All Chapters of Reborn:Curse of the Lycan : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
120 Chapters
Chapter 51_ Darkness
She shook her head, her gaze fixed on the floor."I'm fine, my lord," she bowed and turn to leave."It not a request, it a command," Lady Tamar heard his deep voice.she swallowed hard, she found herself walking towards him slowly.when she got to the bed she close her eyes tightly and lay down beside him, it was clear that she was not comfortable.Lucian had kept his hand straight for her to use as a pillow and seeing that she lay beside him, his heart beat more than before.Lucian used his second hand to touch her long purple hair then he stroke her gently like a child.she felt so small and safe in his hands, it didn't take long before she fell asleep in his chamber.she was tired and weak due to teleporting spell she had been using since that morning.Lucian watch her sleep, the sight of her sleeping gave him nothing but peace of mind."I'm sorry you had to get punished because of my inability to protect the kingdom without going against the rules guarding Akeldama, but I promise
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Chapter 52_ Empusa Fears
Close to the Latma cave Empusa and the rest of the coven sisters stood chanting an incantation. The sky went dark around the field and there was the spark of fiery smoky circles in the air. They chanted loudly with their hands up drawing a circle in the air. Some minutes later, different types and kinds of demons flew and jump out of the portal. This time they come out in their fifties and spread out into the woods looking for victims to devour. Empusa and her coven this time did not close the portal down, they cast a permanent spell to keep the portal open while the demon comes into the supernatural realm and go back at their whim.Nikkal walk up to Empusa with unsteady feet, she knew the question she was about to ask might cost her her life but what was more important than knowing your fate after the war? "your leadership," she bowed to her. "I'm in the middle of something, why do you dare to interrupt my meditation," Empusa said angrily. The wound on her horn had become sca
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Chapter 53_Dylan's Question
"I can't tell why I'm helping you, but I want to urge you to trust me," Tamar said. Dylan watch her for some second then he shook his head and move towards the bed. Lucian was sweating so much, " What do we do?" his temperature had risen above normal", Dylan informed them. Tamar ran towards his side and sat on the space towards his head. Marek went out to call in a servant who brought water and a towel for Tamar. She soaked the towel and then use it to cool his temperature. Time flies, and some hour later his temperature subsidies, Tamar sighed. She was so worried about him earlier. She wanted to move to the only armchair in that bedroom when she felt a slight tug on her gown, she look back and saw Lucian fluttering her eyes. "oh my goodness, how are you feeling? " she asked as she couldn't contain her joy seeing those eyes staring back at her again. He coughed out and Tamar helped him to sit up on the bed. "I feel like I was whipped a thousand lashes, " Lucian said and Tam
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Chapter 54_pained
The meeting was held and the final decision was made, all the supernatural kinds agreed to give out their guards and kingdom soldiers to help in the war. The day of the war arrived all the soldiers were preparing for the battle, the sky had been dark and it appears like it had been night for three days now. Chaos was already close to City where people had found sanctuary. Lucian came out of his chamber, looking all prepared, his gaze fell on Lady Tamar, who stood with other soldiers, she wore the alpha king soldier's uniform, and she look stunning in it. "How come you look so stunning in that heavily armored uniform," Lucian said laughing at her. "Was that a compliment or a critic my lord," Lady Tamar said frowning. Lucian shrugged his shoulder, "Any way you took it," he touched her chin and she could not help but close her eyes as she felt a surge of sensation sweep through her whole being. Lucian noticed her reaction and she smiled at her. "You look familiar, have we met bef
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Chapter 55_Be my servant
"Poor Kingu, " he covered back his face, Kingu's eyes were tightly closed. A tear streamed down Lucian's face and he wiped it off with his hands and smile. "I promise you brother, that I shall avenge your death, " Lucian said as he steps out of that place. The whole people there had bowed since waiting for him to relieve them. "At ease, " he waves to them as he walks on briefly with Marek trailing him behind. "Marek, I thought you said he was doing better and the physician are trying their best? " he asked Marek. "I.. I.. I" Marek stammered, he was short of words. "Speak Marek! Lucian screamed hitting his hand on the wall. "They try getting out the poison but it had already spread through his system even when they got most of the poison out, some were still hiding around his organs," Marek explained. Lucian breathed out. "Did the royal physician do their work by finding an antidote?" Lucian raised a brow at marek waiting on his response before he will take an action. "Yes th
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Chapter 56_Confrontation
Empusa and her coven had left the portal open for days, and today there was various demon waiting on the Latma field. "Your leadership, " Nikkal said."What is it Nikkal?" She said. "are we going to meet them or they will come to meet us here," Nikkal asked. Empusa sneakers at her questions, "Either way, the lord does not mind they will perish anyway," Empusa had a malicious smile on her dark lips. "the chaos will soon spread across the realm, and that raging storm, it not choas right?" Nikkal asked. "you are always curious ain't you," she said with a smirk on her face. "It's not how it seems your leadership," Nikkal try to change the topic but Empusa was not having it. " I thought you want to know how it will all end, are you blind? How come you don't see who is winning?" Empusa said. " But I can feel the realm, its energy, and the air is a little bit thick, like it trying to rid its tummy of everything in it," Nikkal said. Empusa seems to be enjoying this conversation as all
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Chapter 57_ Nikkal Emotions
The energy sent the first one to attack her flying in the air. It did not take Empusa minutes for her to deal with the witches, they all sprawl on the flood almost lifeless. "a bunch of weaklings!" Empusa cursed at them. Lady Thera smirked at her, "I should kill you right," she shrugged, "but there is someone you owe your life, so I will wait till you meet that someone and pay your debt," With the walking stick in her hand she disappeared into thin air. The gush of winds blew on Empusa's face, she gritted her teeth at the witches on the floor. "That bitch!" she stomps her foot on the floor in a fit of rage. Empusa move to look for Nikkal and she found her like the others, lifeless on the floor, shaking her head she went out of the cave into the portal to meet lord Magnus.She meets him seated comfortably on his throne, his eyes tightly closed like the same way it was the last time."My lord," Empusa bowed his deep voice rang and echoed through the mountain castle."I hope you b
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Chapter 58_Oath
Some were on horses while others were in their true form, the eclipse of the moon helped the wolves to turn into their full form, tonight they were millions of soldiers matching down with Lucian, even the vampire kinds that had turned down the request for help sent some of their low-rank soldiers. "Those bastards!" Lucian cursed. The leaders of each kind took the leads of their kind and Lucian was the one in front of them all. Lucian glanced to his right, marek and Iyyar were riding alongside him, and to his left were Dylan and Lady Tamar, she look really serious he thought. They took the shortest routes and got to the Latma field, they stop at some distance to diverse a plan to close those portals. "How many portals are there in total?" Lady Tamar asked."Fifteen, my lady," the elves general answered. Lady Tamar turned towards Lucian and said. "White witches can't close the portal and we only had Lady Thera," "Where is she?" Lucian demanded. "We haven't seen her since we got
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Chapter 59_Lady Tamar
Lady Tamar made her way toward Empusa, she has her eyes on Lucian as the vision she saw at that divine tree scared her a lot.That moment she saw those strings of darkness flying in the air with force and speed, without a second thought she had pushed Lucian away and had gotten the hit instead.Staring at those beautiful grey-blue eyes that held a deep affection for her, gladdens her heart, "If I had to go through this pain a thousand times to see that caring look on his face, I don't think I will ever have a problem with it," she thought.her feelings for him which was just an atom when she had not met him had grown so much that she wouldn't think twice about giving up her life for him.When Lady Tamar got back to help Dylan, she met an already slain Empusa.Lady Tamar helped the soldiers to fight the rest of the demons while her eyes when on Lucian, she wanted to run to him when an energy throw her off balance.At that moment everything went blank,"Who are you?" lady Tamar barely a
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Chapter 60_The End Of Akeldama
On the fifth day, the realm was almost in ruin. Trees fell and the ground parted from itself, the fresh trees were burning from the raging claps of thunder and lightning, but the sky had stood nonetheless, Lucian knew his energy was getting drained and the fight between them won't end until he perish, he wonders how he was still alive even though he was nowhere as strong as the demon lord. He saw Lady Tamar struggling, she was surrounded by several demons, and no one can come to her aid as the rest were also struggling to stay alive, Marek had been severely wounded and he was almost not able to walk. "I have to save her," Lucian said and at that moment with the gush of winds and chao at his commands, he jump from the grip of Lord Magnus, within a minute the demons dropped dead. Lady Tamar saw the movement of the hands of lord Magnus, exactly in her vision. Her heart stopped beating and she at that moment all she could think about was to save Lucian, she pushed Lucian away and the
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