All Chapters of DANGEROUS GAMES: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
107 Chapters
Samuel parked his car as the mechanical doors dragged shut. After all the fun and food they had at her birthday party, the last thing he expected was for Kali to get the urge to cook a gourmet meal at five in the evening. As luck would have it, she was missing an ingredient, and he found himself sorting through the shelves at the mall, trying to find a bottle of oyster sauce. He grabbed the bag from the passenger seat and hopped out of the car. Kali rushed into the house at the same time he did and skidded to a stop in front of him. "Hey."She had changed while he was away. Her baggy shorts and sports bra were gone. Replaced with a knitted button-up dress, but didn't have any shoes on. Her hair was out of its bun and flowing down her back with only a hair band to hold any stray strands away f
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After a day as an official couple, Kali was settling into the new turn of her relationship. Of course, they were taking things slowly. She kept to her side of the bed all night, but they didn't sleep as far apart. There was no doubt they were doing things backwards, dating after they were already married, but there was nothing wrong with that. Their life was one big series of oddities, so what was one more? Like with any relationship, she would take things one step at a time. Nothing was drastically different from what it was a day ago. She got up before Samuel to prepare for the day. As she worked, the maids handled the cleaning and other chores around the house. Kali rarely let them cook unless she was out of time or too tired to do it herself. "Ma'am?" She turned to the door as the youngest girl, Vella, walked in. 
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When Samuel returned from work, he was shocked to see the flowers gone. His keys went on the plate, and he called out to Kali. The house was silent, but the lights were on, and her car had been in the garage. He knew she was home. "Kali!" "I am coming." She appeared on the stairs, wrapping her hair into a bun as she skipped merrily. "I guess there are no dinners on the patio today." Kali stuck her tongue out at him, understanding that he was teasing her for her appearance. "We are having dinner inside, in the living room today. I ordered." "Hmm. What's on the menu?" "Junk." She threw herself into his arms, and he caught her with a huff. With her feet dangling above his, she held fast to him by his shoulders. "Burgers, pizzas, hot pockets, fries, tasty fried chicken." "Wow. What are you trying to eat away now?" "The disaster of this morning." She kissed him, and he set her down on her feet. "I told you it
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Giovanna walked into the house, and Kali nodded in acknowledgement. The girl was a wreck. Her face was dampened by what Kali believed to be tears. But Giovanna looked more composed than sorrowful, so she must have collected herself on the way there. "Go to the patio. I'll be with you soon. Grab my jacket. You look cold." Giovanna followed his instructions without a fuss. Kali stood from the floor and walked to Samuel so she could whisper. "Why is she here." "I don't know, but she came with a bag." Her eyes widened as Samuel dragged a suitcase into the house. "No. No." She argued beneath her breath, uttering each word through clenched teeth. "Does she want to move in with us or something." "Beats me.” He replied. "I'll hear her out, and we'll figure things out from there. Calm down." "Samuel!" She called after him, but he only repeated she should remain calm. Nervous, Kali returned to the table, picked up the plate she had neglected during their conversation and climbed up to th
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"I am on my way to the house now." "You've picked her up already?" "No need to waste time," Samuel replied, turning to the rearview mirror. Giovanna sat in the back, strapped in with her headphones on and her eyes glued to the screen of her phone. They had decided that he would pick her up from school so they could talk at home and sort things out. He promised she could stay as long as she wanted, so long as they spoke to their parents. "Alright. Be safe." "You too." As the call dropped, he checked in on Giovanna again. She had not said a word when he picked her up from school, but from the whispers, he picked from her friend, he had learnt there was more to the story than she told anyone. For some reason, her friends at school were surprised that her "boyfriend" didn't come to pick her up again. For whatever reason, Giovanna decided to kiss Vincent to convince her preppy girlfriends that they were dating. He didn't touch that topic yet. They could discuss it when they got ba
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Kali played with the peas on her plate, using the fork to roll them around. She had opted out of sitting in the office cafeteria because she wanted a place with more privacy. People didn't talk like they used to when the magazines accusing her of marrying for money came out, but there were still whispers. She had enough on her plate with what was going on at home. So, for the next few weeks, she decided she'd eat at different cafes around the office until she found the most suitable. Something private, usually empty in the afternoons where she could enjoy a meal and video chat with friends. "Madden." She snapped up as Winston pointed at the free seat in front of her. "Anyone?""No, please, help yourself.""I haven't seen you in here before."
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“She finally rolls in.”Kali closed the door, throwing her purse on the couch and kicking off her heels with a moan. She looked exhausted, which was nothing new on days when she came home late. Samuel helped her out of her jacket and neatly set her shoes aside. He knelt down and tucked her hair behind her face.“Bad day?”“Parts of it.” Her hands framed his face, and she kissed him deeply. “It’s getting better.”Samuel smiled. “Want to talk about it?”“Yeah.” She didn’t sound excited by the prospect of it. That made him nervous. “Can I get something to eat first?”“Sure. You are in luck. I decided to cook this evening.”“Did you?”“Yeah.” He grinned and helped her stand. “You can tell me what happened over a hot plate and cool glass of juice.”“Can I also make requests?&rdq
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Kali thanked the maids one last time for the evening before dashing out the door to meet an impatient Samuel. Dinner had gone swimmingly despite the last-minute changes Ysabel had made. Ember helped with the planning, and Kali believed she handled her guests, especially Mr Claudius, with enough grace to make her husband proud. And if she hadn't been sure he was, he told her so the minute the door closed behind the last guest. Now, they were on their way to the address of a clubhouse Ember forwarded the previous day. Kali had taken longer to change out of her gown, and Samuel had been waiting on her. 
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"Shh." Samuel laughed, burying Kali's face into his neck until she could compose herself. Kali wasn't drunk, but she also didn't have much control over herself either. It was almost one, and Giovanna was obviously in bed. The jangling of the keys travelled far, so he wrestled them from her hands and set them down quietly in the bowl. He didn't want to wake his sister because he remembered Giovanna had a hard time falling asleep once she woke. "Come on," He whispered to Kali, gathering her in his arms and pressing his front of her back. "It's time we got to bed. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." "Indeed we do." She rubbed her palm over his forearm, playfully dragging her nails down his skin til he hissed. She waddled up the staircase with him behind her. He left her at the door of their room to check on Giovanna, returning after he confirmed his sister was fast asleep. "I hope we can wake up tomorrow." He shared, and Kali laughed.
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"Good evening." Giovanna sang, swinging back and forth as she used the frame of the kitchen door for support. "Good evening." Kali beamed. "How was work?" "Maddening." Kali smiled, humouring the girl until she decided to drop the charades. "Can you believe how much typing is in my everyday life? I have never written and corrected so much code in my life. A second more, and I'll be seeing things like I am in the matrix. Zeros and ones." "Really." "You wouldn't believe it." Giovanna pointed to the dinner table. "Package came in for you. It was here when I got back from school." She disappeared into the kitchen, and Kali stared after her before padding to the dinner table. There was a small package on the table. A white rectangular box with a red bow tied at the centre. Pinned to the ribbon was another card. Kali ripped it off as she slipped into a chair. "I thought about you today. I know it's been hard now that you started working. I hope this can cheer you up. Can't wait to
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