All Chapters of DANGEROUS GAMES: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
107 Chapters
“So, they got married.”“Yes. Ring and all. The music you hear right now is the reception, my love. Everyone here is all smiles and giggles, and I am not sure how many are thinking about how strange the whole thing is.”"I don't think anyone there knows how long he has been with that woman. We don't know how long he has been with her.""Does that make it any less strange?""No. No, I guess it doesn't.""No. Christen dragged her finger across the rough surface of the walls. She called Flora’s home many times the night before and even in the morning, but her friend didn’t answer the phone once. Samuel's marriage had travelled around and even got mentioned in a few blogs and magazines. It was pretty much out there that the youngest son of the Madden family was getting married. The man Flora loved was getting married to another woman. Even after all the days, Flora had to prepare herself, she never came to terms with it. “Did you see her?”“No. I don’t think she came.”She did. Christen
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The boisterous music slowed to a gentle melody, and the dance floor cleared as the guest returned to their seats. Samuel didn't wait for prompting to stand and walk Kali to the dance floor. He was a man in love, married to the woman of his dreams, celebrating in the most extravagant way possible. He was the happiest man alive. That is what his father and siblings saw. It was what the three hundred unnecessary guests in attendance saw. Samuel wasn't surprised his mother brought so many people to witness his torment. He believed she was enjoying every second of it. Just like his wife.Kali turned to face him, and he took her arm, resting another hand on her waist. He felt her hand creep up his shoulder, her fingers digging in while they effortlessly glided over the floor. Kali didn't attempt to make conversation, and neither did he.She'd kissed him. They were meant to kiss, and he should be grateful for her saving that moment. Even the slightest hesitation would have given them away
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After their meal, Samuel bid her goodnight and went to sleep. He wrestled beneath the sheets and tossed and turned while she sat by the window, taking in the evening. With the glass of wine in her hand, she counted the stars within the frame of the hotel window to occupy herself.Her sister was in one of the rooms, sleeping peacefully, high on the excitement of her older sister's wedding. Samuel's family was also spending the night in various rooms. Aside from Ysabel, Kali was sure that the others were equally excited about the wedding.She tilted her head back and finished her wine in one gulp. In the silence in the room, she felt herself crumbling to the nerves that eluded her for most of the wedding. The reception had gone on forever when all she wanted was for it to end. The dance had been torture. The smiling had been torture.When she turned around, Samuel was fast asleep, cuddled against one of the pillows. She turned the lamp off, plunging his side of the room into darkness.
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Samuel looked at Kali before getting down from the car. She stood in front of it, admiring the new house, a mansion his father purchased as a wedding gift. Samuel felt guilty about it for many reasons, but mainly because his father truly believed him madly in love with a woman he barely knew. Kali wore wide-leg jeans and a jersey crop top, but it was barely noticeable under the bulk of the fur coat she had on. The one thing he learned about his wife was that she loved to look fashionable. Even her pyjamas had a certain aesthetic to them. At first, he assumed she was spending atrocious amounts of money on her outfit but was surprised to learn that she bought them at stores that sold knockoffs. Of course, when she was dating her ex, he bought her more branded clothing, but Kali left everything he ever bought her in the old apartment his mother apparently owned. She was a practical woman, one trait in her he could deeply respect. “We aren’t going to stand here all day.” She sighed, ta
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“Passport?” Ember handed over her passport, watching as the man revised it and finally slapped his stamp on it. Once she passed every checkpoint, she rolled her suitcase out of the airport and got into the nearest taxi. It had been so long since she was home; everything was foreign to her. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why she returned after she missed the wedding. Samuel didn’t mind that she did, so she could have stayed back, but something wouldn’t let her leave things as they were. Back in Germany, she had a life. One built as a safe space to grow when she was a young adult. After so many years, she suddenly felt alienated from her family. A stranger living on the outside, looking in. No one cared that she didn't attend the wedding. They were used to her living apart from them. It unsettled her greatly. Ember didn’t want to get back into her mother’s hysterics, but she didn’t want to become a ghost to her family. She had already missed a wedding; the next thing would be to miss the
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Kali took the apron off and handed it to one of the girls working in the house. Ember was in the parlour, waiting for Kali to join her, but she took her time. First, she instructed them on the rest of the work they needed to do in the kitchen and the dining area. Next, A prepared a small tray of treats for her guest. There was no one else to attend to her. Samuel had left to get supplies, and Kali had no idea when he'd return.After living with the man for months on their honeymoon and now that they were back, she had learned a few things. He had faults, but Samuel was otherwise more kind than unkind. Even when he said hurtful things, usually without thinking, he didn’t let time pass before apologising.Since he held Ember on such a high platter, Kali could only assume that the woman was more decent than her mother. It meant she couldn’t be sarcastic or cold as she was whenever she spoke with Giovanna.“Thank you.” Ember graciously took the glass she offered and relaxed into the seat w
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Samuel propped his head on his hand, staring at the television in front of him. It was about time for the dinner, but his family had not arrived, and his wife, the word still made him shiver, was not down from their room. She wasn't getting ready. He knew that. She'd been dressed when he left and chose to sit in the room while he waited in the parlour. Since he returned from the honeymoon, it was a task to not check in on Flora to see how she was doing. Samuel tried to forget, bury himself in work and his project, and, dare he add, his new life, but there were moments when the thoughts resurfaced. The house was close to the town where Flora lived, where she worked. It wouldn't take long to get in a car and drive over to her place, but he didn't. Every time the thought resurfaced, he shot them down. For every desire he had to see her, there was a good reason to stay away. Flora hated him for the way things ended. He hated that he couldn’t be honest with her and tell her the truth, bu
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"Samuel?""Yes.""I know I haven't said this, but I am happy for you." Samuel averted his gaze from his father's face and looked down at his feet as his father spoke. "I am happy to see you're content with a woman that loves you. I am extremely grateful that, in the end, you are with someone who values you."Suddenly, he felt sick. He barely managed to utter his short reply. "Thanks, dad."Would he still feel the same pride when he found that Kali meant nothing to him? The love he admired and was grateful for was nothing more than a farce to keep up appearances. The daughter-in-law he fancied wanted nothing more than to rip their family apart. Samuel had no doubt that she would destroy everything if it meant taking his mother down with it. "You really like her?""I do. She has proven herself to be a levelheaded and well-mannered young woman. Of course, the circumstances of her arrival are not the best, but you both have done so well fighting for your feelings.""You aren't afraid we
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Samuel was awake at five, the grim of night had not broken up, and the open window only allowed a minuscule amount of light into the large room. Unable to go back to sleep, he resorted to staring into the thick nothingness. Kali slept beside him, her breathing shallow and even.Flora stayed over with him a couple of nights when they were dating. Sometimes, when he couldn’t sleep, and she woke to find him restlessly moving around the room, she would keep him company. They would hurdle on the bed and talk about meaningless things, finding a good laugh here and there between chats. When she slept in his arms, he would hold her close, her scent embracing him as they slept. It was never awkward. Always free-spirited and lively.When Kali had suggested they share a room because the bed was large enough, he was not a fan of the idea. Even though the bed was indeed large enough. If he stretched out his hand, he wouldn’t be able to touch her because she slept close to the edge of her side of t
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Early in the morning, after Samuel left for work and all the servants had finished their work, Kali prepared to leave the house. She made plans with June to drive her around the city and spend the day with her before she returned home to pack her things. She pushed down on the button that controlled the mechanical gate. Before she could start the car, her eyes caught the rear-view mirror, and she noticed a familiar car driving in. First, disbelief rendered her speechless, frozen with her hands on the wheel. The car drove in further and parked behind her own. Flabbergasted, she got down from her car at the same time Richard did. “Hello, Kali.”“Get out.” She whispered under her breath. Richard got closer, reaching out to touch her arm. She shoved his hand away, standing her ground and speaking with more confidence. “Get out of here. I don’t want you anywhere near me. How dare you come to my house.”“Your house. How easily you fit in here, right? But you and I know that you don’t belo
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