All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 1661 - Chapter 1670
1753 Chapters
Chapter 1661
Helen paused for a moment. "Do you wish to purchase the wedding dress, Mister Hart?"Tyler nodded. "And the tuxedo I'm wearing."Helen glanced at Tyler, then at Vicky. Suddenly, realization dawned on her, and a subtle smile appeared on her face. "If you wish to purchase it, so be it. However...this wedding dress hasn't been publicly showcased yet. If you're willing to promote it for me, that would be ideal."Helen knew all about Tyler's influence and status and dared not to risk offending him. However, she had to promote her wedding dresses with her latest creations.Tyler considered for a moment and then nodded. "That can be arranged."Helen's eyes instantly lit up.Tyler was handsome and charming, and Vicky was exceptionally beautiful. The two of them together was a pleasant sight to behold. Furthermore, their unique and noble temperament set them apart from the crowd. With them promoting her designs, she would undoubtedly become a sensation worldwide.Helen's eyes almost spar
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Chapter 1662
Tyler planned different romantic dates each night for the past few days, which was unexpected for someone like him.The restaurant they were in appeared to have been reserved by Tyler in advance as there were no other customers around.Music filled the air like a soothing stream, creating a delightful ambiance. Roses and elegantly shaped candles adorned the table and the overhead chandeliers cast a warm, inviting glow.Vicky surveyed the surroundings and asked, "How did you know about this place?"This was a renowned romantic restaurant in Yudonia. Cece had mentioned it before Vicky's trip and suggested that Vicky visit it when she could."I can find out about anything with a quick search," Tyler replied casually. "Almost everything is within a tap of one's fingers these days."Vicky was momentarily stunned."Do you like it here?" he asked.Vicky nodded and smiled. "Yes, I do."Tyler raised his wine glass from the table. "That's good to hear."Vicky also picked up her winegla
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Chapter 1663
Vicky gazed at Tyler in bewilderment. "What do you mean?"Tyler lowered his gaze, and the atmosphere seemed to grow chilly with her response.Although Vicky did not quite comprehend his reaction, she knew she had somehow disrupted the mood.Just as she was about to say something, Tyler spoke up, "You want to know what's considered 'good' to you, right?"Caught off-guard, Vicky struggled to find her words.Tyler did not seem to mind her silence and took her hand before sliding a ring onto her ring finger.Vicky finally snapped out of her daze. Her heart sank, and she instinctively tried to withdraw her hand."Don't move." Tyler did not release her and held her hand to adjust the orientation of the ring instead.In the dim light, the ring on his ring finger sparkled brilliantly."What... What does this mean?" Vicky stared at him, her heart skipping a beat. "Why are you doing this?"Tyler released her hand and looked into her eyes. "Vicky, do you really not know what this means?
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Chapter 1664
Adam could tell that Tyler and Vicky's relationship had improved and decided not to hold back. "Old Mister Hart has something important he wants to discuss with you. He wants you to come over."Tyler's parents and Old Mister Hart had not returned to their home country yet and were temporarily residing in the estate where they used to live."What important matter?" Tyler asked.Adam glanced at Vicky, then whispered, "It seems to be related to...Miss Avery Yeager."Tyler narrowed his eyes. "I see."Vicky's gaze flickered, and she glanced at Tyler to find the same expressionless look on his face."Should I drop Ms. Shaw off first?" Adam asked."That won't be necessary."Adam's expression shifted slightly, but he dared not to argue with Tyler.Vicky did not want to meet Tyler's family, so she suggested, "You should go ahead. I won't come along."Tyler shot her a sidelong glance. "Why not?""Whatever Old Mister Hart wants to tell you must be very important, so I shouldn't be ther
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Chapter 1665
It was as if everything Vicky had just seen was an illusion.Vicky realized that she was sleeping in Tyler's arms. She sat up to find that they had arrived at the entrance of a grand estate.The sky outside was dimming."What time is it?" she asked and massaged her temples."Six-twenty," Tyler replied.Vicky was taken aback. It was just past four o'clock when they left the airport, and with an hour's drive, they should have arrived at Old Mister Hart's estate at around five."Did something happen on the road?" she asked. "Why did we arrive at this time?""You've been sleeping a lot lately," Tyler said, skilfully avoiding her question.Indeed, Vicky had taken long naps on the plane during their trip. Even when they traveled around Yudonia, she often dozed off in the car.At night, after they returned to their accommodations, she would sometimes fall asleep even before he finished showering.At first, Tyler thought she was pretending to be asleep to avoid getting intimate with
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Chapter 1666
What overwhelmed Avery most was the feeling of being unjustly treated."Tyler..." Avery's eyes were red with tears. "Do you have to distance yourself from me like this?"Tyler's expression remained calm. "Miss Yeager, you are now Lincoln's wife. You should maintain a proper distance from members of the opposite sex."Seeing this, Valencia sneered."Avery, you really need to change this habit of throwing yourself at every man you see. It might be tolerated in the Hart family, but in the eyes of outsiders, you might come across as a player. The Yeagers might not mind being mocked, but the Harts have a reputation to maintain."Alana, Avery's mother, furrowed her brow. "Valencia, there's no need to be so harsh with your words, is there? Avery and Tyler were once engaged. It's normal for them to have some lingering habits. Besides, now that Avery is pregnant with Tyler's child, is it wrong for them to be a little closer?"Orion sneered. "Alana, don't forget that Avery is now Lincoln's
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Chapter 1667
'That rat!' Avery cursed inwardly. She desperately wished she could kill Vicky.However, she managed to steady herself upon recalling her pregnancy.She gently placed a hand on her still-flat belly and raised her voice, "Tyler, I'm carrying your child!"Tyler, having gathered this from their conversation earlier, did not display any surprise. Instead, he asked with intrigue, "Is that so?"Avery presented a medical report she had prepared. "Here's the test report." She looked toward Old Mister Hart and added, "Grandfather had someone conduct the examination."This implied that there was no possibility of forgery.Tyler accepted the report and started to review it. It was then Vicky pulled away in an attempt to escape.Tyler frowned and locked her within his embrace, before whispering into her ear, "Stay with me."Everyone stared at them in bewilderment, and Avery glared daggers at Vicky.Though Tyler had not said much, anyone could tell what had happened upon seeing the rings o
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Chapter 1668
Old Mister Hart had gathered enough information about the situation based on Avery's silence and said, "Avery, do you mean to say that this child might not be Tyler's?"Avery bit her lip and replied, "I can assure you that there's an 80-percent chance this child is Tyler's, but there's also a possibility it's Lincoln's..."Although Lincoln was an adopted son, he was still a member of the Hart family. Whether this child belonged to Tyler or Lincoln, it was still a member of the family. Furthermore, Avery was married to Lincoln, so there was no need to terminate the pregnancy.Valencia and Orion looked at each other in displeasure. They disliked Avery's cunning nature, but they placed just as much importance on the family's heir as Old Mister Hart did, especially since they doted on Lincoln, who had not shown interest in women in the past.Old Mister Hart, too, understood this and questioned, "Avery, are you certain that this child is either Tyler's or Lincoln's?""I swear!" she sai
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Chapter 1669
Tyler tightened his hold on Vicky's waist and calmly stated, "I'm sorry, but I'm getting married soon, so I can't marry you."Avery widened her eyes. "Even if I'm carrying your child?"Tyler nodded. "That's correct."Avery could not believe her ears.Her face twisted with rage, and she gritted out, "If you won't marry me, there's no reason for this child to exist!"Avery's threat did not even faze Tyler. "If you insist on not having the child, I'll respect your choice."Avery took a few steps back. "What did you say?""I'll respect any choice you make."Avery thought that she held an ace in her hand, only to be proven wrong as she did not imagine that Tyler would respond in such a manner.Suddenly, she thought of something and turned to look at Old Mister Hart.Old Mister Hart calmly sipped his tea, while Valencia and Orion sat on their respective sofas, appearing as though they had not heard her.Avery felt momentarily lost and helpless. 'Why? Why are Old Mister Hart and Ty
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Chapter 1670
"You mentioned that you want Tyler to marry you. Had he agreed to it, we wouldn't oppose it. However, Tyler doesn't want to marry you," Old Mister Hart explained. "What can we do as his elders? We can't force him to marry you. If he refuses to marry you, we can't make him do it, can we now?"Old Mister Hart's words were relatively tactful, but everyone present understood his message.If Avery was willing to have the child, the Hart family would take responsibility. If she did not want to do so, they would not force her either. After all, she was the one carrying the child. Regardless, none of them were happy that Avery was trying to blackmail them into compliance using her pregnancy.Compared to Avery, the Hart family found Vicky easier to accept, which was one of the reasons Old Mister Hart and Tyler's parents did not outright oppose Tyler's desire to marry Vicky.Women who tried to use children as leverage like Avery were not welcomed into the family.Mister Yeager was also irri
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