All Chapters of Luna's secret: Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Neglected wolves
***Rebecca*** Rage was pulsing through my veins and I felt like ripping things apart, screaming and cursing... Today was the day I was meant to meet with the rest of the Scarlet blood pack and get a feel about everyone. Tyrell, Mila and Ryan were accompanying me with half of our soldiers, because I had no idea how they would meet me or what I was walking into. And I had to be ready for anything really. The pack knew their Alpha was dead and they felt a shift of power already. Getting the location of the pack from the captives was fairly easy, they knew what end their Alpha had met and they had nothing else to lose anymore. Therefore the location came quite easy, I wish that was the same for the journey we had ahead of us. I was a pregnant hormonal wolf with thousands of responsibilities weighing on my shoulders, my mate and Alpha was still in hospital and the rest of the pack was onto me like bees on honey. Everyone was super annoyingly protective and I barely had a minute to myself
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The Return
***Rebecca*** "Look, I understand your concerns. Trust me I have more than you can carry, but this is what we agreed on, all of us and we have to make it work. Those people were neglected, tortured and hurt for far too long. They need a place where they could feel safe and wanted. A place where their children would be protected and able to grow up without fear. And this pack is that place. I never wanted this responsibility on my shoulders, but it landed and I couldn't brush them aside, not after what I've witnessed back there. So I really need all of you on my side to make this happen." "OK. We hear you, we're just concerned that you are putting yourself in danger bringing back the pack that attacked us and wanted to take you away. And who's to say they forgot all those years of brainwashing from Cade and will accept all these changes?" asked Nimue with knitted brows. "Nimue, I understand where you coming from, I do. I'm not saying we need to trust every single one of them immedia
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New era
***Luke *** Waking up with Rebecca safely in my arms was a bliss. I never appreciated our small moments together as I do now. The fear of losing her and our child had made me see things in a different light. She made me realize how strong she actually is, how she handled herself and our pack while I was healing, how she never gave up and fought for what she believed in. I thank the goddess for binding us together, faith for letting us meet when we did and the stars for making me a father. I will cherish this life alongside her and our child forever.She stirred quietly in my arms and her eyelashes slowly flustered open. I could die watching into those perfect green eyes of hers. "Good morning." she whispered and kissed me softly. "How are you feeling?" "Perfect. Sleeping next to you was all I needed to recover." "You still need to rest, remember? Doctors orders, so I don't want to hear any of 'oh I feel great and I'm good to go back to work' understand? I want you to fully recover
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The rising Queen
*** Rebecca ***Our pack was growing stronger and bigger everyday, so was my belly and I only had weeks left till we will finally get to meet our little pup. I was in full nesting mode by now and had our room redecorated, a crib fitted in next to our bed and Luke's mum took me shopping for baby clothes and all the essentials. She patiently explained to me what I will definitely need and what, maybe not so much. Because as it turns out I didn't know much about baby things, so I was grateful for her help. Luke was back at his full strength and back at work, but now he only allowed me a few hours of work a day. Which wasn't a very bad thing, because it allowed me to focus on the pack and getting to know everyone personally. I was spending at least a couple of hours with our pack everyday, helping them with daily tasks, cooking, taking care of supply shopping or just looking after our ranch. I created a great relationship with most of them, some were still wary of me and Luke, maybe becau
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The night before
***Rebecca *** The flight as usual was tragically stressful for me, but talking to Luke kept my mind occupied and focused away from what was happening around me. We spoke about our plans for the pack, who we want to train as our soldiers, who have potential to help out in hospital and who could help run our growing farm. It was nice to finally have some time to be able to discuss all the small bits that were concerning me with Luke. Or all the things we never had enough time to chat and it finally led me to the theme of our mate bond. He sat silently weighing every word I said, knitting his brows several times while I explained everything. When I was done, he took a deep breath and turned to me."I thought it was just me, though I was going crazy or something. Then I tried to calm myself and convince myself that it was because I am still recovering. Never have died before, so the goddess knows how long it takes to recover from. But now that you told it all to me, everything makes sen
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The Lycan clan
***Luke*** Rebecca was pacing up and down the hallway, clearly quite nervous and not ready to face the huge crowd that was behind the doors. I could feel her frustration and anxiety, my efforts to calm her down and comfort were quite fruitless. "Maybe we shouldn't do this...?" she whispered, still pacing around."Baby, I'm afraid it may be to late for this decision now..." I said, gesturing around us. We were both dressed and ready to go through with this ceremony, my pregnant mate looked more radiant as ever and those plump breasts were driving me crazy for days. The dress she was wearing made them look even more inviting and full. And the ceremony was the least of my worries. I wanted my mate back, our bond back and once the baby's here I plan to keep her in bed for days. "I know, I know... I just... How will we handle it all? You know our pack, the responsibilities that come with this" she gestured around her, trying to catch her breath "and the kids. How will we cope? Is it so
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The heir
***Rebecca ***Few days later it was finally time for us to head home. I love my time here, creating many valuable friends and making bonds with some, getting a chance to know Silas better, but it was time for us to go back, time to get ready for my baby's arrival. Thanking the goddess for a smooth flight I stepped out of the plane to inhale that warm summer breeze that was so common in this region. Tyrell got our cars ready and Luke helped him with the luggage, while I dragged my swollen ankles into the back seat. "I can't wait for my feet to go back to their normal size..." I mumbled closing the doors."Any day now, baby. I know it was hard on you, but you getting pregnant made me the happiest man." Luke kissed my hand from the front seat. "I'm just tired Luke, don't pay much attention to what I'm saying. And you know I love you both more than anything." Tyrell came back into the car and we drove home. Luke had some business to take the car to the office and a meeting with some
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Her home
*** Rebecca *** "Marry me." Whispered Luke."What..?" I mumbled in a daze. I lifted my eyes away from our beautiful boy and looked at Luke, trying to understand if that's what I've heard."Marry me." he said again. I definitely heard it right, but it caught me off guard, since I only started to recover from having a baby. He stroked my cheek and kissed my forehead."Marry me, Rebecca. You are my Luna already and we are bonded, not just by the goddess, but by love, destiny and our child. I loved you from the second I saw you and all I wanted was to make you mine. Body and soul. You made me happier than I could have ever comprehended. We share your ancestors power and duties, you are already my wife in more ways than it's possible, now I want to make it official in the human world. So please, marry me." "Yes. A million times yes." I whispered, trying not to wake our little pup. We both knew the answer, before he even asked me or before he laid out all the reasons for our marriage. The
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