All Chapters of THE ROYAL TRIPLETS FINDING THEIR SOULMATES: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
‘Consider it an ultimatum or anything you wish it to be, Zada. But from now on, it is going to be either him or us.’The word kept ringing in her ears even after two days.Two damn days since her brothers talked to her. And it felt like two bloody centuries.How could they not talk to her? Don’t they miss her.She was missing them like crazy. In their entire twenty years of life, they have never passed a day without talking to each other.And now, two days have passed.Forty eight hours.Two thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes.One lakh, seventy two thousand eight hundred seconds….Oh h*ll! This is only getting more miserable.Don’t they know she can’t live without talking to them?She sat under the huge tree in the campus. She could feel fresh tears making its way down her cheeks.She took her phone and dialled Zian’s number. The call was rejected on the second ring. She then tried Zahir’s number. The call was rejected on the very first ring.The next second, she received a tex
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Liam was frustrated beyond belief. He couldn’t believe that Zahir and Zian would so mercilessly cut their beloved sister out of their life.It has been two days since that evening when Zada went to confront her brothers.They had shut the door on her face and Zada was heartbroken by their behaviour.She had cried her heart out, sitting on the floor outside their bedroom.It was evident that they could hear her cries from inside and they didn’t come out to check on her and that made Liam more furious.How could they do this to their sister?“Enough of the crying, Zada.” Liam said, as he pulled her up from the bed where she was curled up in for the last two days.“I miss them..” Zada cried and Liam hugged her tightly.“I told you to tell them that you choose them. I would have made things better with time.” Liam said once again.“I didn’t want to lie to them anymore.” Zada said softly.Zada had spent the last two days in a state of despair. Her brothers' rejection and harsh words echoed
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Emma walked towards Zian anxiously. It has been a few days since Zian talked to her. Specifically since the day they caught Liam and Zada together. On one side, she was missing him terribly and on the other side she was angry at him for putting Zada through hell. Every moment since that day, Zada had been crying. It is hell to sit by and watch her cry for her brothers. She found Zian in the corridor near the library. “Zi - Zi,” Emma called out as she hurried towards him. Zian looked up and saw Emma hurrying towards her. He was furious with her too. For hiding Zada’s relationship with Liam from them. How did she even manage to keep it a secret? She is not someone who is capable of keeping it to herself. And if she had managed to keep it a secret, she must have taken deliberate and conscious effort to do so. Which means she had knowingly set out to keep him in the dark. “What do you want, Emma?” Zian asked angrily, as he started walking ahead, without waiting for him. Emma rushed
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“Oh god! What have you done?” Zada asked in horror, seeing the bloodied look on Liam.She could see the cuts and bruises on Liam’s face and body and she got really worried.“I am sorry, Mirrie. When Emily called and told me about what happened, I couldn’t help it. I had no intention of getting into a physical fight. It just happened.” Liam said apologetically. He knows how much Zada loves her brothers and he knows she would be angry with him for getting into a fight with them.“You were supposed to get on their good book, Liam. Not the other way around.” Zada said furiously as she dabbed the cotton with antiseptic on his bruise. Liam hissed lighty at the slight stinging.“Don’t tell me it is hurting. It wouldn’t hurt as much as it would have hurt when you got into a physical brawl with my brothers.” Zada said furiously as she applied more antiseptic on his bruise.Damn! An angry girlfriend is total terror.“It isn’t hurting. These bruises and wounds are nothing..” Liam said in an offh
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“Call Liam..” Zahir demanded as he pushed past Zada into the apartment. Hearing the voice, Liam, with the patch up works on him, came to the living room.Zahir’s lips thinned in annoyance when their doubt was confirmed. Liam really was with Zada for the last two hours.“Now what?” Liam asked tiredly, as he took a seat on the couch.“Zada, do you know that Liam has been seriously involved with a girl whose name starts with M? Liam had even discussed that with Zian..” Zahir said and waited for the argument to break out…“Seriously? This is what you ran in for?” Liam asked sarcastically.“What? You claim to be in love with my sister. But you already once told Zian that the girl you love is named with the letter M.” Zahir said and Zian nodded agreeing to him.“I meant Zada only..” Liam said calmly.“Don’t think of making up any stories..” Zahir warned and Liam rolled his eyes.“Stop being prejudiced for a moment, can you?” Liam asked.“Tell us then, Liam. I remember having a discussion on
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“Seriously? Tasks?” Emily asked in disbelief as they settled around a table in the university cafeteria the next day.“Right. They want me to perform three tasks that prove to them that I am worthy of their sister.” Liam said, rolling his eyes.“What childish nonsense is that? I didn't know we were in the Middle Ages, testing knights for the right to court a lady,” Emily said, shaking her head in disbelief..“You never know, we might ask him to slay a dragon next.” Zahir leaned forward, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Oh, forgive me, Your Highness. I didn't realise your sister needed a knight in shining armour,” Emily retorted, raising an eyebrow.“Don't be absurd. She just needs someone who can survive a culinary challenge.” Zahir chuckled. “Ah, the infamous trial by culinary fire. A feast fit for royalty, I assume?” Emily quipped.“Exactly. If he can impress us with a gourmet meal, he might just survive our sibling scrutiny.” Zahir said graciously. “Or die trying,” Emily added
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The kitchen buzzed with the promise of culinary chaos as Zahir and Zian, self-appointed judges, took their seats, ready for the amusement that awaited. Zada, was equally entertained and bemused as she observed the unfolding spectacle.She prayed everything would go well. She now knows that her brothers already accepted Liam as her partner, but they are doing this just for the sake of it and because Zahir with his big ego couldn’t just simply say yes to the relationship between his beloved sister and his best friend.Liam, wore an apron that humorously declared him the "Master Chef of Chaos.” Zada chuckled seeing him with the apron and the chef cap. Him in the kitchen reminded her of their second date. He had taken her to his home when his family had gone out of a function. And he cooked for her that day.And once the casserole went into the oven, he had taken her to the living room couch and slowly things heated up and they had ended up making out on the couch.And then the first emb
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“So, what’s the last task?” Liam asked in exasperation.“Be patient, potential brother in law..” Zahir said dryly.“Potential? Are you serious, Zahir? There is no ‘potential’ in this context. I am your future brother in law. No matter what..” Liam said in annoyance.“How you handle the third task would answer that, Frederick..” Zahir said with a scoff.“Listen, I am doing this simply to entertain you two. There is really no need from this. Even Mirrie feels the same way, don’t you Mirrie?” Amar asked looking at Zada and she nodded her head, agreeing with Amar.“Ewww.. Stop calling her with that name. It sounds so weird.” Zahir said, making a face at Liam calling their sister with a pet name. Amar rolled his eyes, realising whatever he is going to do, Zahir would come up with some or the other complaints.Zian chuckled, simply watching the scene unfold in front of him.“Zi - Zi, Zi - Zi,” Emma ran towards them and pulled the chair next to Zian and sat on it, breathlessly.“What do you
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“God! He is so possessive..” Zahir chuckled, watching his brother running behind Emma who is all set to climb on the pillion of a motorcycle with some random Ethan.“Look, who is talking?” Zada said, rolling her eyes and Zahir made a face at that.“I don’t have a love interest to get possessive about, little Zada.” Zahir said, ruffling her hair, earning a glare in return.“You are possessive in all your relationships, Zahir. Momma, me, Zian or anybody. I shudder imagining Emily’s condition in the future..” Zada said teasingly and Zahir glared at her.“Emily? What does Emily have got to do with this?” Emil, who was silent until now, asked in confusion.Zada bit her tongue and cursed herself for blurting out her thoughts, without noticing Emily’s beloved brother sitting next to them.“Uh Emily..” Zada chuckled nervously.“Don’t mind her, Emil. She is just crazy. She reads all sorts of nonsense romance and has somehow come to a conclusion that I and Emily would eventually fall in love. A
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The wind whistled through the air as Zian and Emma sped away on Zian's motorcycle. The purring of the engine and the sensation of the road beneath them added to the thrill of the ride. Emma, her excitement palpable, clung to Zian, her arms wrapped around him.Zian, however, maintained a facade of sternness."I hope you are aware I am still mad at you," he said over the roar of the engine.“Is that so? Then you should have just let me go with Ethan. He wasn’t mad at me and he would have enjoyed the ride with me.” Emma laughed, the sound blending with the wind. "Oh, come on, Zian! Lighten up! We're on an adventure!"The corners of Zian's lips twitched, betraying his efforts to stay serious. Emma sensed the crack in his stoic demeanour and squeezed him tighter. She placed her head on his shoulder, enjoying the exhilarating ride.As they journeyed through scenic landscapes, Zian finally decided to let go of the lingering anger. "Alright, alright. I guess you've suffered enough. No more s
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