All Chapters of Married to pay the debt: Chapter 141 - Chapter 145
145 Chapters
Chapter 141
Lucy's pov;I tried waking Tyler but he didn't listen and covered the sheets over his head saying "it's a weekend, babe.""Tyler, wake up! Tyler, Let's go out." He lowered the sheets a little and asked, "Where?" I jumped on him and said, "It's a surprise!" Tyler pushed me off him, laughing, and said, "Alright, alright, I'm up. Give me a minute to get ready." As Tyler got dressed, I went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. I couldn't wait to take him out to his grandfather's house. I hope he won't get mad at me. Tyler came downstairs, fully dressed, and walked towards the kitchen. I had prepared him a plate of bacon and eggs, which he devoured in minutes. "So where are we going?" he asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin."It's a surprise," I repeated, grinning.Tyler rolled his eyes but smiled back at me. We got into the car and I drove him to the outskirts of town. It was a long drive, but Tyler seemed excited. Finally, we arrived at the biggest mansion in that town. It was
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Chapter 142
Lucy's pov;It's been a week since I've been feeling unwell. I get tired easily and I don't know why. Did I eat something expired? I ran to the bathroom when I felt nauseous. Tyler held my head saying, "Lucy, let's go to hospital." I said after wiping my mouth, "I'm okay. It's just something I ate. I took a tablet so I'll be fine." I changed my clothes and laid on the bed. Tyler checked my temperature and said, "Temperature is normal." "See, I'm fine Tyler. Don't worry about me." He laid beside me and said, "If you vomited once again. We're going to the hospital. Period." "Okay."I knew Tyler was right, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. The nausea would come in waves, and my body felt weak and heavy. As I closed my eyes, I felt Tyler's hand on my forehead, smoothing my hair away from my face."Lucy, are you sure you're okay?" he asked softly."I'm fine. Now go to sleep. Didn't you say you have an important meeting tomorrow?"That night, I slept restles
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Chapter 143
Lucy's pov;As i was talking with Daniel, Tyler rushed into the house and came straight to me asking, "What happened? Why did you ask me come immediately?" I hugged him and cried in his embrace. He asked while patting on my back, "Lucy, what happened? Why are you crying?" Since i didn't respond to him, he turned to daniel and asked him, "What did the doctor say?" Daniel answered him, "I didn't take her to the hospital." "What were you doing then? Why is she crying? Did you had a fight with her?" Daniel said to me, "Answer him before he threw a punch at me." I pulled away from the hug and looked at him in his eyes. "I'm pregnant," I said, tears still streaming down my face. Tyler's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly pulled me back into his embrace and kissed the top of my head. "That's amazing news, babe," he whispered. "Why were you crying then?" I pulled away from him to wipe my tears and said, "I'm scared, Tyler. I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom. I don't know if I'll b
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Chapter 144
When i woke up, i was on Tyler's lap and i could see we're heading to somewhere in a car. I called out Tyler's name and when he see me, he said, "Don't worry. We're on the way to the hospital. We'll be there, soon." And kissed my forehead. When i looked at my stomach, it was wrapped with many layers of fabric but the blood was still gushing out. With the amount of blood loss, i don't think I'll be able to get better. I held his hands and said, "I have something to tell you, Tyler." "Lucy, please don't stress yourself -" i cut him off saying, "The reason i was scared to confess was that because I'm scared of left behind." "Lucy..." "Please don't stop me, Tyler." I paused and continued, "The people who played the important part in my life left me behind. My mother, my father, my only best friend. Everyone left me behind." Tears began to roll down my cheeks. "But you, Tyler, you made me feel different. You made me feel like I was important and that I mattered. I'm scared that if i t
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Chapter 145
Lucy's pov;The next few days passed by in a blur as we made arrangements for our second wedding. As the day of the wedding approached, I felt myself growing more and more excited. Tyler and I had decided to have a small ceremony with just a few close friends and family members. The ceremony was held in a small garden behind our home, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush greenery. I wore the same white gown i wore before. As i walked out of the house, i saw a huge crowd in the garden. Didn't i asked him to keep it simple? Why did he invited many people? Jake took my hand saying, "I'll accompany you on the aisle." I was surprised to see him here so I asked, "When did you come from New Hampshire?" "Last night." I looked away from him and asked, "How did you know?" ""Tyler invited me. Hey, don't feel bad. I'm happy to be here at my sister's wedding." Tyler stood at the altar, looking handsome in his suit, as I walked towards him, my heart racing. "Lucy." I knew this voice. I turn
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