Semua Bab Save Me Mate : Bab 131 - Bab 140
196 Bab
Chapter 131
Chapter 131James POVI groaned as I woke up on a soft material, it was my bed. I held my head in my hands for a moment before raising my head up.Memories of the previous day flooded my brain and I groaned at the memories. Cassie had found out about me, she was in rage and I had gone to the bar where the worse had happened, that demon called Lauren kissed me and that was not just the end, Cassie even had to see the both of us kissing.I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated."Kim, do you think that Cassie would ever forgive me now?" I asked Kim."You did so under the influence of alcohol, I am very sure she would forget about it soon and let you both come together." Kim replied me but I could tell that he was only trying to make me feel better because the reality was no girl would after seeing such a scene, come running into the arms of that man that had hurt her so much."No Kim, I can't just sit down here and await her to come to me,I have to make moves,I gave to let her see and
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Chapter 132
Chapter 132James POVI halted for a moment, without any movement at her words, she had just accused me of kissing Lauren, yeah I did kiss Lauren or should I say she kissed me but I was not in my right frame of mind back then, I was drunk!"I... I was drunk back then, I swear you are the only one I love and want." I said to her, almost pleadingly."Stop lying to me James, you feel attracted to her that is why you kissed her." she replied with fresh tears gathering in her eyes."You are the only attraction in the world for me, no one else can attract me Cassie." I said to get but it was all useless, she was unwilling to listen to me To her, I was nothing but a liar and even a cheat."Get out of my room James." she said to me and I slowly got up from beside her."You are sick Cassie, I think you really need someone to take care of you." I said to her."Even if I need someone to take care of me,that someone is definitely not you." she replied and looked away from me, turning to the othe
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Chapter 133
Chapter 133 Samantha's POV "What are you doing?" I asked Kayden as I moved towards him. I had just gone downstairs to have a small chat with his mum and back in his room now, he is already with the pen, his laptop and other materials. I could bet that he was doing things about the issue on ground yet again. "Is my help needed?" I asked him when he did not reply my first question. He pulled me to his laps like he did the previous night and hugged me tight to his body. "Yeah, I need your help, just hold me like this." he said to me and I groaned, pulling away from him. "What are you saying? I want to help with what you are doing." I groaned to him. "Okay then, I am trying to solve the mystery of the wolves capacities being locked." "Do you perhaps know anything about it?" He asked me and I threw my head back for a moment."Why couldn't you ask me earlier?" I asked him and he held onto my waist."C'mon, I have asked now." he grumbled."I really do no
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Chapter 134
Chapter 134Cassie's POVI woke up feeling extremely tired and down, I was having a terrible headache and my entire body could be said to ache as well. I was just so uncomfortable.I sluggishly turned to look back and I found a bottles water and some pain relievers on the table.Who could have placed them there? Samantha? Or could it have been... James.I shook my head, I wanted to have nothing to do with James and I really did hope that it was not him who placed it there.I grabbed the bottled water and the pain relievers and felt a bit relieved of the pains I was feeling.I decided that I was going to take a walk around the house just to stretch my legs and have some fresh air, something that had become more of a luxury since yesterday morning.I walked towards the door and pulled it open. I was quite surprised to find James by my door, his eyes were shut in a quite deep sleep.I felt drawn to him immediately but I controlled myself, I am done with him! I tried to convince myself o
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Chapter 135
Chapter 135Samantha's POV"This place looks good." I grinned as I alighted from the car."Anywhere I bring you to has to be good." Kayden boasted."I would not call that boasting." Cara replied me and I scoffed noiselessly."That is definitely him boasting." I argued."I just do hope you do not pay for privacy today." I said to him and he laughed, recollecting the past incident."I am not because you do not wish me to." he replied, held onto my waist and led me to a table.He pulled the chair back for me and I took my seat with a small thank you."I would be back soon." he said to me, turned to leave but I quickly grabbed his hands."This is exactly how you left the other day and paid a huge sum of money for privacy." I said to him and he chuckled before kissing my forehead."I promise I am not paying for privacy as long as you say so." he replied and I hesitantly let go of him.I remained at my seat waiting for him to come back when a guy approached me."Hey beautiful." he called fl
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Chapter 136
Chapter 136Cassie's POVThe whole day was stressful, Samantha was no where to be seen at home and even to compliment the issue, James was following me the whole time.Yeah, after the kiss which I eventually broke when I got to my senses, I kind of yelled at him for kissing me and told him off, I told him to let go of me and go back to kissing his mate, I even pushed him off me even though a humans shove like mine was kind of nothing for him.There was no doubting that I enjoyed the kiss that I shared with him but still yet it was wrong, I had not forgiven him and I was not ready to do so soon either."Do you forgive me now?" James asked me as I gulped down some water but I remained mute like I had been the whole day to him."You still do not want me?" He asked but I still did not give a response, I simply pushed past him and walked away.I could hear his footsteps behind me that indicated that he was just behind me and was still yet following me."Cassie." he called but I gave no res
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Chapter 137
Chapter 137Samantha's POVThe car stopped in front of Kayden's mansion, the one he had brought us the other time when he had a fight with his family.This place held quite a lot of memories for me, it was where I had shape shifted, where I had gotten rejected and still yet where I had gotten accepted."What are we going to do here?" I asked as I alighted from the car."Just to take a look at this place, where do you want to go first?" He asked and I ransacked my brain for a moment."The garden! That lovely garden!" I replied him "I knew you were going to choose there." he replied."This is just the place for us at this moment, we can be alone in the garden with no guys coming in to interrupt our peaceful time together." he added."Can we move now?" I asked excitedly, moving towards the direction of the garden.We both walked into the lovely garden and I was pulled down to the soft grass by Kayden. My head fell onto his hard chest as his hands cuddled me up."I have not even had any
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Chapter 138
Chapter 138The next day.Samantha's POVI woke up feeling Kayden's hot breath on me. I smiled gently and pulled away from him hoping I would not wake him up but I did anyways."Where are you off to?" He asked, opening up his eyes."Do you ever truly sleep?" I grumbled and he chuckled."I don't think you ever sleep too." Cara replied me."But I am better than he is.""I was really careful in waking up and I made sure my movements were very quiet." I said to Kayden and he got off bed, walking to me."My entire world was leaving my side,how wouldn't I have noticed that?" He asked me and I blushed slightly."C'mon, you really do have to flatter me so much?" I asked him and he kissed my forehead."I am.just telling the truth." he replied and I wriggled out of his grip."What do you want to eat?" I asked him with a smile, wrapping my hands around his neck."What I want to eat.... Perhaps you... Over again." he said with a smirk and slowly closed the gap between us to kiss me but I pushed h
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Chapter 139
Chapter 139Kayden's POVMy eyes widened slightly at the sudden news from Dad, it was a good news nevertheless."Where are you right now? I am going to be on my way." I said to him over the phone."Still at where you left your darling dad to go to be with your woman, I would be waiting for you so we can go over there together, the other guys have been sent over there anyways." dad replied."I would be with you very soon." I said to him and ended the call.I dropped the phone on the kitchen counter and turned to Mantha, as usual, she already had the curiosity written so clearly on her face."What did he say?" She asked me."The bus that took the others has been found." I replied her and her face beamed with non-stop smiles."That's great." she shrieked in excitement."Did you ask if the others were found in it?" She asked and I sighed softly.I really do think I am perfect but being with her makes me find out that even I forget to ask essential questions and pay attention to some tiny
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Chapter 140
Chapter 140Samantha's POVI finished taking my bath very quickly, I did not want to delay the both of us."I am so glad that he is allowing me to tag along." I said to Cara."It's not like he really wants you to stay home everyday, I would say you do not understand him enough yet." Cara replied me and I scoffed noiselessly."Really? You are always defending him anyways." I groaned and dressed up.I did not wear a gown like I usually did, I wore something more smart, it wasn't time for war, I knew that but then war was not some occurrence that one knew when exactly it was going to happen especially when one is dealing with unknown enemies.I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and smiled gently, bright enough.I looked away from the mirror and walked out of the room.Kayden was also walking towards my room at that moment, we almost collided into each other."Hey, how do I look in this?" I asked him with a wide smile on my face."You look really great even though you always look hot
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