Semua Bab Arranged Marriage to the Playboy Heir: Bab 21 - Bab 30
85 Bab
VERONICA’S POVI went ahead into the dressing room where I had the wedding dress taken off.I was grabbing my purse after I was done undressing when Lawrence swept past me so briskly one would think something bad had happened. Alarmed, I went after him.“Lawrence? Is something wrong?” I called as I took quick strides to meet up with him.Lawrence halted, looked behind his shoulders to see me approaching him with quick steps.“Is something wrong? I mean, you look like you are hurrying off to somewhere...” I repeated.He blinked, confused. “Did I? Urh, actually I’m off to have some cool time friends, yeah...” He said. He might have said friends but I was no fool. I could bet my arms he was off to see his lover.“I don’t know if I will be crossing a line but by any chance, you do have friends right?” he asked seriously.I shrugged. A month ago, I would have boosted with shoulders high up and said yes.His gaze held mine for a second but the next second his head fell back and hi
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WRITER’S POVHeartbroken, Veronica had taken a cab that drove her to one of the restaurants around.“, a bottle of beer please,” she beckoned to the server. She doubts wine would be enough to soothe the pain she was feeling within her that moment. She hadn’t been in this particular restaurant before, one of these simple looking kind of restaurants but right now that was the least thing in her mind. All she wanted was to drink herself to death.I have no friends, my boyfriend just broke up with me after cheating on me all these while and I am married to a man that currently was having his best time with his lover. She thought and broke into a hysteric laughter.“Wow! Hahahaaha! Isn’t life funny....” Her head fell back and she laughed. A painful laugh that coursed through her chest like a dagger. The thought of Vincent in the arms of that lady broke her heart all over again.To think that he had been cheating on her all these time while giving her flimsy excuses of always be
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VERONICA’S POV“Awshh...shit...” I groaned as my teeth grinded. I felt as though a heavy stone had been smashed on my head while I slept. I rolled to the edge of the bed and slowly tried to open my eyes.“Ouuch!!” I cried and quickly shut it back. The window curtains have been opened causing the rays of the sunlight to strike my eyes the moment I opened them.It was weekend, the servants wouldn’t be back until Sunday evening, it couldn’t have been any of them that drew the window blinds open. Then it would be no one else but Lawrence. A soft sigh escaped my lips, then I rolled back to the other edge of the bed, away from the sun rays and slowly I opened my eyes.I tried sitting up and barely managed to. My head wouldn’t stop trying to split open with headache.Fuck, why was my head in so much pain...I dragged myself out of bed and walked to the fridge. I opened it and took out a bottle of water and began to gulp. As I drank, a blurred glint of memory brushed through my head. It came
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VERONICA’S POV“Urh, yeah, while I checked for some nice places, I came across this place. What is it called...Rolls and Chills? I think ladies mostly like here and they had some really good reviews in their page.” He said as if he had read my mind.What? he chose here because he read some silly good reviews about them? This was a typical of when your good deeds come to bite your ass. Some of those comments was left by me and my friends when we started to come here and totally fell in love with the place.“Come on, we are here.” He said as he stepped down from the car.I couldn’t ask him to change to a different place. That would be suspicious and yet I feared bumping into my friends here.“Aren’t you coming down?” He pulled open the door.“Urh, erm, of course I am.” I stumbled on my words dragging my jittery legs out of the car.Lawrence and I proceeded into Rolls and Chills. He and the receptionist went over a few things while I stood aside and waited. When he was done, we started t
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WRITER’S POVChairman Williams and his wife was having restful time when his brothers came. Jack Williams had come first and without knowing Oliver had entered and then Noah.“Urrh? You are here Jack? Oliver too.” Noah Williams expressed his surprise when he entered and saw that his brothers were all there.“What a timing! Did you three plan this without me knowing?” Chairman Williams exclaimed. He was pleased to see his brothers visit him.“Is anyone there?” He beckoned to any servant available, “Get the best wine there! It is not every time such great timing occurs. The gathering of the Williams!”“Yes, we might as well have a get-together!” Oliver Williams added with a grin.Mrs Williams stood, “Well, you men have fun. I should go get some things done. And, you shouldn’t drink a lot. You must rest well against tomorrow. And all of you! Don’t drink too much.” She added, referring to her husband’s brothers.They took it in good faith and laughed. “You love our brother so much. I am g
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LAWRENCE’S POV“Send your driver to come pick me. I am coming over.”Coming over? That’s weird. For all the times I had pleaded with Bianca to come over to my house, she had always turned down the offer. All of a sudden she wants to come over?I was both happy and worried.Sudden? Yes, but it only means Bianca was warming up to me in a good way. She had mostly been reserved around me and asked that I give her time to warm up to me. I didn’t care how long but I was going to let her warm up to at her own pace.I wondered if she wasn’t mad at me again about the news making round about me and Veronica.I just shrugged and waved it off. If she loved me, she would hear my side of the story and seeing as she had offered to come see me, it means she trusts me. That was enough for me.I made to dial Jessie’s number but stopped on a second thought. The housekeepers weren’t meant to be back until later in the evening. I glanced at the wall clock and realized it was almost evening. And Jessie wou
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WRITER’S POVBianca hissed loudly, her face etched in total disgust as she dumped her bag on the bed.Her phone had been continuously beeping and vibrating in her bag all the while which she intentionally ignored.Sighing, she walked to the fridge, took out a can of beer and as she pulled the lid backward, the can made a fizzling sound and creaked open. She gulped half of it at a go and exhaled repeatedly.When she dropped the can on the table briefly, she scoffed as the flash of what happened at Lawrence’s house rose in her head. The mere thought of it irritated her.She clenched her teeth angrily and gripped the can beer gulping down the remaining bit of it at once. Then she squeezed the can tightly until all the air in it was gone and then dumped it angrily in the nearby trash.“That bitch...I should really teach her a lesson...” she snarled....AN HOUR AGO...After Lawrence had agreed that Bianca live in the same house with them, Veronica had gotten back home and on opening the do
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LAWRENCE’S POVNo matter how much I thought about it, I just couldn’t understand what happened; why Bianca had gotten that enraged and left my house.It was a minor thing and I feel it wasn’t intentional from Veronica. Why did she have to get so quickly annoyed and stormed out?I called her several times on phone but she didn’t pick only to send me a text message after several days.“I’m sorry how I left the other day. I was just a little on edge. I will call you soon. Bye! Kisses!”Frankly, I felt bad. However, I was understanding of her actions. I could have felt worse if the woman I loved is openly married to a different man. Whether contracted or not.I pulled open the drawer beside me and took out a series of documents. Documents I have to look through and stamp my signature. A knock sounded on my door as I began to sign the documents.“Enter,” I said knowing it would be my secretary, Ms Jones.“Sir, there is a document that just entered. Your signature is needed.” She said as sh
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WRITER’S POV“Is he gone?” Bianca asked Charley as he walked into the room.He walked straight to the bed where she sat and pulled her up.“Yes, he is gone. Or do you want him to stay back?” he murmured in a raspy way as he pulled her in towards himself, circled his right arm around her waist awhile he squeezed her butt hard with the other hand.She gasped, “You naughty boy! You startled me!” and yelped.His eyes spread into a smirk. He loved it when she called him naughty. His little man was already getting excited.Her lips curved up into a flirtatious smile.Charley’s eyes narrowed and he gulped knowing exactly what was coming next.She snaked her arm around his neck. “Tell me, aren’t you happy I’m here...”She didn’t let him answer as she smashed her lips against his own and kissed him.Charley let her kiss him for a few seconds and made to take charge but she quickly pulled away.“Is something wrong?” he inquired, flustered.“Shhhhhhhh” she placed a finger against his lips.“Let
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WRITER’S POVBefore Lawrence called Veronica, she had already seen the news of his alleged affairs.Knowing how his lover had treated her the last time, she was supposed to be indifferent about whatever the media did to them but she couldn’t help but wonder if Lawrence was alright. It will be a hassle if the identity of his lover gets revealed.After about an hour, her phone beeped and it happened to be a text from Lawrence.Talk about the devil, She thought as she read through the text.He had asked she met him at home. Veronica was surprised, wondering why he would want to meet at home.“Shouldn’t he be with his lover right now...” she thought out loud.Perhaps he just need me for damage control as usual. She scoffed, grabbed her purse and started out of her office.As she headed to take the elevator, she noticed the unusual stares from the workers. They whispered within themselves while looking at her but will pretend to shush when she looks at them.That’s all they do, gossip. Dam
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