All Chapters of Resist Me If You Can (Temptation Series Book 5): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
87 Chapters
Chapter Nine - Near Her!
“He's taking quite a long time to reach here!” said Eva impatiently. It had been forty minutes since she had called Ashton and yet the guy hadn’t put in an appearance. All her friends had left, except Hayley, of course. With Eva’s roommates away at a nightclub, she could relax with her friends in the tiny apartment. “He has joined work on Long Island. Today was his first day. Maybe the traffic is more,” said Hayley, although her patience was running out too. She couldn’t wait for long. Her parents would return from the club and immediately seek her out. She wanted to enjoy their get-together at Alyssa’s apartment after college. Skylar and Sienna dropped her off at Eva’s apartment and left without her, since she didn’t wish to go home without meeting Ashton. “Oh, no wonder his apartment was locked. I met the bi*ch who lives next door.” Hayley sat upright, all ears about the woman. Was it Madison? Ashton never took her to his house, and she had the inkling that it had something to do
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Chapter Ten - A Sleepless Night
A tremor went down Ashton’s body the moment her soft arms went around his torso. It was a strange feeling, and it left him perplexed. He had se* with random women since the age of eighteen, yet he never felt this way with anyone. What was this feeling? It was like a restless uproar within his body, an overwhelming need to feel more of her. He wanted to feel her pressed against his back. Could he try the time-tested trick he knew of? There wasn’t any other way available for him.He applied the brakes for a jolt and it had the desired effect. With a gasp, Hayley tightened her hold around him while her body eased closer to his, flush against his back. A smile of satisfaction lit up his face while Hayley blushed furiously. Feeling his hard, muscular body against her own made her heartbeats race. It was a new feeling altogether, and she loved it immensely. The way her body fitted against his made her feel as if she was meant to be with him. She could spend a lifetime this way, pressed clo
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Chapter Eleven - To Keep Her Imprisoned With Him!
The next day Ashton was too busy to check up on Hayley. Derek Miller kept him on his feet all day and he hardly found time to take a lunch break. By the time he returned to his cottage, he was totally drained. His eyes popped out to see Hayley sitting on his front porch, waiting for him. All his tiredness evaporated at the sight of her! His eyes roamed all over her and he couldn’t help but check her out before she noticed him. The semi-formal beige trousers paired with a royal blue chiffon top made her look so mature. Even in the light of the setting sun, she glowed like a million neon bulbs as she sat on the steps, checking her mobile phone. “Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting. Why didn’t you call me?” he asked, stopping in front of her. She looked up and slipped her phone into her pocket. “Hi! I didn’t want to disturb you at work.” She stood up with a shy smile on her face. “Where’s your puppy?” Ashton grimaced at her question, pulling out the keys to the cottage. “I thought you came
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Chapter Twelve - Subtle Hints
“As my wife?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Hayley’s jaws dropped with shock and she just gaped at him, unable to think of an answer. He couldn’t be serious! He was surely playing games with her mind!“As if you’re the marrying type! I know you don’t believe in love, in relationships. Please don’t joke about such things.” She concentrated on her food instead of the man in front of her, who just watched her in silence.“Okay, I’m sorry if I hurt your sentiments. You're right, I don’t care about such things!” Ashton noted the slight quiver to her lips as if she was trying hard to choke her tears, her pain. Did he hurt her so badly? Did she still dream of marrying him like she used to when younger? He had overheard her conversation with Alyssa when they were young. For years, it kept on echoing in his head till extra complications started taking shape in his life. They roughened him and made him lose all his dreamy notions of finding true love in this shitty life. No woman
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Chapter Thirteen - Hating Jason's Manipulative Ways
Hayley braced herself to face the stranger when the doorbell rang. She had never seen the guy before, although he was all her family discussed. Their housekeeper, Mrs. Morris, whom she lovingly called Elsa, welcomed him inside while Hayley disappeared into the kitchen to hide from him. He sounded like those arrogant, self-centered billionaires who looked down upon everyone below their status. “Hayley, your mom’s calling you. What are you doing here?” whispered Elsa, coming into the kitchen to find her fidgeting around.“Can you give me something to do, Elsa? I don’t want to interact with him.” “Escaping isn’t a solution, my dear. You have to face him. You’re a smart, educated, young woman. No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to.” Hayley sighed, knowing that she was right. She might as well face the man and show her disinterest in him. “You’re right, Elsa. I won’t hide.”“That’s the spirit. I’ll send Becky with you to serve the drinks.” Becky helped Elsa around the ho
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Chapter Fourteen - Just A Foot Massage?
Ashton smiled, relieved to finally get it out of his system. He didn’t get a moment of respite since he found out about her dinner plans with her damn fiancé. He wanted to go over to her place and check things out for himself. What if he stole her first kiss? He wanted to be the only one to kiss her.He paced the entire time, restless and furious at his own helplessness. Memories of the previous evening drove him crazy, and he missed her immensely. Being wrapped up in his thoughts, he forgot to even have his dinner. Finally, he built up the courage to message her.His phone buzzed with an incoming message from her, and Ashton sat up with excitement. What reply did she send to his earlier admission? Did she miss him, too? Missing me or my food?- Hayley Both- Ashton. Why can’t I believe you?-Hayley.You will believe me eventually. I never lie–Ashton. That was deep–HayleyI am quite deep. Come over tomorrow to know me better- Ashton.I might take you up on that- Hayley.I’ll be waiti
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Chapter Fifteen - A Fiery First Kiss
“Thanks! Stop please!” She smiled nervously, wiggling her foot out of his hold, unable to take the torture anymore. Although his touch on her bare feet felt heavenly, it invoked a reaction of a different kind altogether. She couldn’t control the urge to grab him and kiss him. With his hungry eyes probing into hers, she was sure that he could read the hunger in them. “Don’t you like my massage?” His raspy voice indicated that his condition did not differ from hers. He stroked her foot in a feather-soft touch, going to her ankle and up her calf a little, causing a tremor to go up her body. His hungry eyes watched her reaction, sending a strange thrill all over him. Her reaction to him invoked a greater urge within him to touch her more. “Umm, I do. I’m feeling better already,” she smiled nervously, unable to look away. His eyes trapped her in a staring contest while her body fought with her sane mind, ready to give in to the need to feel his lips on hers. “That’s impossible! I hardly
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Chapter Sixteen - Jason's Reality
Gingerly, Hayley sat down on the couch while Jason was on the one opposite her. “I hope you know I wish to marry you?” Hayley looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Yes, but why?” This was the opportunity she had been looking for to show her disinterest in him. It was a do-or-die situation for her and she would surely speak her mind.“I need a respectable virgin wife to give me an heir to my business empire. The women I have come across do not conform to my standards. I want someone far above, someone of aristocratic lineage such as yourself. I know your parents personally and I trust them when they boast about your high principles. But there is something I wish to warn you about.” His ancient principles infuriated her, but she took a deep breath and faced him courageously. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Lowells, but my thoughts on marriage differ from yours. If I ever marry, it will be for love.” “You have little say in this, Hayley. Your family has accepted me. You’re still very
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Chapter Seventeen - Why Was He Chasing Her?
“Now, isn’t that sneaky?” She whispered into Buzz’s ears, standing up to her full height. She could hear his chuckle as he opened the door for her. Clad in a pair of jeans and a black singlet, he looked hotter than last evening. Her body tingled at the sight of his exposed muscles and all she could think of was grabbing hold of him for another mind-blowing kiss! What was wrong with her? “So you find me hot, eh?” he drawled in the same husky tone. It made her blush to the roots of her hair as she went up the porch followed by Buzz, hot on her heels. “Just as you find me beautiful!” she winked as she walked inside, feigning confidence that she was far from feeling.“Right! Buzz, go to your dad, now. I’m busy with your aunt.” Hayley’s jaws dropped at seeing Buzz miraculously understand him and walk out of the front door obediently. “What just happened? He’s so obedient.” “Yes, he is. He belongs to my friend, Jagger, who works as the Marketing Manager here. He lives in the cottage nex
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Chapter Eighteen - Passion Ignites
They had just ordered the food when Ashton’s phone buzzed with an incoming call. He glanced at the screen and grimaced at seeing Madison's number flashing. Slipping it back into his jacket pocket, he looked up at Hayley. “Won’t you accept it?” She couldn’t help but think of what Jason had told her about his mafia connections. Maybe his boss was calling him!“No, it’s Madison. She too has shifted nearby and I’m avoiding her.” It was news to Hayley and gave her immense satisfaction to know that he was avoiding the woman. In her excitement to be with him, she had completely forgotten about her. “Why?” she asked, wanting to get an accurate picture of their relationship. “Aren’t you best friends? Or maybe friends with benefits?” “Heck, no! She isn’t any of those. She’s more a friend who takes advantage of my goodness!” he said with an eye roll. “Oh! How? Does she force you to sleep with her?” Ashton groaned and looked her straight in the eye. “What do you take me as?” “A man-whore ma
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