "I'll be leaving now,""Wait!" Jeremy said bowing respectfully, "The skinwalker didn't simply return from the dead, she was re
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Anything you want
Sleeping peacefully in her bed, evelyn was cradling a pillow to her chest, holding it tightly while her hair scattered over the bed, the sun was beaming through the windows causing her to stir and groan, usually, waking up was a simple task for her as she was a morning person, in annoyance from being disturbed from the beauty sleep she groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit her face.To hide her sights from the rays of sunlight she turned to the side and gasped with her heart skipping beats as she stared in puzzlement at the boy sleeping beside her, his strong hands were wrapped around her thin waist pulling her closer to him.He was asleep, his breath was steady with the subtle rise and fall of his chest, it was calming and although she felt mortified at their close distance she couldn't deny the ease she felt with being close to him, he looked even more beautiful up close, she loved the way his lips parted as he inhaled, he was like a cute little demon, she felt comfort from th
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Who are you four eyes?
"It's like it never happened, everyone's acting so normal," Taking a Walk in the school garden accompanied by Asher and Leon she commented puzzled by how normal the students acted like yesterday's bizarre rain was just another walk in the park.She often walked through the garden herself, The beautiful distant trees, the fresh air and the way the yellow and red leaves crumple under her feet every step she takes was mind relaxing, and the flowers of different colors blooming were the highlights of its most spectacular sight. "It was covered up pretty well," Leon said, "Students were convinced by the officials to think yesterday's rain of blood to be a rare phenomenon,""And they believed?,""Hmm people who cannot find an answer for a particular question would always believe the first positive thing told to them by someone of higher importance to satisfy their curiosity and continue to live in the delusions of reality," he said inhaling the smell of purity from the flowers, he felt free
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Murder at St Donovan
Warning this chapter contains strong sexual contents, readers discretion is advised."You are such a bad boy," It was the dead of night deep within the woods where one could easily get lost were it not for the bright crescent moon in the dusky forest. "Hmm yes I'm, I deserve to be punished kora," He said in a croaky voice as his mouth dripped with Siliva, he sat on the well-trimmed grass gazing at the enticing girl before him who sat on his knees"Yes you do," Her tongue was long and soft as she licked his earlobe and stroked his member through his trousers, it was magnificent, he felt he was going to explode from her mere touch, Just as he was about to release, she suddenly moved away and began to slowly undress him. She took off his black jacket which complemented the night sky, his pants, shirt, and underwear before pushing him gently to push him flat on the grass.Her clothes she kept on, while she sat on the grass, taking his hand, and bringing it under her dress. She was not we
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The Journal
It's been two weeks, two weeks since the skinwalker's incident and pauses in class activities, the school authorities had covered up Alexander's disappearance as a vacation, a ludicrous explanation if you ask me, i mean who takes a vacation at the beginning of a semester?, nevertheless the students bought into it, there has been quite a few who refuse to believe it speculating baseless theories on their versions of what transpired the day of the bleeding sky, I know right such a ridiculous name?, little cliche if you ask me.I can't really blame them though, I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't witnessed the whole thing, my curious self would never be satisfied until finding the truth.Today also marks a week since I last saw and conversed with Leon, and although I try denying it, I miss him, I miss his tease, his smug-looking smirk, his half dome cheekbones that sat perfectly above his mesmerizing jawline, I have seen him over a thousand times but yet I still doubt the reality of
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Am I dead?
Things had gradually returned to normal in St Donovan, gradually the day of the bleeding sky had slowly been forgotten and the talk in school was replaced by the sudden disappearance of two students in their final year, Kora and Cole, who had disappeared without a trace three nights ago.It was a strange happening that robbed everyone of peaceful sleep, like a veil, fear and darkness clouded the atmosphere in St Donovan, students gossiped about a mysterious noise in the middle of the night and dreams about a beautiful white-haired man with a pair of red wings, calling him the dream walker.It was a rainy night, the heavy rain wreaked havoc in the school as students ran for shelter, the rain pillars flew all over the sky, descending like thousands of profit arrows unstoppable and endless, and the plants struggled, trying to catch the earth and make the final effort."Where do you think you're going Aslem?, don't leave, the fun has only just begun," He had short Viking-gold hair, and hi
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"Okay everyone please take your seats," At exactly 9:30 am Mrs Lauren stepped into the classroom with a sleepy look, at first glance, it wasn't hard to tell she had spent most of the night awake, quickly in response each student took to their seats while the murmurs and whispers reduced. Taking a seat next to Asher, she took a sneak peek at the boy in the back seat, he had a bored expression, as though he hated the class and had somewhere more important to be as he annoyingly tapped his pen against the table, although initially intended to be a sneak peek it subconsciously turned into a long lost stare as the memories of the past came flooding back, memories she had come to cherish, his kiss, his tease, and protection, it held the most beautiful moments of her life."Argh move on eve!" she gently cupped her cheeks while averting her gaze, It had been weeks, it should be more than enough time to get rid of her feelings for him."You should forget about that jerk, he's not worth it," s
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Drama queen (1)
A few hours later"You haven't touched your food for minutes now, care if I have it?," Her mouth dripped wet and her deep blue eyes sparkled staring at evelyn's delicious-looking dish."I didn't take you for a foodie," Asher teased, like Anne he had noticed how silent evelyn had been since stepping into the cafeteria, "I'm not," she pouted her lips, "I'm just hungry and her food just looks delicious," "You can have it," Evelyn said, she didn't have the appetite for food, argh heartbreak was a bitch, she cursed, why was she getting so worked up about that arrogant boy?, "Move on already evelyn!" she scolded mildly slapping herself across the cheeks."What was that for?, if there's anyone or anything to slap it should be that prideful asshole jerk of a brat," Anne said with a grin, she still hadn't gotten over how the boy had toyed with her sweet and beautiful evelyn's feelings, well this outcome was within her expectations from the start."Where was this energy when he called you fou
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Drama queen (3)
"You disappoint me Rebecca, I expected better from a Lestat," His voice was filled with disappointment as he stared intently at Rebecca who lowered her head in shame, it was embarrassing to be scolded by such an important figure like Jared, for a girl sheltered and spoiled from birth being scolded seemed strange and foreign to her, it stirred up emotions of rage as she clenched her jaw and balled her fist."Don't tell me you both were fighting over my little brother?," He asked with a malevolent smile turning his gaze to evelyn who shrieked nervously in her seat, there was something about those sky blue eyes that held danger, It was the same feeling she had with Alexander who had disappeared into the wind."We weren't fighting, it was simply a conversation between us girls, things got a little heated but I assure you it's nothing to worry about, isn't that right evelyn?," Rebecca asked with a glare, evelyn knowing how deep in trouble she would be if she said anything other than yes qu
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