All Chapters of The Villainess Mate : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
126 Chapters
I want to meet her
Feyre was surprised by her father summons. Her father liked to pretend she generally didn't exist.Nevertheless she dressed up and headed to his palace.On getting there, she was ushered to his throne room."Father" she bowed to him."Hello Feyre." he replied."You sent for me father?" Feyre questioned."Yes I sent for you.""Why Father? Is there anything you wanted?""I think you should know better than anyone else what I want Feyre.""I have no idea Father.""Liar!!!" the king yelled in anger, he threw the cup in his hand at her which she dodged deftly."Please calm down Father" Feyre tried to calm him down."I should calm down Feyre? I told you to kill that baby girl Freya gave birth to for that dog, did you kill her?" he asked angrily."I... I... I" Feyre stammered in fear. Normally she was a composed person, but in front of her father, she went back to being a timid person."You what Feyre? Did you kill the child, yes / no?". The king asked again."No, I didn't." Feyre replied.
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Unfriendly Jayden
FIREBLOOD PACKLavender was sitting in living room watching TV when Claudia sat beside him."Hey Lavender." she greeted him."Hey Claudia." he replied."How are you doing?" she asked."I am okay, you?""I am fine.""So how are you enjoying your stay so far here?" Lavender asked her."It's fine, I have had a lot of fun. At least I can use technology here." Claudia replied."That's true. I am sure you are getting along with everyone right?" Lavender asked."I am. It's just...." Claudia trailed off unsure of how to continue."It's just what? What is it, you can tell me anything that troubles you." Lavender told her."I don't know, it might be nothing actually. Maybe I am just overthinking it." Claudia replied."I don't think so. Tell me whatever the problem is.""I feel Jayden doesn't like me or care about my presence here."Lavender looked at her strangely."What do you mean?" he asked."Jayden doesn't like me and his actions show me so. I have tried to be friendly to him. Yet he keeps b
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What is bothering you?
Jayden dragged Lavender all the way till they got to his(Jayden's) room.He pulled him inside the room and locked the door before kissing him. He kissed him deeply for few minutes before releasing him."Okay, that was amazing" Lavender panted after he was released."I am glad I was able to please you." Jayden replied before going to sit on his bed.Lavender went to him and squatted in front of him, he took his hands and looked into his eyes."What's bothering you?" Lavender asked."Nothing." Jayden sulked."Are you sure?""Yes.""So why are you pouting?""I am not pouting."Lavender reached out and loosened his belt before unzipping it."What are you doing?" Jayden asked."Nothing" Lavender replied.He reached into Jayden's pants and brought out his soft cock which quickly hardened to his touch.He gave it a few strokes,"Der!" Jayden moaned.Lavender looked up at him and smirked before taking the cock into his mouth.Jayden groaned and gripped his hair to urge him to go faster.Lave
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Home alone
"Ava?" Claudia called her attention when Ava didn't answer her."Huh?""I said, can I see the concoction?" Claudia asked again."Ava, can I talk to you?" Ryder asked as he entered the kitchen.Ava looked at him in gratitude."Of course babe." she said quickly."I will see you later Claudia." Ava said as she grabbed Ryder's arm and pulled him away from the kitchen.Claudia looked at their retreating backs and smiled to herself. It was interesting how Ava had been startled and nervous when she asked to see the contents of the flask. The flask must definitely contain blood or something related to vampires.She just had to find a way to get that flask and expose its contents to everyone.....................................Ava pulled Ryder into the study and shut the door."Why are you pulling me in such a haste?" Ryder asked her."It's Claudia." Ava answered."What do you mean? What did she do?" Ryder asked i
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Contrary to what Lavender and Jayden thought. Claudia hadn't gone to her father's house yet, she had been hanging around to spy on them. And she had gotten some useful information.Claudia smiled and left the pack. But instead of heading to her father's place like everyone thought, she went to see Lily....................Ryder, Ava and Dreya had gotten to Salvatore.The three of them walked to the palace together."Have you told him about Evena?" Dreya whispered to Ava.Ava looked at him in panic."No, I haven't." she replied.Dreya looked at her like she was stupid."And you happily invited him to Salvatore for the ball?""I really wasn't thinking." Ava admitted."Did you tell Evena not to show his face at the ball?""I...I...I haven't seen him since then. He has been on a mission.""When we get to the palace, take Ryder to the throne room to see your aunt. I will go to Evena's room and tell him not to come out during the ball.""Ok, thanks a lot." Ava replied. Ryder who had been
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The plan
Lily wondered why Claudia was acting so nice to her."How are things in Fireblood pack?" Lily asked."Fine, things are going well""And your plan?" "It's going well, I just discovered something that could end Ava" Claudia said conspiratorially. "And what's that?" Lily wondered. "She is a werewolf vampire hybrid""What! Does Ryder know about this?""He does, he even supports her drinking blood""Ewwww! That's so disgusting. Vampires are our hated enemies, only weak werewolves tolerate them.""Agreed. I think she must have charmed him somehow. I need to expose her to the pack. Maybe if I do that, Ryder would open up his eyes and see her for the evil creature that she is""So why haven't you exposed her?" Lily wondered. "I need to gain the trust of the pack and in order to do that, I need the pack to trust me completely so that when I expose her, I would have their support.""That's a good idea." Lily agreed. Lily actually doubted that Ryder would leave Ava. She knew her brother was
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Lily wondered why Claudia was acting so nice to her."How are things in Fireblood pack?" Lily asked."Fine, things are going well""And your plan?" "It's going well, I just discovered something that could end Ava" Claudia said conspiratorially. "And what's that?" Lily wondered. "She is a werewolf vampire hybrid""What! Does Ryder know about this?""He does, he even supports her drinking blood""Ewwww! That's so disgusting. Vampires are our hated enemies, only weak werewolves tolerate them.""Agreed. I think she must have charmed him somehow. I need to expose her to the pack. Maybe if I do that, Ryder would open up his eyes and see her for the evil creature that she is""So why haven't you exposed her?" Lily wondered. "I need to gain the trust of the pack and in order to do that, I need the pack to trust me completely so that when I expose her, I would have their support.""That's a good idea." Lily agreed. Lily actually doubted that Ryder would leave Ava. She knew her brother was
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Eternal youth
"Where is the secret stash?" Claudia asked eagerly."I buried it beneath the ground behind the cell where the shadow Wolves are.""Okay. I will find them, just give me the contact of the pack.""I will give you their number but you have to promise me one thing, no harm will come to anyone in the pack.""I promise you, no harm shall come to any of them.""Okay." Lily picked up a piece of paper and wrote the number on it. She then handed it to Claudia. Claudia smiled as she took it, all her plans were slowly coming up. The funniest thing was that the players had no idea that they were just pawns in her game.She went back to stir the food on the fire..............SALVATOREThe ball was going on, and the party was in full swing. Everyone looked at Ava and Ryder curiously. Some of them had heard little snippets about Ava's identity and they were curious to know her history.Ava felt nervous about all the stares. She didn't know how to behave.At that moment, her Aunt came to her."The
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The king turned to Ava. "Hello granddaughter." he said to her."Hello to you too." Ava replied."My apologies for just meeting you. I had no idea that you were still alive.""That's because you ordered for my death." Ava replied. She had gotten over her fear and could speak to him freely now.The king chuckled at her reply."I can see that you are still angry with me. The reason I ordered for you to be killed was because I doubted that you would survive. Your twin brother had already died. You have to understand something Ava, no werewolf vampire hybrid has ever survived."Ava looked at him warily, she had no idea what to feel towards him."So I am told you have started taking blood and your fangs are out, have you gained any special abilities yet?" he asked Ava."None that I know of." she replied."Your mother Freya was very powerful. She had the ability to control minds, she could control a full city to do her bidding. I wonder if you have the same power?" the king said as he looked
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End of Book 1
Ryder stared as Reni was taken away. He recognized Reni as Evena's apprentice. How did Reni's apprentice find his way to Salvatore. He wanted to talk to him about Evena but he was already taken away by the king."Babe did you know that Reni was here?" Ryder asked Ava."That guy? Not at all. Do you know him?" Ava asked feigning ignorance."He is Evena's apprentice . I wonder what he is doing here, I also wonder if he knows where Evena is." Ryder asked."Well he has already been taken by the king, I doubt there is a way you can talk to him."The queen came to them. "I am so sorry your first ball went this way." she apologized to them."It's okay." Ava answered as she held her hands to comfort her."You have to leave now, the ball is over. Dreya will take you guys home, your father is coming along with you guys.""My father?""Yes, he said he would be staying in Fireblood for a while now.""Okay, we will wait for him." Ava replied."Take care of yourself dear.""I will Aunt, take care of
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