All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 1631 - Chapter 1640
1753 Chapters
Chapter 1631
There were differences in the way people dance.Some would dance normally. Some would do more than just dance—just like what Vicky and Tyler were doing.They were inches away from each other and could bump into one another at the slightest movement.It was hardly dancing and could only be seen as a public display of affection.More often than not, people who danced this way were either couples or secret lovers. Vicky knew she and Tyler fell under the second category.From the moment Tyler showed up with her, people were already giving her odd looks.Though Vicky did not care what others thought of her, she could not help but care about what she did in front of everyone.Glancing at the flustered Vicky, Tyler icily spoke, "Have you forgotten why you are here today?""I haven't forgotten." Vicky tried to free herself from Tyler's grip. "I can be a diversion for you and Avery, but we don't have to dance like this!""You saw what happened," replied Tyler expressionlessly. "I can't
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Chapter 1632
Avery was on the brink of losing her rationality as she glared at Vicky. She was overwhelmed by the urge to abandon her composure and rush over to separate Vicky and Tyler.Just when her sanity was about to be incinerated, someone gently tapped her shoulder."Miss Yeager."Avery turned her head and was met with a handsome, cultured face. The sight of him only disgusted her."Lincoln, we're not that close. Stay away from me."Lincoln smiled. "What's wrong? Worried Tyler might misunderstand our relationship? Rest assured, he's too busy to notice you right now. Even if he did see, he wouldn't care."Avery glared at Lincoln. "What do you mean?"Lincoln looked at the two not far away and sighed. "Despite being separated from Vicky for four years and forgetting about her, she's still special to him."Avery widened her eyes, and she shrilly replied, "Tyler cares about me! If it wasn't for your interference, we would've been married long ago! Back when I was embroiled in the scandal, i
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Chapter 1633
"She's known for her beauty, and sleeping with her isn't exactly a bad deal for me. Besides, I'm really interested in seeing whether Tyler is only toying with her or if he has fallen for her."The last part of Lincoln's sentence revealed his true intention.Tyler had always acted out of line whenever something happened to Vicky. Lincoln wanted to know if Tyler merely liked a particular type of woman or if he had remembered something.Avery stared at the smile on Lincoln's face and considered his words.Regardless of Lincoln's intention, she had nothing to lose.Both Orion and Valencia hated Avery, but they hated Vicky just as much. Therefore, there was a chance that the two would actively try to get rid of Vicky once they found out that Vicky slept with Lincoln.Should that happen, Avery would not have to do anything to be rid of Vicky.With that thought in mind, Avery asked, "What are you thinking?"Lincoln glanced at Vicky and Tyler, who were dancing, and smiled as he lowered
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Chapter 1634
Tyler had just left Orion and Valencia's room when Avery approached him."Tyler." Avery studied his refined features and whispered, "Did Uncle and Aunty want to see you?""Yeah," Tyler replied."Was it something important?""It's nothing urgent."Avery had come to delay Tyler as she assumed this was the time when Vicky and Lincoln started being intimate.It was Old Mister Hart's birthday banquet, and many dignitaries had come. If Tyler was to catch Vicky and Lincoln in a compromising position at such an important event, it would be met with public scorn. This would ensure Vicky could never marry into the Hart family!Avery had once caused a scandal with a video, but it was not the same as catching someone in the act in front of everyone. If Tyler saw Vicky naked with another man in public, he would be so disgusted that he might never want to touch her again.The more Avery thought about it, the more excited she became. She even secretly contacted reporters to report the scandal
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Chapter 1635
This went especially after how enthusiastic and passionate Tyler had been that night.Feeling hurt, Avery opened her mouth to speak when Tyler interrupted her. "Why don't you shower first?"Avery was stunned for a few moments before uttering, "W—What did you just say?""Why don't you go shower first?" Tyler repeated.This time, Avery finally understood what he meant and said, "Okay! Sure..." Her blood boiled with excitement as she continued, "I'll shower now, Tyler. Give me a moment!"With that, she hurried toward the bathroom and paused the moment she stepped through the door.She glanced at Tyler, who was sipping tea in the living room. After a few thoughtful moments, she took out a candle from her purse and lit it up before heading into the shower.She did not even bother with clothes; she came out wrapped in a bath towel. The scent of the fragrance wafted in the air, not overpowering but rather subtle. In a way, the scent was barely noticeable.All these fragrances were per
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Chapter 1636
Valencia was so furious that it seemed her heart might give out. She had not been this angry in years."You ignorant creature! How dare you drug Lincoln to seduce him?! I'll teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents, you filthy rat!"Through the gaps in the crowd, Vicky could see Valencia verbally and physically assaulting a woman. Her face contorted with rage, and she completely lost the image of a high-society lady.It was a rather grotesque sight.However, no matter how grotesque Valencia looked, it could not compare to the woman she was assaulting.Dragged forcibly from the bed, the woman had nothing on her, and the evidence of passionate encounters on her body was on full display for everyone to see.Her senses seemed clouded, and she hardly resisted Valencia's assault. She mumbled to herself, "Tyler... Tyler..."It was only then that Vicky noticed that it was Avery.'Avery...slept with Lincoln?' Vicky thought.The onlookers, witnessing this explosive scene, discreetly
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Chapter 1637
However, Valencia found herself gradually tiring out as she had wasted energy on beating Avery. Thus, she slowly began to lose.It was a sight to see two noble ladies who claimed to be close friends fighting like two madwomen."That's enough!" Vernon separated the two with a dark look on his face.He did not know what happened but knew that his wife was making a fool of herself by resorting to violence in public.After separating the two, he took off his jacket and placed it on Avery's shoulders.Still, most of her skin was showing, and Vernon narrowed his eyes in disgust.Regardless, the humiliation faced by Avery was equally faced by the Yeager family, so he stepped into the bedroom to look for something else to cover Avery with.As he entered the room, he spotted Lincoln, who was getting dressed."Lincoln Hart?!" Vernon gasped in disbelief.Soon enough, realization dawned on him. He assumed Valencia had caught Avery having an affair with another man again. However, he never
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Chapter 1638
Seeing the two newcomers who rushed in, the expressions of several people grew even worse.Avery's family knew that despite Avery and Tyler publicly announcing their engagement was off, it was just a temporary measure. Avery had no intention of ending the engagement. However, with Tyler witnessing this scandalous scene, he would never agree to marry her.Avery's father and mother had not yet thought of what to say. Valencia was the first to speak up. "Tyler, this little vixen Avery drugged Lincoln and seduced him!"Valencia was biased toward Lincoln, but Tyler was her son as well. Her disdain for Avery had reached its limit, and she was absolutely against Avery marrying into the Hart family. Furthermore, Avery's repeated dalliances between Tyler and Lincoln only increased Valencia's hatred for her. The fact that Avery plotted to sleep with Valencia's elder son and then her younger son felt worse than what Valencia had accused Vicky of all those years ago.'Does she really think she
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Chapter 1639
After much contemplation, Lincoln said, "I lost consciousness after entering this room."The moment she heard this, Valencia screamed, "You all heard him! Avery drugged my Lincoln! Why else would my dear boy sleep with a wench like her?"Valencia thought back to how Alana verbally degraded Lincoln and was so overwhelmed by rage that she ditched all manners and etiquette. She turned around and spat in Avery's direction."Valencia, what are you doing?!" Furious, Alana shouted. "To secure your adopted son's position, you came begging us to marry our daughter to him. If our daughter disgusts you so, why didn't you show it when you wanted something from us? Do you really think that your son is any better? He's nothing but a man who relies on a woman to gain power!"Seeing as the two were about to fight again, Old Mister Hart roared, "That's enough! This is no place for this sort of childish argument!"Throughout the years, Old Mister Hart remained respected by many, and the two relucta
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Chapter 1640
"Are you some kind of a saint? Did Tyler not come from your womb?" Avery retorted.She was not worried about being seen at all and wanted nothing more than to have everyone know about her relationship with Tyler. Since they were caught in the act, she felt pleased knowing that no one would dare try to seduce Tyler again.Many other women apart from Vicky tried to seduce Tyler at the bouquet, and Avery refused to let them win.Sensing that Avery felt no guilt, Valencia came close to fainting from rage. "No one would say a thing if this was consensual. I just think that you used some kind of dirty tricks to get your way!" She turned to Lincoln and asked, "Lincoln, why don't you tell us if this was consensual?"Lincoln shook his head and was about to speak when Avery exclaimed, "Lincoln?!"Finally noticing Lincoln, she continued, "Shouldn't you be asking Tyler instead? Why are you asking him? Tyler and I..."Valencia narrowed her eyes sarcastically. "Keep up the act, Avery! Let's se
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