All Chapters of A Baby For The Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
96 Chapters
Chapter 30
CHAPTER 30BRIANNA'S POV"IT is so good hearing your voice again?" His voice sounded through the phone the same after many years– Still sending jitters round my nerves."Same here." I muttered."It's been a long time." I rolled my eyes when he spoke deep down and knew questions like this were coming and in a way I expected it."Where are you now?" I asked, trying to get back to old times."Well I am back to town?" He said and chuckled."Really?" I sounded surprised about the fact he was back; it was something I never thought of .He had basically stated he won't be coming back after the fault we had in our relationship.There comes a point in life when you know that what you want to do is wrong, but you have to do it anyway. A point you have to succumb to making a decision due temptation."Well I am back now and I am back for you." He said.Trying to change the topic or rather where he was heading to.His last words while leaving had basically been "I will be back for you…""So what
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Chapter 31
CHAPTER 31MICHELSON POV“That was a very stupid move Maxwell .” I sat on my office couch with an arm resting on the back.The day had been not so well so far and I was starting to feel the tension, I wouldn't deny the fact that it had a lot to do about the trouble he had at home."Things would have been better if we didn't cancel that deal." Maxwell said agitating me further.I was angry about the situation, and Maxwell saying something as spiteful as that.I flicked a glance toward him. “Did I ask for youropinion?” my voice sounded so tensive and I guess he could get every bit of the tension.He rubbed a hand across his face. “Just assumed you are worried about the situation and want some help." “You assumed wrong,” I said dryly. “We can't just blame that one thing for being the reason for for this financial fall." The truth was I didn't feel that way, it was just a way if trying to make self feel better.If there anything I could blame for all this it would definitely be t
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Chapter 32
MICHELSON POVI finally found a way to tame and in a way it made me kind of excited for all the wrong reasons. Immediately her mother left, she could not bring herself to come back to the dining area, instead she stormed away to her bedroom.I could hear her cussing under her breath for a long time. It was funny the see that a woman as shrewd as Brianna could come down so easily and be reduced to someone who can't utter a word.Deep downI felt a bit silly for all the wrong reasons, it was the same feeling you get when you can't fix your home and then hired someone to fix it but in this case, it was for something different– it had everything to do with fixing Brianna and that was if she needed fixing in the first place.As day break came shimmering through the sky I walked back to the room, i had but not been able to go back in since I was not sure of what I would get feom her and couldn't face another night if nagging.Deep down I wanted to call it truce on everything, but that felt l
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Chapter 33
MICHELSON POVI WAS thinking of a better way to hide my infidelity from Brianna, as much as I would have loved to stop it by seeing Paula it was something I couldn't clearly get rid of so easily. There was something about that woman I can't get my mind over no matter how hard I tried, as a matter of fact she was not making it easy for me as well.Easy moment with her felt like a section of my life I never wanted to end, I knew deep down that marrying was out if the way, as a matter of fact I would have picked Brianna over her again and again but when it came down to sex, I was so addicted to her that every moment away felt like no breathing.I had thought she won't approach me after the last encounter that me walking her out of the office,It was almost as if this infidelity was in my blood…There was one truth however and that was the fact that I had wanted to be married, to have a family of my own, and Paula in no way fitted into that aspect of my life.She never fitted Into the dre
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Chapter 34
BRIANNA'S POVWHEN I saw the look on Mrs. Trevor's face it was obvious he was at his again– His infidelity. As that was the only thing that could keep him away till this moment, when he was supposed to be back.I had made up my mind prior to that time not to think about the matter deeply, he was a cheat and like I had always thought and said to myself on many occasions Cheating was a part of man that could never be abolished.No matter how hard they tried to play sain there was a part in them,apart that wanted to go back to that sin.She walked back to the table not saying anything, and I was prepared not to ask as well.It was turning out to be a very toxic relationship and here I was at the middle of everything, deep down I was starting to regret the fact that I had not had enough patience to wait for Stormy . I was quite sure that he wouldn't treat me this way, not in any way.The thought of Stormy reminded me of the offer I had at the table, he had opted to see me despite the fact
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Chapter 35
BRIANNA'S POVWITH the look on her face it was obvious what I had to do. There was a need for me to give him a good talk about what he had done as it was starting to look like he didn't care how he acted toward any other person than himself.So when he had walked away toward the room, I had walked in after him him, he turned back and when he saw me standing at the door way he looked away as quickly as possible I was agitated about the whole situation, he can't get get to to treat people this way and get away with it.I walked straight to him prepared to give him a proper talk about his habit. As soon as he saw me walking in he acted like he was on his way to the bathroom.I stood in front of his way, blocking his access to anywhere he thought he wanted to walk to."You know that I am a very unspeakable thing to do right?" I asked, facing me.He knew what I was obviously talking about but feigned ignorance.His face bore no emotion at all of any kind."What are you talking about?" He a
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Chapter 36
CHAPTER 36 BRIANNA POV WITH the thought of Michelson out of my mind, I thought of a better way to deal with the fact that I wanted to treat him differently from now henceforth. I had drifted away from the lovely languorous sleep I had been having. It was funny how I was sleeping with the state of mind I had at that moment. As a matter of fact, it had been awhile since I had slept that deep with a sense of well-being seeping into my consciousness. All I could remember doing was having a bath after stepping in, Michel had not been in the room when I got back in and I assumed he was still having a conversation with his mother. Not even after I took my bath and walked back to the room was he back, I had decided to wait for him till he might get back and tell me how everything went. Soon I was dozing off, and couldn't stop myself from sleeping, my body uncurling and stretching as I laid on my bed. The whole feeling was soothing, till I felt something waking me up… At first inaj
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Chapter 37
MICHELSON POV. AFTER leaving my mother room, at first I had thought about walking down back to our room most probably to talk to Brianna as well but then my phone had beeped with a new notification, I would be lying to myself if I said i was not aware of who had been texting, reason being that she had been doing that all through that while I had been in my mother's room. Knowing fully well that my mother could have read her voice from even miles away I had Intentionally not picked her call. She was the last person Mother would want around me, not after the last spell we had together, and after the fact she was actually the one that had actually caught her right in the act of infidelity. I could have bet one thing right and that was the fact that she would be totally mad at me if she found out it was her calling. I walked away from where Mother was out of the room just then my phone beeped with a notification. I stared at it for a minute, glad at the fact that I had not left my ph
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chapter 38
CHAPTER 38. MICHELSON POV FEAR crept through my mind like it was made perfectly for it, like it was its territory. I never thought I would drive as fast as that for her but I did it anyway, I was at the stage of going mentally deranged. At first I had thought that probably, I might not have listened to what she was saying or perhaps I was getting the message wrongly but neither of that was the case as I had heard what she was trying to say perfectly as a matter of fact, I didn't wait to hear it twice before dashing into her room and out as fast as I could. Nothing mattered at that moment, as I gave attention to what she might think if she saw me wearing another shirt, I had an excuse already in my mind in case she asked. She had tried standing on my way , trying to prevent me from leaving. "There is no way I am letting you leave this place." She said, sounding pissed at the fact that I wanted to leave. I had been furious, so furious that I shoved her out of the way. She looke
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Chapter 39
BRIANNA'S POV THERE was no way to explain how scared I had been about the whole situation. There was this fear that I had lost my child, for a while I had laid on the bed feeling less of the pain but drowsy at the same time. When I woke up a while later I turned to see Michelson by the window and his mother close to where I was at the bed. Mrs.. Trevor smiled at me and I felt a kind of relief, she wouldn't be smiling if the situation was awkward or bad. "Thank goodness you are awake." She said looking at me, as if trying to look at me to know if I was fine and everything was alright. I nodded my head to show that I was and watched as Michel walked towards where I was,at first I wanted to say something about that fact that he had been away but then I changed my mind as I didn't have enough strength to debate with him at that moment. When his gaze came to me. I looked away and faced the other side, my anger was justified and he deserved every bit of it. His look was dark, warm, e
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