All Chapters of Loving You In Secret: Chapter 1721 - Chapter 1730
1753 Chapters
Chapter 1721
Tyler must have gotten the news from Jade, which was why he came back.He gazed at Vicky. "Did he give you any trouble?""No. Old Mister Hart just came to see me." After a pause, Vicky asked, "How's your injury? Is it any better?""Why didn't you come to see me if you knew I was hurt?"Tyler's question confused Vicky. "You asked me to come back to rest, no?""Yes, but I didn't say you can't visit me.""I feel like throwing up whenever I smell the scent of disinfectant in the hospital."Tyler smiled coldly. "So you can't even come once?"Vicky did not understand why he would be upset."You told me to stay home whenever I text you. And like I said, I get nauseous whenever I go to the hospital. Plus, I haven't been out more than a handful of times in the past few weeks.""Do you feel nauseous because of the scent of disinfectant or because of me?" he asked forcefully."No, you're mistaken. It's not that I don't want to see you, but it's really because I can't stand the smell of
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Chapter 1722
Vicky remained calm even when it seemed like Tyler was about to lose control. There was barely a hint of emotion on her face.The tables had turned. Vicky could still remember how, just a few years ago, she was the one hysterically asking him why he treated her so cruelly as he remained indifferent.Vicky did not do this out of revenge; she genuinely could not feel anything. Even she herself did not know how she could stay so calm.Maybe she decided to not pin any hope on him ever since the wedding. Perhaps it was when she decided to terminate her pregnancy, or when she found out about his plans with Aria. Regardless, it did not matter anymore.She could not bother herself with the past anymore. She did not even want to waste her brainpower thinking whether Tyler would let her go and give her her freedom back after she gave birth to the baby.'What's the point of thinking all that?' she told herself. 'No one can be sure of what'll happen in the future.'Tyler started hyperventila
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Chapter 1723
A few days later, Tyler was finally discharged from the hospital.Vicky was there to accompany him, but she started throwing up after a few minutes at the hospital as she could not stand the smell of the disinfectant.Tyler's eyes darkened when he saw her rushing into the bathroom, thinking he was the reason she felt like throwing up.He did not go straight home after he left the hospital. Instead, he asked Harry to send his stuff back while he drove Vicky elsewhere.Vicky looked out the window and asked quizzically, "Where are you taking me?""You'll know when we get there."Vicky turned to look at his handsome but cold side profile.'Is he driving slower than usual because I'm pregnant?' she wondered.After their argument that day, Tyler went back to stay at the hospital for a few more days. Knowing that Tyler did not like her only texting him, Vicky decided to call him. Unfortunately, that did not seem to make him any happier.He did not look happier when she went to the ho
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Chapter 1724
There were a lot of other buildings and man-made landscapes like lakes and rivers in the garden.Vicky looked at the tourists happily taking photos in the distance and suddenly thought of something.She turned to Tyler and asked, "Why did you open this place to the public?"Tyler had been known to prefer solace, and he obviously did not need the money from the ticket sales to recuperate the cost of building the garden."I thought you'd prefer the lively atmosphere."Vicky's gaze wavered at this. She imagined what it would be like if there were no other people there but them. It would be a cold and lonely place. She did not think she would like the place at all.'He's right. This place is made more interesting by the people walking about. It'll be a different feeling if there's no one here. Plus, the roses will be happier with more people appreciating them.'In a way, Vicky understood what Tyler meant.She glanced at him and saw he was staring at her solemnly. This made her inst
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Chapter 1725
Avery had been miserable lately. She had hoped Tyler would come groveling to her.Not only did he not apologize, but he issued even more severe business sanctions on her family!It was as if Tyler did not care about what would happen to his company as well. It was a destructive mentality, an unforgiving motto that he would drag everyone with him if he went down.However, the same could not be said for the Yeagers. They could not afford to lose everything like Tyler.Vernon finally realized something was wrong, but it was too late.Vernon was furious. He pushed all the blame on Avery, who thought she could control Tyler, but it was exactly that thinking that led to her family's downfall.In a fit of rage, Vernon cut ties with Avery and kicked out his wife, Alana.Alana was obviously displeased, but by the time she went home, she discovered that a young woman a few years older than Avery had moved into the family mansion. What was even more infuriating was Vernon had passed on the
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Chapter 1726
"So who did I sleep with that night?" asked Avery between gritted teeth.It was neither Tyler nor Lincoln all along. After discovering the truth, Avery would never keep the baby; it did not matter who the baby's father was. Knowing Tyler, the man he found for her was definitely some dirtbag.However, Avery was not going to let him get off the hook so easily!"It's someone you know very well," replied Tyler honestly.'Someone I know very well? Does he mean Tim?' Avery's face changed at the thought of that.She pointed at Tyler angrily and screeched, "You got Tim to get me drunk too, didn't you?! And the video that played during our wedding ceremony—you did that too, right?!""You're not worthy enough for me to go through all that trouble," said Tyler indifferently. "Your stepsister, Brielle, gave me that video. I just happened to use it to my advantage."Brielle did not know there was bad blood between Tyler and Avery when she went to find him with the video. However, she knew no
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Chapter 1727
"If I can't get you, no one else can! You're going to hell, Tyler!" screamed Avery.She then rushed toward Tyler with the knife in her hand.A flash of annoyance appeared in Tyler's eyes. He was about to dodge the incoming attack when Avery swerved toward Vicky.Tyler's eyes darkened. He grabbed Avery's wrist and effortlessly snapped her bone, causing the knife in her hand to fall with a loud clang.Avery's wrist hung limply by her side."Oh, I forgot to tell you," said Tyler emphatically while looking at her. "I feel like throwing up whenever you touch me, or I, you."He stepped back and took out a sanitizing hand wipe from his pockets to wipe his hand.Avery became even more hysterical after that."I hate you, Tyler Hart! Mark my words, I'm going to make you pay for ruining my life!" she screamed while pointing a trembling finger at both Vicky and Tyler. There was so much hatred in her eyes that it seemed to be oozing out. "I'm going to haunt you two even if I die! And I'm go
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Chapter 1728
Avery sealed her fate when she set the horde of reporters to humiliate Vicky.'No one else in the world can bully Vicky except for me,' thought Tyler then.He thus humiliated Avery with the raunchy video during the wedding ceremony to teach her a lesson.…That night, Brielle received a call from Tyler."You should send Avery to the mental hospital. It seems she's not right in the head," he said.Brielle immediately understood what he was saying. "Okay, will do."…The next day, Brielle received a call from Vernon."Brielle, come to the hospital now!" he said.Brielle quickly rushed over to the hospital and saw her father's young mistress, who was only two years older than her, lying on the hospital bed, crying about how Avery pushed her down the stairs, which caused her to have a miscarriage."Vernon, you must make Avery pay for killing our son!" cried the young mistress as she held Vernon's hand. "Our son didn't even get a chance to see this world before he died!"Brielle
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Chapter 1729
"I say we keep her in a mental hospital for the time being. When things are more stabilized for the family, we can bring her home. What do you think?" suggested Brielle.Vernon had not thought about how to deal with Avery. In fact, he could not even stand the sight of her and Alana, so he immediately agreed to Brielle's suggestion."Yes, that sounds like a very good idea. Can I leave you to take care of the details?" he asked.Brielle smiled respectfully and said, "Of course. I'll take care of this matter discreetly, I promise."Vernon patted her shoulder. He did not really care whether Avery lived or died."Send Avery abroad once she's stabilized a little. I don't ever want to see that little ungrateful b*tch again. You'll take over the family business one day."…Thus, Avery was locked up at a mental hospital.She tried to escape, but the doctors had been bribed by Brielle to keep a very tight watch on Avery.The doctors thought the safest way to keep Avery was to take away
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Chapter 1730
Avery, of course, would never agree as she was used to being pampered and not crossed. However, being a ruthless woman by nature, she pretended to agree to Tim's plan, all so he would lower his guard. She then chopped off his d*ck amid his boasting.Tim lost his manhood, but all was lost since he still had a son. However, no man would be sane when struck by such a tragedy. Thus, in a fit of rage, he mistakenly beat Avery to death.Knowing he was in deep trouble upon seeing Avery's body, Tim quickly vanished into the night with their son.As for Avery, she had faded from her family's memories. Nonetheless, all of this was found out very much later.…Tyler's intention was so obvious that all of Vicky's friends were very clearly aware of it.The studio was very busy recently, so Vicky was at the studio more than usual. As her 'bodyguard', Tyler, was always not far behind her.Even when Vicky was in a meeting, he would stand quietly behind her.At first, everyone—especially Jennif
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