All Chapters of The Wolf Among Us: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Episode 81
Then she paused from what she's doing and and looks at Naza.Jist to see how her holding an iron rod, though she couldn't get the mission clearly."Upsss"she said in pressure and pretended like she wasn't taken any suspected action."Kid you should go to sleep, you are supposed to be asleep by now what are you doing here"She asked as she steps closer to where she can see her clearly.But sleeping wasn't really Naza's problem, as she seriously keeps on handing over the iron rod to Juan. "How? don't expect me to be asleep why you are in trouble, I believe you are struggling to escape right?"Naza said to Juan as she steps closer to where Juan's hand can easily get the iron. And Naza really meant it, giving her the iron to use it and break the cage.While Juan keeps acting like she's okay but she's not deep down in her.She knew that involving this kid in this case might cause her lot and it might as well make her mother to hate her. "Trust me kid there is nothing happening I'm just
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Episode 82
"You are not yet asleep? what are you doing here""And...."He said as he looks outside following the way his wife was so frightened."Are you okay?"Kamso asked her."Yeah, I'm fine I'm just trying to emm..."She said as she was trying to distract Kamso in order for him not to look outside."Just trying to make sure that everyone is asleep, I'm trying..."She was trying to lie but she was chocked, she doesn't know what else to say."Nothing just forget about it, am okay"She said as smiles and closed the door gently, the way she wouldn't be suspected and then head straight to the inner room hoping that Kamso will come after her.As she already knew what must have woken him up, the kids are already asleep so he wants to enjoy the love of pleasure.So why she left to the inner room, Kamso stares at her way in for a while and still looks out outside from the window.But the day is dark so he wouldn't be able to capture what happened that easily.Most important the cage was not in a plac
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Episode 83
He was timing the beast carefully as can see that the beast is running around him.The Forest were all making noise around him, which is very sure that it is the creature that must have been running around him trying to get him.But was the beast even aware that Joel has become so deadly than ever.So all Joel did was to take out one of his arrows.And aim directly at one particular area as the beast keep running around him and he gave it just one shot.The arrow moved into the bush and returned again.He catches it at the middle air as he looks at the arrow and he can see that there are blood all over the arrow.That's just to show how amazingly the arrow get his job done by killing the beast within just a seconds.Joel smiled and put the arrow back to where it belongs."Grrr!"A loud noise made at his back as he quickly turns back just to see that a beast is already landing on him.The beast reacted too fast that Joel couldn't act fast to dodge the attack because at first he wasn't
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Episode 84
Just in Josephine was shown as she falls on the ground looking so exhausted.Her body was burnt like she was dipped in a hell fire.Though that's just to show that she's done casting the spell but after that she was weak and she was really damaged.And That drew everybody's attention to her as Tina rushed her and picked her head up panicking."No no no!" come on you can't do this to us.Tina said with tears, she can't afford to lose Josephine she loves her so so much.Everyone was just looking at her, they don't even have anything to do, of course everyone can see that she's gone.Every eyes can see how her body was damaged and obviously she's no longer breathing.All her girls was already shedding tears while Aaron was looking at the ground looking so frustrated because it is already his fault.She was supposed to be helped when she needed to be helped but he keept persuading them to leave her.Though the power of the chaos books was still roaming about at the sky.The power hasn't w
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Episode 85
"Oma! Oma!"Kamso started screaming her name running inside to see her."Hey what's wrong?"Oma said pretending like she knew nothing about his scream but although she was forcefully dragged out of the house by him."What have you done!"Kamso yells at her but she still pretended like she knew nothing about what he is saying."I don't get it, what's going on!?"She asked as she was still trying to hide her face from seeing the cage unless he pointed it for her."You made her escape! where did you send her to! where is she?"He said pointing at the cage as his wife turns and looks at the cage too but acted so shocked that anyone could easily believe that she doesn't know anything about it.But not her husband who already knew her character and knew what she is capable of doing."Oh gosh! that mother fucker escaped!"She said out of shock as she tries to go close to the cage just pretending to be wondering.But was heavily dragged back by Kamso."Oma!"He screamed her name and she looks
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Episode 86
"How the hell did they get to this place, how come, does it mean that they have been chasing me since yesterday night or what?"Juan said as she stood up from the ground and started walking after the noise from the bush slowly."Actually that shouldn't be them, that's not possible they can't be able to locate me that have been walking throughout the night"She said as she keeps moving forward to know what it is but suddenly holds on.It is obvious that she's acting stupid for trying to go after them.When she doesn't even know if it is them or not but she's going after them.Even though that becomes them, how would she be able to escape."Juan what's wrong with you, what are you doing you should be hiding"She murmured to herself as she started to run backwards and she was obviously confused because she doesn't even know where to hide.Besides why would she be confused, although she can just hide inside the forest.But the fire dear will make them to seriously look for her because the
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Episode 87
"Ouch, I'm so so sorry"Dizzy said as he run after Bailey and helped her get back to her feet.And used his shirt to wipe off the dirt in her face and she looks into his eyes and smiles."Thank you"She said smiling happily until Josephine interrupted."Leave us please!"Josephine said and Dizzy left immediately while Bailey stares at him till he is off sight again.Dizzy and Sarz left their presence again because what made them to return was that they thought they must have finished with their teachings.Not knowing that they have not even done half of the work so they simply left."Wow! wow ho..."Rachel was seen as she was shouting happily flying at the sky.She was so happy that she was able to do this so as the others too.So all of those who managed to keep up flying were all screaming happily at the sky.Josephine and Bailey and the others who fell down were just watching them."No! No! No!"Rachel started screaming as she was about to fall down but she managed to hold herself
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Episode 88
Juan was busy eating some of the meat she roasted.And she was really enjoying it as she was so hungry.Just in a hand grabbed her on her neck.she wanted to scream but the hand covered her mouth more like it smacked her neck.She was seen laying lifeless at the ground as the hand picked her up and carried her away.•••"So now what's the plan ahead, tell me, are you still interested about the offer the King made to you"Tony asked as he steps to the fridge and brought some cold wine which he takes some sips why waiting for Minsk to answer."I need some drinks too, get me a cup of drink"Minsk ordered and without hesitating Tony brought a cup of wine for him and then sits beside him."Thank you"Minsk said as he collected the drink and takes a little sip and then faced him."Why did you ask that question? like what were you expecting? I won't go?" Minsk asked Tony.And silently Tony takes a sip from his drink and then looks up to Minsk."Because I don't understand why you seems not
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89 episode 89
"Oh gosh, it is another new day I bet you can't imagine how happy I am these days since the disappearance of Juan""I I've come to find out that it was her presence that have been giving me sleepless night"Oma was seen talking to herself although that was inside her mind and she was looking out of the window."I wish her a good luck getting back safely to her home, but how I wish she can survive""What ever happens to her I know she would forgive me because it wasn't my fault fighting to protect my family" She kept thinking when her daughter Naza ran in.There was this kind of look she was giving her that made me to suspect that something must be very wrong."My little cute girl? my baby are you okay?" she asked and she bends down and started flushing her hair softly."Yes, I am, only if you would follow me and see what I saw outside" Naza said.Oma stares at her wondering what bothers her that made her to say such.And whenever she appears so serious like this something must have b
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Episode 90
"As we all know we are setting on a rescue journey" "And we are sticking together as a team, and together we must conquer and bring her back""I wouldn't tell her strong and how to off this maybe and I wouldn't as well so that would be too easy or easy!""Only our fate determines, we have just today 2 attack at the midnight of tomorrow's night"Aaron what's in addressing his pack and as well the Army of Souls.And the presence of everyone who is to site along them during the war are all there.They were receiving the advice of the overall leader which is Aaron."So what I'm trying to say? everyone get ready we have just today to prepare for war""You know what you need arrange it now, get your selves ready"Aaron finalized his order as he looks at Josephine and they nods.Then let the craziness with no smiles stepping inside.And once he was stepping aside Emma and Audrey joined him."Bro, how do you feel about this war we are to embark on do you think is going to be easy?"Sarz aske
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