All Chapters of Mated to the wolf hunter : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
174 Chapters
Chapter seventy one
Collin's POVMy eyes have really got to be deceiving me, I still don't want to believe Ariel is a transfer student right here in my new school and she lives in fox city too. Ariel is one of the girls that had somewhat caught my interest in the city we lived in before now, the most intriguing thing about her that made us quite friendly to each other is the fact that she is also a werewolf. But more of a stray since her family are long dead. Her zeal to make something better of herself is worth emulating and I never cease to tell her about it at every chance I get. Since we had to leave hurriedly, like our usual way of leaving a place. I couldn't get to say a proper goodbye to her or keep her contact.One of Charlie's rule that none of us must disobey is forgetting and destroying everything that has to do with the city we are leaving behind. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to do the same for fox city. I have never felt so much at home anywhere like I do here. Coming back to school after
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Chapter seventy two
Alessia's POVI don't know what it is but I don't feel comfortable with any other girl around Collin. I know I can be quiet possessive, but I just can't help if sometimes. Making my way to the class, I was practically fuming. My body boiled, not just because I didn't know about an Ariel in Collins life before. But because she was clearly throwing a diss at me. "Why do you look like you would love to have a kill?" Ashley asked the moment I got to our seats."Have you met the new girl?" "Oh, Ariel. She does appear quite friendly. Turns out she is Tephanie's cousin." My heart almost plopped out of my chest when I saw the Ariel and Tephanie make their way into the class. The two of them look like beauty goddesses. Do they not have any ounce of empathy in their family, for them to possess such beauty with no remorse.Calm down leesha, calm down. I urged myself. Collin and Allen also made their entry and to my utmost shock Ariel winked flirtatiously at Collin, while Tephanie on the othe
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Chapter seventy three
Rodger's POVAfter dropping a text for Collin to please meet up with me as soon as he can. I felt my heart beat differently. I can't decipher it from excitement or anxiety. I have been up all day, for a while I wanted to call the dinner off. But I know within myself that I would never be happy with the fact that I stood her up. Sighing, I sat on the bed trying to steady myself. I have never in my life been so fascinated with someone like I am with ingrid. She sets my soul on fire. How we met was the greatest coincidence of my life.I had just gotten off work after a long day of coding, going through my Instagram page I stumbled on hers. A fine looking lady with an amazing figure, something pulled me to her and it was my wolf calling out for her. My mate!It never occured to me that I would meet my mate on a social media platform. Ingrid isn't just a pretty lady with a large number of followers on Instagram. She is quite a star in the modelling industry. It bothered me that she migh
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Chapter seventy four
Collin's POVOne thing I have learnt in the years that I have been able to live is to not probe anyone for whatever they are hiding. If they are keeping it to themself, then they obviously don't want to tell it to anyone yet or they aren't just comfortable letting anyone in their thoughts.It was one of the reasons why I had left Rodger and not poke him about the new lady he had just met and had become so engrossed with for about four months now. I feel elated knowing Rodger has finally found someone who makes him happy.Out of all of us he has always been the most reserved and secretive. Something that bothers Charlie and Ester whenever they think of it. Him finding solace in talking to me makes me feel really special.The more reason I let him have his moments and give him enough space to finally share whatever he is hiding. I can tell from his hesitation as he spoke about the lady that there is more to it. At the same time, its not in my place to harass him to tell me.His nervousn
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Chapter seventy five
Ingrid's POVMy eyes couldn't stop roaming Rodger's face, almost like the pictures and video calls didn't do justice to how good looking be is. And not just that, he is a gentleman too. This must have been the reason I fell in love with him within two months of us talking. He makes me feel so special and wanted. This is all I have ever asked for, at the same time it might be a future disaster. All due to our background, but I am ready to take every chance with him.Rodger smiled, holding my hands. "What are you thinking about?" I sighed, rubbing my thumb on his hand. "Do you think we are doing the right thing hiding this from our family?" I whisperedHe shook his head, "no, we aren't doing the right thing. But I believe it's not in our place to resolve the misunderstanding and conflict that has been happening for years. I believe the both of them would." "Isn't this a coincidence." I nod my head towards Alessia and Collin knowing he was referring to them. "Who would have thought?"
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Chapter seventy six
Collin's POVI have never had to experience Rodger glow so much in a day before. He looked happier and relaxed, all through the ride back home he kept whistling a happy tune. I feel so glad being able to experience this moments with him.Tonight was so much fun, not only did my brother get to finally meet his mate. I also got to spend enough time with my girlfriend. It's been a long time we had a chance to spend time alone. Before we entered the house,Rodger motioned for us to sit out for a while. I could sense he wanted to get something off his chest. "Tonight's sky looks mesmerizing." He praised looking towards sky. I sighed, imitating his position. We both stayed silent just watching the stars."I feel so happy Collin." He said, "I had always thought I might never get a chance at actual happiness. Knowing we would be forced to still keep moving. I have been so keen on finding the one for me, but I have been so scared and worried of what the future might hold. But I don't want to
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Chapter seventy seven
Alessia's POVThere is an odd resolution that I have come to in this so-called Winters household. The members of this family of mine are immune to happiness. Especially my grandpa, I do love him but he can really be too much sometimes.And one of the days he does too much is this particular day and that is because my least favorite uncle; Joxer. Had run his mouth to the whole family about aunt Ingrid's new love affair. I should really whoop that man's ass someday soon. Poor aunt Ingrid that had returned home with a high spirit last night was about to be roasted with their so called family meeting. All the time that I have known her, I have never seen her so happy before.I bet she slept with a full blown smile on her lips. Just like I did to, last night was one of those night that wish will never end. Not me waking up this morning to find everyone sipping coffee like they are in a world class boardroom. Don't they take a long nap in this damn house? The moment I got down, Allen had
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Chapter seventy eight
Alessia's POVThe weekend had been filled with unwarranted drama, but it felt nice since the spotlight did shift away from me and talks about Patrick. But I felt sorry for aunt Ingrid, she had to be faced with their malicious threats of all the things that could go wrong the moment she leaves. But she left anyways, got herself lodged in a hotel. And only decided to affirm she isn't dead yet by responding to the numerous texts and calls Allen and I bombarded her phone with, this morning. Talking about how much she had some good sleep after what seem like ages. She really has an unhealthy reaction to things. If I had been the one sent out of the house and told never to come back. I would have sat by the gate seeking for mercy.But that is definitely the perks of having a job and your own money. Lesson learnt I should really get a skill incase I get thrown out of the house too. I wonder where Ashley and Collin are. It's lunch time and I have been waiting for them to join me. But they a
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Chapter seventy nine
Collin's POVHearing the threat in Ariel's words, I know she wouldn't let this slide so easily. The main reason I had stayed away from her even when we attended the same school and were a bit close. Is due to how entitled and petty she is. It's beyond a pretty face for Ariel. If she wants anything, she wouldn't mind rolling up in the mud and splashing it over everyone just to get what she wants. I had avoided her enough due to her sour side. At the same time, she is a sweet person to be friends with. If one over looks the negative side to her. During the weekend, we had gotten an unexpected visitor and it turns out to be Ariel. How she got my address, I have no idea. At the same time I wasn't too surprised when I saw her and Seth giggling and chuckling. Seth knows nothing about courtesy and seeing someone's permission before giving them out to a probable assassin or what not. We decided to go out as suggested by Wayne, since Rodger would be leaving us soon. Ariel being around join
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Chapter eighty
Collin's POVAriel had walked out on me right there, she did make an exit. I rubbed at my forehead, feeling a dull ache coming through. One thing I try as much as I can to avoid in my life, after seeing how much Wayne had to run from it all his life before finally settling with Annette; is girls trouble. I ran back to the school, to give myself off on the altar to Alessia before Ariel roasts me . Everyone who knew Ariel and I back then in the city we lived, all believed we might end up together. Mostly because, Ariel is super clingy and would stick to my side all the time. Ester was the first to notice she would be trouble and had clearly warned me to not go beyond the friendship level with her. When Ariel had come to the house during the weekend, ester clearly didn't feel comfortable. And now it's my turn to feel uncomfortable around Ariel. When I returned to the cafeteria, lunch was obviously almost over. I wonder how many minutes I was gone for. "Where did you go man?" Allen as
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