All Chapters of DragonBorn: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
"Mother?" I whispered. She frowned down at me and looked to Lord Leandros. "Leon, who is this?" I whimpered and took another step forward. "Mother, it's me."I looked from her black hair to her brows, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her frown. I couldn't be mistaken. I would recognize my mother if I saw her. Her features... All mine. Well except the hair and eyes but still, the resemblance was uncanny. "I'm afraid I do not know you child." She said, eyes taking in my appearance with... with... disdain and disbelief. Whispers grew around us but I tuned them out and looked at my mother, amidst tears. Looking closely, I froze. Her ears. The tips were pointed like every other Fae. Not mangled and irregular like I'd last seen it. Perhaps... She wasn't... I buried my mother. Alongside father. We buried her. I flowered her grave everyday and buried my father beside her. I flowered her grave! Until I couldn't afford flowers anymore. Yet... She was standing in
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The next hours were crazy and intense, at least for me. I was ushered into a sort of... war room(considering the maps on the walls and on the large table), along with the Fae Lord, Evander, Zephyros, the seven others and four faces I'd never seen before, where we waited for more than half an hour for the four High Lords and a few more people. As soon as the room was filled up and every seat at the table was filled up, I was bombarded with questions. How I knew 'the Draekein', how I could streak when no one else could, how I used my ice when there was an obvious case of Faebane, did I plan with the mortal queen, how did the Draekein get past the wards, did I weaken the wards, was I a spy from the other side, what was the next plan the mortal queen had in mind,...... Questions! More questions that threatened to drive me insane. When it became obvious I could not answer their questions, the High Lord of the Water Court threatened to place me in a dungeon and torture me
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I took turns around Alfheim alongside Amilie who lead me to the first wing of Alfheim, clutching my mother's books in my hand(not sure why). It was like a sort of...tour. I had never really left my... room, save for training, the event and searching for a kitchen. I knew Alfheim was large but I didn't know how large. According to Amilie, there were five wings, with more than two hundred rooms in each. She explained that it was made originally for the Four Lords of each race, the High Lords of the Fae Court(partial residency because they still needed to be at their courts), the Lords of Lesser Fae Houses(also partial residency for the same reasons. It did amaze me that the four different races operated differently), the Royal family of humans, as they liked to be called and the Head Mages. That was a lot of people, i thought. She furthermore explained that Lord Leandros preserved the rooms and wings everyone used to occupy and left them as they were before the war separate
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Lesser Fae Lord Vasilis is my grandfather. As if things weren't complicated already. Dameon was the Draekein. Faebane didn't affect me. My mother was a twin. My grandfather was one of the Four Great Lords. Lord Leandros tapped his index finger on the table incessantly as he thought. "Perhaps, it is about time I broke that puny barrier." My eyes widened. "You can?!" I exclaimed. He frowned at me and gave me the "You underestimate me" look. "Why didn't you?" He arched a brow at me and I knew it meant, "You don't get to question me". I lowered my head and tapped my fingers on the desk. Zephyros cleared his throat, gaining my attention. I turned slightly and dared a glance at him. His arms were folded and his sinewy muscles were on display. He wore a white shirt that as usual did absolutely nothing to hide those taut muscles. I swallowed as my face drifted again to his savagely handsome face and dropped to his wickedly sensual lips. My belly did
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I'm here again. It's cold as usual. I shiver and rub my arms. For the first time in a long time, i can hear something happening behind me. How odd. The last time something happened behind me was when I watched both of them die and their blood stained the marble floors. I pause. Do I go forward or backwards? The sound of the whip cracked the air and I winced. If I go forward now there's a big chance I won't get to see what's happening behind me again. It won't hurt to go there first. I turn around and begin to walk. I don't recognize these walls. Neither can I look and focus on them for I'm running out of time. My ears pick up on laughter and music. Where am I? I move about in my night dress like I know where I'm going. Then I hear screams and shouts. My heart begins to race and my legs pick up their pace. I'm running in the direction of the screams, my bare feet slapping against the tiled floors. Suddenly I enter a grand hall. A lot of people are in here but my only focus in here is h
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The preparation for the trip was nothing extravagant. In fact, all that was needed was ourselves and the rubies, then a few arrangements Zephyros, Morpheus and Brontés had to take care of. Nyx and Vivi were noticeably absent, doing whatever it was they did during the day. I sparred with the twins and as usual, I got my ass handed to me. A few times, I noticed Him around and my belly did its usual flip but I didn't let myself think. Yes. I was spiting mad. At myself mostly. For feeling. For losing my focus. For betraying my memory of Teris. Especially with a bastard like Zephyros. Butterflies in my belly aside, I couldn't stand being in the same environment with him. I always wanted to smash something. Especially when he cocked his head and his eyes skimmed over my figure like I wasn't existing in that space. I didn't let it show, my shimmering anger. I wore a mask of calm and collected, one I saw on Bren's face a lot. Everyone seemed to notice my foul mood and stirred clear of b
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We rode for what felt like forever. It was all green and blue skies and birds chirping and the scent of flowers, far and near. Interesting as it was to listen to everyone talk--yes, everyone, Zephyros included-- and chip in a few things about myself, I was tired and sore from riding. I yawned half a dozen times and caught myself nearly falling off the horse. Speaking of Zephyros, he seemed different. He was his usual reserved, calm, unfazed and collected self but the coldness and hard look was gone from his eyes. As if he left them behind at Pendilor, the huge encampment where men were recruited and trained to join the army. It was also the border between Neradia and Elysium. Back to the point. Zephyros smiled easy and listened to them even if his eyes remained ahead. If you asked me, I'd say he even seemed...playful. I caught myself watching him most of the journey as he transformed from cold, prickly, stoic and distant to this pain in the neck. Morph and Bren's necks mostly since h
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"You are not concentrating." Zephyros growled for the tenth time. "Well, it would help if you backed the hell off!" I bit back. He was standing behind me, adjusting my stance and his breath fanned my skin, making it difficult for me to think of anything else but his rock hard frame behind me. "Do I distract you?" His voice was low and seductive. I swallowed hard and my heart kept lurching into my throat. "No."I said quickly. Too quickly and I knew for a fact that I wasn't fooling anyone. Not even myself. "On a battlefield no one gives a damn about your personal space. All they see is blood. All they smell is fear and blood. For the brethren, you are nothing but food. So..." He paused and noticed I'd gone red. I cursed my body and it's antics. "... Scarlet..." I was sure I turned even redder. As red as scarlet. Stupid stupid Zephyros. "... do I distract you?" He purred. I swallowed. "No." I voice came out as a whisper. "Good Scarlet. Good. N
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Zephyros, Bren and Morpheus sat outside, talking about war and numbers and weapons, and Vivi had pulled me into the tent she shared with Morpheus, alongside Nyx shortly after the conversation had taken such a turn. Vivi found the grim expression on my face hilarious and kept laughing at my discomfort while Nyx kept biting on her lower lip and stealing glances at Bren from the open flap of the tent. "You should go talk to him." I said, picking at my long white nails and flicking away invisible dirt from it. I had evened out the fine nails before leaving but they were growing uneven again, making my fine slender fingers seem a little unkempt. "I don't know what to say." She admitted with a defeated sigh and ran fingers through her brown hair. "You could start with apologizing." I offered and her lips formed a frown. "And what makes you think I'm at fault here?" Vivi folded her hands behind her head and relaxed as she watched the two of us.
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We left the warded grounds at dawn. On the way, Morph explained the hierarchical levels at Elysium and I tried to commit everything I could to memory. It wasn't exactly difficult, the levels I mean, but trying to keep all the important names in my head was the start of a headache. Morph felt it would be useful if I learnt more about them before I actually met them, so it would be easier to interact with the people and I couldn't help but listen. He was trying to help me. Nyx and Bren had made up, well, not to be haughty but I think she might've taken my advice because they were back to being all smoochy mushy lovey dovey and I was beginning to regret the fact that I'd intervened. We rode and only stopped for bathroom breaks(which was mostly me and hell if did not I feel embarrassed every time). After a whole day of riding, I felt extremely sore and exhausted but we didn't stop for camp. At the end of the second day on the way, I lost balance and fell off my hors
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