All Chapters of Bound to my Wicked Stepbrother: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
175 Chapters
Chapter One-Zero-Eight: Prettily
The light shining through the large window is blinding; Christ, who the hell asked Rhett to change the home’s decor? The throb of my abdomen and neck is quick to remind me of where I am. God, everything hurts. A figure next to me stirs; it takes a minute to realise how tightly Marko has wrapped his arms around me, as if terrified I would leave him in his sleep. Truthfully, I want to. But we need to talk. Seriously, I want to try having sex without passing out. Is my stamina the issue? Jeez, what kind of a wolf has bad stamina? Then again, Marko could be the issue. Again, my gaze is transfixed on his calm, beautiful face, I want to bury my fingers in his hair, but I do not wish to stir him, not when he has been having sleeping issues. I could stare at him for all of eternity; then again, we do have each other’s eternity, permanently now. He cannot love another, nor can I. It is greedy of me, but I like it. My mate. Mine. I want to dwell in the softness of these feelings, but
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Chapter One-Zero-Nine: Disappointing {I}
The halls of the palace are different, no, the same, but my height is different. "Have you considered my words, your majesty?" Your majesty? Elder Brenda utters from beside me. " still on the fence." My voice is deep; I sound like, Marko. A reflection from one of the vases in the hallway confirms this. "Well, permit me to clarify, Elder Clint will do everything in his power to have Magnolia as queen; that might mean endangering Alba's life or tarnishing her name. They are not a family you want to piss off. You are better off listening to his advice." What advice? “She isn’t someone I want to lose, and I- may have let her down too much to suggest her to have any secondary position in my life.” “If that is so, you might need to get rid of the Clint family, which might be a grand loss to the kingdom.” His hesitation fills me; Elder Brenda also seems to read this, for a warm smile fills her. "Well, whatever you decide, I am proud of you, your majesty. I never thought you'
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Chapter One-Ten: Running Out.
"That's not fair, Alba." "‘That’s not fair’?” I repeat. “‘That’s not fair.’’ The sentence finds my lips again, but this time, it is coupled with a frail laugh. “‘That’s…not fair’? Marko, the man I love just tried to command me into doing his bidding. Do you know how it feels to have no control over your body, for every cell to be wholly under someone else’s command? How dare you speak of fairness to me?" Why can’t I keep myself through a conversation with him without yelling? "I don't want you to leave me! I don't-" He utters as a hand flies to his hair before a frustrated sigh escapes him. "Can we just talk civilly? The 'me' here has done nothing wrong!" As he finishes, he begins his approach to me. “Do not come near me.” He stills when I begin to walk backwards. “Alba-” “You have done nothing wrong? Marko, there are bars on the doors and windows! And if that’s not bad enough, you tried to command me to ‘stay put’!" "Okay, fine, I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that-" "Don'
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Chapter One-Eleven: Unsalvageable
Neither my body’s stretch against the warm sheets nor the sound of the coastal morning birds could relieve any tension bubbling in my stomach. I cannot believe he did not, at any point in the night, reach out to me. The bars are still on the windows; I can see their shadow against the curtain. The only thing that keeps me from giving in to my misery is the scent of bacon flooding my room. Perhaps he wishes to speak over breakfast? Then again, the Marko I know cannot cook. I do not bother with a shower, merely drape one of his robes over my body and rush to the dining room. A laugh nearly claims me at the sight that fills my eyes, but the bitterness within me would not permit anything to flow from my lips. The room was empty, but on the table sat a plate of breakfast essentials wrapped in a clingfilm that bore a note atop it. I don't...want to read it. I don’t want my heart to escape me at the meaning behind a simple yellow note. "Marko." I call, but no answer. Then again,
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Chapter One-Twelve: Princess
The rattling of heavy metal, the sound of wheels against tarmac beneath me and the sound of traffic flood my ears. The scent of dust and metal hangs poignantly in the air. My lids are heavy, my hands tied behind my back, and my legs are bound together at my ankle. The floor, or whatever my body is on, is cold. I am in motion, most definitely in the back of a truck, because each turn sways my body, and it is far too spacious for a typical car. ‘Kaisa?’ She doesn’t respond; I cannot even feel her presence anymore. I am in the bare minimum of garments, a baggy shirt and tights, no shoes, bra or panties, but I am grateful; it could have been much worse. “And you are sure no one saw you.” A familiar feminine voice asks. “For the third time, Maggie, no.” ‘Maggie?’ The man’s voice, it resembles the one from the beach. Damn, what did he hit me with? My neck feels stiff, but I cannot smell my blood, or any blood for that matter. "No, wait-" A whimper escapes the feminine voice,
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Chapter One-Thirteen: Deviant
The streetlights make him resemble an angel, for it gives him a sort of halo that strains my vision.His approach to me is quick, I do not even have the chance to reel away from him, not that I can anymore, I cannot feel my limbs.“Let’s go before the police come, my darling.”He utters as he stretches his hand towards me.I can’t reach it; I do not even wish to close my eyes for fear that everything will fade to black.Why can’t I sense Kaisa?A frown forms on his face at my lack of response to his gesture.“Those animals…they drugged my beloved.”He mutters as he lowers to one knee, and where I expect him to lift me, he only reaches for my cheeks, tugs my face to his and plants a forced kiss that I can neither fight nor reciprocate due to the muscle relaxers in the tranquiliser.I nearly hurl when his tongue slides inside my mouth; the repulsion is something I have never felt before, yet the nauseating sensation swirling within me continues to grow.Is it because of the bond that I
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Chapter One-Fourteen: After
Marko. "Why?" He asked the question again, leaning against the musky metal bars; he knew the answer but asked it anyway. She didn't answer; he did not expect her to, hell even his question was rhetorical. The dungeons smelled like moss and stagnant water, but her blood from interrogations was the most pungent of scents. Everything was over for her; she had lost her honour and title now that she had been marked a national traitor, and while her father, Elder Clive, fled the country at the sight of the leaked CCTV footage of the accident, she had remained broken at the site. The marks on her body were not because she did not collaborate; she had spilt every treasonous secret, even the fact that her father was the one to orchestrate the temple car crash. The marks on her flesh were his frustrations; he would have killed her if it were not for Rhett. Hell, he would have killed her if he were not certain Alba was alive due to their bond. He could still do it now; there was none but
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Chapter One-Fifteen: Eating
Camille's gaze meets mine as she cleans the blood on the inner portion of my forearm—my blood, to be precise.This is yet another of her ‘samples’. I do not know where she takes them; she must have at least two litres in stock by now."Do you not want to know where I take your blood?"As if reading my mind, she asks.I don't answer; I find conversations proceed simply if I keep quiet."Yo-your blood keeps girls and boys below seventeen healthy. It cures the disease-riddled, especially those around the quarries. One drop and-""If it cures, why does it burn your alpha?"“He will be your alpha too.”She adds, but when she gets no reaction from me, she clears her throat and continues."It burns every unmated wolf because the Lycan’s mark imprinted on you; you changed some of its components. So now it can only aid the immature, but they are our future, so I cannot discriminate.""I wonder how that will change as you continue injecting the wolfsbane.""I… must."Of course, she must; Jax is
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Chapter One-Sixteen: After All
On instinct, my face turns away from Alpha Jax’s hand, but he remains persistent, a little too so, that his free hand grabs a fist full of my hair to still my movements.“Open it before I request the tube we used yesterday.”I would rather have him use the tube.I would rather he knows how much I cannot stand his presence.My mouth remains shut, so his hand leaves my hair and cups my cheek.His thumb presses the space between my upper and lower teeth, forcing a small hollowness to form that he uses to shove the gross salty mixture in my mouth.“Chew and swallow, or so help me God-!”He utters while his hand remains on my mouth, pressing it shut so I do not spit it out.Alpha Jax looks wholly unfamiliar.While a part of me wants to talk to him and form a rapport, perhaps act as he wants me to so that he goes easy on me, another wants to defy his every whim regardless of the cost.He needs me alive; he will not kill me-Right…the fat little thing inside me may not survive any blows he o
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Chapter One-Seventeen: And I
He is beautiful.The kind of beauty you only see on social media photos that have been augmented several times.His little eyes are shut, but his chest rises and falls with such a rhythm that lulls me to calmness.I love the white of his lashes and hair; they add an etherealness to him that, sadly, is too familiar with Marko.If I do decide to keep him, I would have to go quite far so that they never meet.My nose moves to his chest before his little arms stretch, pushing me slightly off his frame, and the breathing resumes.It had been two days since Kaisa had mentioned Marko was close; perhaps I got my hopes too high up in expecting him to be here in haste.Still, I find solace in this space that she pulls me to.Simply watching ‘ugly’ perform the most mundane of tasks clumsily takes away any anxiety staking its claim on me.Even now, I cannot feel the pain that thumps through my jaw, arm or cheek present while I am awake.The removal of the mark is taking longer than the Alpha of R
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